
296 Decks, 4,543 Comments, 1,812 Reputation

I agree with everything Jens said, but I'd say drop to two Bloodghasts instead of three. The deck has a lower kill demand than one that runs, say, Smokestack...So two will do just fine. Not sure if that means you should run three Tidehollows, though I do love that card. It always seems to force your opponent to make bad decisions.

I like this man, it really has been a while since I've seen an elegantly simple disrupt-extraction.

Posted 28 March 2014 at 02:28 in reply to #450814 on Legacy Extraction


Perfect deck description hahaha

I always debate between Avatar of Woe and Tombstalker when using a list that can run either one (and really, any deck that can run one can run the other). Any reason you went with the demon?

I also have to tip my hat to what might be the only time I've ever seen Urami as a non-joke win-con.

Posted 28 March 2014 at 02:16 as a comment on Well then...


I can only see Liev Schreiber as the one to play Garruk

Posted 27 March 2014 at 06:10 in reply to #450346 on How to: Build MtG deck


A guy who not only makes countless budget decks but also helps new players to learn how to build their own decks?

You sir, are a hero of Magic.

Posted 25 March 2014 at 22:58 as a comment on How to: Build MtG deck


This might be one of the only KokoPuff decks I've seen that doesn't use Dragonstorm...So for that I tip my hat. You could also try out the card Rite of Consumption, it cuts your work in half =]

Posted 24 March 2014 at 22:03 as a comment on Star Arise



Another person here who loves legacy and EDH! We're like unicorns...Join us.

Posted 21 March 2014 at 04:39 in reply to #448848 on The power of NOPE compels you!


You'll have to finagle those aspects for sure. Ponder would be the next best thing to use after your playset of Brainstorm.

It's probably one of those things where I've just had bad luck with it, I dunno. Personally, I'd use Dismember. I like the promise of more consistency in place of the *potential* to hit high. I will admit though, I'm bias in both ways towards and against the choices...

Posted 19 March 2014 at 07:55 in reply to #448105 on Why didn't I do this before?


I don't quite know why you haven't done this yet either haha. The addition of Young P. helps fill in so many gaps/flaws in previous StifleNought frames...I love it, and expect to see it remain a staple for the deck for a long time.

Never been a fan of Ghastly Demise. It's rarely worked for me when I needed it to.

Posted 18 March 2014 at 04:50 as a comment on Why didn't I do this before?


Welcome back Muchacho. I think my favorite thing about this NOT the deck, but the sideboard. It's just purdy.

Posted 16 March 2014 at 05:57 as a comment on I'm back... Again.


I think the thing I really love above everything else about this deck is the mana curve. It's just gorgeous. Well done man.

Posted 14 March 2014 at 04:17 as a comment on Ephara EDH



I forgot about Shadow of Doubt...

Posted 10 March 2014 at 02:50 in reply to #445763 on Squawk squawk squawk


I like it, and would enjoy seeing what it could do to hold back one of my lists =P

I think another thing to look into are the various cards that limit library searching. Aven Mindthingy (can't think of the name right now, bad headache) and that stupid cat that does the same thing.

Posted 07 March 2014 at 01:47 as a comment on Squawk squawk squawk


This is interesting. It's a very stripped down interpretation of an Extraction deck, in fact it's rather stripped down in many styles. I like this though, it makes it very streamlined. The thing I'm not so sure about is the Vial. I don't quite get the point of it in here.

Posted 03 March 2014 at 19:48 as a comment on Adrenochrome


I dunno. I can tell you that he's very similar to Bob, but it's the differences that are so interesting to me. Some decks will do WAY better with Bob, and some, like this, do better with Scriv. I actually have Bob in the SB because sometimes just by the deck I'm playing against the need changes.

So I don't think it's so much a dark horse as it is just a solid card.

Posted 02 March 2014 at 22:55 in reply to #443199 on A painful truth


Really well actually. I've been using it ever since. Even in my latest design ( ) I put Blood Scriv in and it does the job.

Posted 02 March 2014 at 16:28 in reply to #443199 on A painful truth


I think it might be for those who fear it. I personally don't fear it. I can't control it, much like I can't control the sun rising and I don't fear that. Sure, dying sucks, but if you accept it for what it is and nothing more, it stops being such a painful idea =]

Some deep shit man =P

Posted 01 March 2014 at 19:31 in reply to #443199 on A painful truth


I made a Shaharazad deck using it and Panoptic Mirror...

It makes people remarkably angry.

Posted 28 February 2014 at 21:12 in reply to #442994 on To the windows!


Everyone has the same exact face when they see Souls of the Faultless hit the field.

Posted 28 February 2014 at 06:26 in reply to #442893 on To the windows!


I haven't the slightest idea why it was banned either. It's really just an ever-so-slightly 'better' version of Fauna Shaman, which is never going to be banned...Seems odd to me.

And while I am and always will be a strong advocate against Skull Clamp's ban, I can see more reasons for its banishment versus SoTF =/

Posted 28 February 2014 at 06:13 in reply to #442893 on To the windows!


I think if there's anything more fun than abusing the crap out of Skull Clamp, it's Survival of the Fittest.

Posted 28 February 2014 at 05:08 as a comment on To the windows!


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