
386 Decks, 1,791 Comments, 671 Reputation

Sure I do... ;)

Posted 20 August 2014 at 10:29 in reply to #496409 on Dragons' Coast


Mutavault(all creature types ;) )... ...Purphoros instead of Paragon... ...use Magma Sprey in the sideboard(3 copies) & use some Madcap Skills in the main deck... ...more Krenko's Enforcer in the sideboard... ...perhaps HAmmerhand should also be a sideboard(not sure if 2 or 3)... ...in the sideboard you could also use Skullcrack &/or Searing Blood.......

Posted 19 August 2014 at 09:37 as a comment on Mono Red Goblin!(Agro)


WOW... ...65 cards, too many non-permanent spells... ...not too many blue mana symbols among the permanents...

You need to get many stuff outta' this one... ...get some Nightveil Specters, Tidebinder Mages, Frostborn Wierds, Cloudfin Raptors, Judge's Familiars... ...the Syren is actually not a bad idea though... ...Military intelligence along with Bident are pretty strong for the Skulker as well... ...you need more Thassa... ...Drop Jace & most of your Instant/Sorcery stuff, also most of your creatures that you won't need... ...Use Rapid Hybranization(you can kill off a creature out of 1 mana & trade it for the opponent having a 3/3, it's very good against Mono-Green, Gruul, etc & you can also target your own Thassa, or a creature of yours that's gonna' die anyway & so you get a 3/3 out of 1 mana)... ...Use counters & such in the sideboards only, though if you prefer, you can use 2 Dissolves in the main.......

Here is an example for Mono-Blue: http://www.mtgvault.com/poetmasterx/decks/devotion-to-squids/

Posted 19 August 2014 at 09:24 as a comment on Chasm Skulking


Sure thing, bruh... ;)

Posted 19 August 2014 at 09:12 in reply to #495871 on Apex Champion of the Fallen


The Coinsmith is also a potential finisher... ...& against many deck-types, Raw is just not so good, so I won't be playing it in the main deck... ...as for the sideboards, I need all of it, so that's not an option either.......

Thanks for your suggestion though!

Posted 18 August 2014 at 17:44 in reply to #495840 on Apex Champion of the Fallen


Many does that, but I never make post rotation decks before rotation... ...I can always get the cards I want quickly, because I have a huge collection & always trading with Legacy/Modern players...

Posted 15 August 2014 at 13:49 in reply to #494855 on Devouring Flare of the Sun


Sure it is... ...all my decks are going out partially, but I have this for about 3 months now... ...& before M15, it was a bit different.......

Posted 15 August 2014 at 08:48 in reply to #494855 on Devouring Flare of the Sun


When Theros just came out, Oros midrange was a popular deck type... ...they used Boros Reckoner, Whip of Erebos, Bloood Baron, Obzedat, Desecration Demon & Stormbreath Dragon... ...I on the other hand didn't use Reckoner, nor Whip... ...rather more discard & removal effects + more Read the Bones(the lifegain in the deck compensated me for Thoughtseize & Read the Bones & I also used Archangel of Thune.......

...but with Ravnica going out, I understand it's harder to make this type of deck competative if you're trying to make it rotation-friendly...

Posted 15 August 2014 at 08:45 in reply to #494095 on Fire and death



The issue is the rhythm of the deck, so sometimes Selesnya, Mono-G., Gruul Monsters & Gruul Devotion can beat it... ...but it beats all other types of decks you usually see... ...this isn't my tournament deck though & I haven't brought the cards 1 by 1(actually none).......

Here is the one I'm usually using: http://www.mtgvault.com/poetmasterx/decks/devouring-flare-of-the-sun/

Posted 14 August 2014 at 23:40 in reply to #494713 on Apex Champion of the Fallen


Everyone!.. ...check out this one: http://www.mtgvault.com/poetmasterx/decks/dragons-coast/

Posted 14 August 2014 at 11:24 as a comment on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


I see... ...still no good... ...don't use Sign in Blood over Read the Bones!.. ...I'm not sure if Pack Rat is the right choise here... ...Chandra is just no good, may be one of her is nice, but no more... ...you need more Elspeth mainboard... ...how about some Banishing Lights?......

Posted 14 August 2014 at 10:11 in reply to #494095 on Fire and death


Thanks for your suggestions!

Just so you know, the combo here is Ephara's Enlightenment with Brood Keeper... ...as you enchant it on her, you can return it to your hand, because of the dragon tokens... ...I should have explained it in description....... :)

Crucible is very nice... ...sometimes I don't need it, but even when I'm left with 1-2 tokens & nothing else, or perhaps one Mutavault & a token, it gives me the victory... ...Warhound is just no good for me... ...if I equip it on the Hunter, it'll probably die soon.......

Posted 14 August 2014 at 10:05 in reply to #494600 on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


Hornet Queen is good against most decks, but against control, it just doesn't work too well... ...even in Mono-G, I only use 2 in the sideboard & I also use Chord of Calling only in the sideboard(2 copies of that as well)... ...I rather like Genesis Hydra & Garruk in the main until rotation... ...after that, I donno how strong control decks will be, because Verdict goes out & if no wipe is/are coming in the next set, then hords will rule the game... ...I'm originally control orientated & I run an Azorius control deck at most tournaments, though I also play Junk midrange/walkers, Mono-G, Orzhov aggro & Junk Constellation.......

Posted 13 August 2014 at 21:59 in reply to #494297 on World for Breakfast


You know... ...it's not Gruul monsters, but Gruul Devotion(Green Devotion)... ...it has always been more succesful than monsters... ...but now, Mono-Green is better.......

Posted 13 August 2014 at 18:22 in reply to #494297 on World for Breakfast


Nah... ...I know him... ...he's just laughing on my reaction...

Posted 13 August 2014 at 16:47 in reply to #494283 on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


Nice... ...now farting in the comments... ...or whatnot....... :)

Posted 13 August 2014 at 15:14 in reply to #494283 on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


Anyway... ...2 Life's Legacy mainboard is enough... ...you should also drop "XenaGod" & use 2 more Domri, 1 more Raveler.......

Posted 13 August 2014 at 15:09 in reply to #494091 on Best Gruul Standard NA


I hope lands that can become creatures are coming out, because then I could make 27 land decks with Agressive Mining...

Posted 13 August 2014 at 15:06 in reply to #494092 on Squidditch


"The Dragons are Coming"... ...will it be Game of Thrones block?? :))

Are there any spoilers yet of Shandalar?

Posted 13 August 2014 at 15:04 in reply to #494283 on Ephara, Mother of Dragons


The Phoenix won't be coming back too often like this... ...I'd rather drop all the Phoenix, 2 Chandra & all Anger for 2 more Elspeth, 3 Dreadbore & 3 Mizzium Mortars... ...that's a start.......

Here is my version though(pre-M15): http://www.mtgvault.com/poetmasterx/decks/champion-of-the-desecrated/

...& here's a deck I'd love to have some feedback on, since it's still incomplete: http://www.mtgvault.com/poetmasterx/decks/ephara-mother-of-dragons/

Posted 12 August 2014 at 23:09 as a comment on Fire and death


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