
296 Decks, 4,543 Comments, 1,812 Reputation

Ironically enough I think the best way to use Humans ties them to zombies...

And yeah, it kinda stinks, but I gotta do it. Also, 90% of the decks on my profile are still intact/played, so it won't be a drastic cutback.

Posted 28 February 2014 at 04:31 in reply to #442615 on Oh, you play Zombies?


It's always worth trying things out so yeah, go for it!

I use Skirsdag in another deck and love it

Posted 27 February 2014 at 23:55 in reply to #442786 on Black Sacrifice


The sad fact is that switching this over to Modern hamstrings its speed in a pretty dramatic way. I hate to give you bad news, but I haven't the slightest idea what you could use to replace those cards =/

As for the Demon, I actually haven't tried him out, and now I wonder how much fun he'd be to run in the list.

The word Chiaroscuro is actually rooted in latin, but I'm sure the same word could exist in italian. I'm just fond of Latin, I'm actually mostly of Irish descent with a bit of German as well =]

Posted 27 February 2014 at 23:09 in reply to #442786 on Black Sacrifice


Hahaha I love "hate" decks. I built a RDW/goblin hate deck a long time ago...think it's still posted up in my profile. One of these days I need to delete a bunch of the decks in here to reflect what I actually still have/play with.

Posted 27 February 2014 at 06:20 as a comment on Oh, you play Zombies?


"I put him in because I could"

...And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the best reason of all.

Posted 26 February 2014 at 09:38 in reply to #442292 on Experiment Tempo


I like it, except for Experiment One. I can't figure out why it's in here, much less at 4. It seems like 90% of the time it will be unevolved and just a 1/1

Posted 26 February 2014 at 01:57 as a comment on Experiment Tempo


One of my very favorite cards to use with Abby is Rite of Consumption, so that's my suggestion for sure. And yeah, ya gotta ditch the 4 Strip Mines =/

Posted 26 February 2014 at 01:42 as a comment on There's a plague coming



Dude...I realize you're eager to add advice, but like...Calm your tits =P

Posted 25 February 2014 at 08:29 in reply to #441478 on Sweet child of mine.


It looks great to be honest. It has all the main things you'd really want for a Nekusar deck...As in, cards like Windfall, etc. After that, the devil is in the details, and that's the flash of your own style shown in those. Nice job =]

Posted 25 February 2014 at 08:21 as a comment on Nekusar EDH


Harold Ramis ='{

Posted 25 February 2014 at 03:56 in reply to #441620 on Sweet child of mine.


I've played against a "XenaGruul" deck much like this recently, and I can say first hand that these things hit like a runaway ice cream truck.

Posted 25 February 2014 at 01:01 as a comment on Gruul, the Revelers [BNG]


Oh, I had missed that loop. Yeah that makes sense for having him as a general.

Posted 24 February 2014 at 03:14 in reply to #441621 on Win conditions, the deck


I showed this decklist to Arty (hiding your name) and he said, "This is the deck of a psychopath". Then I told him it was you who made it and he said, "Oh, all's right with the world then." XD

I really like this deck. It looks like a lot of fun (albeit a lot of work) to pilot. I'll admit I was confused at first glance because I always look at the general first, so I was partially expecting some kind of Scarecrow shenanigans like Arty's Reaper King EDH. I have to ask though, any reason you chose the King as your WUBRG general over the other options?

Posted 23 February 2014 at 23:29 as a comment on Win conditions, the deck


I'm not a douchecanoe ='{

Posted 23 February 2014 at 05:58 in reply to #441148 on Eu Tu, Brute?


That's a rather horrifying Deck Description...

Posted 23 February 2014 at 05:55 as a comment on Sweet child of mine.


Wow, this is VERY budget. For how low you managed to make the price, this looks pretty good. I fear that anything I might normally want to suggest would add too much to the price...So for now I'll just give you a smiley face =]

Posted 21 February 2014 at 06:45 as a comment on Eu Tu, Brute?


Jens, my first few EDH decks were WAAAAAAAAAAAY worse than the ones you've made so far, so you're ahead of par right now. Just keep making them and you'll quickly get better. Mostly, find a general that looks fun to build around and just go with it.

Posted 21 February 2014 at 00:05 in reply to #440543 on Dust to Dust


I'd prolly do 18 swamps, because evolving wilds will actually slow things down.

Posted 20 February 2014 at 18:13 in reply to #440050 on Black Sacrifice


I think Lotleth Troll would be a solid inclusion in here.

Posted 20 February 2014 at 08:48 in reply to #438999 on Karaderp


Yup to all ^^^^^^^^^^ that

Posted 20 February 2014 at 08:46 in reply to #440050 on Black Sacrifice


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