
105 Decks, 127 Comments, 15 Reputation

Frequently. And initially, this deck did have Young Wolf in it. However, it never became that powerful of an attacker, unlike Glistener Elf or Birds of Paradise (perhaps one of the only times its flying becomes useful).

I may consider adding Ornothopter once Scars of Mirrodin cycles out.

Posted 05 June 2012 at 22:08 in reply to #261730 on Green Weenies


You are really relying on Demonic Rising, one of your most expensive spells in this deck.

Either use something cheaper to play that's better to sacrifice, like Reassembling Skeleton or Butcher Ghoul, or don't use to many sacrifice outlets.

Also, the demons that you get from Demonic Rising has a CMC of 0. Therefore, Birthing Pod would be useless, since you have no creatures with a CMC of 1.

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:38 as a comment on In the Name of Murder


Unlike most decks that leach off of other people's popularity, this one has some hope!

however, you did ask for help, so... here it is. I am going to be exceptionally critical, so don't cry or anything.

Skirsdag High Priest will not do anything in this deck. To get his ability to work, you need three untapped creatures (one being the High Priest himself). It's like Captivating Vampire's mind control ability. Sure, you can take control of a creature, but you need to tap 5 creatures... and they must be vampires.

The High Priest is similar: not only will getting three untapped creatures be difficult, but you also need something to die beforehand. Sure, you can say that sacrificing Reassembling Skeleton to Viscera Seer will help you in that, but in truth, you'll be more thankful to have a playset of Doom Blade rather than the High Priest.

Secondly, Demon of Death's Gate can not be summoned by sacrificing 1 Reassembling Skeleton, and the bringing it back, and the sacrificing it, then bringing it back, and then sacrificing it again. It's not like there's a counter of how many creatures you've sacrificed, like your mana pool. You need three creatures at one moment to pay for it.

Thirdly, focus on something. Either make your deck a weenie sacrifice deck, or a big-demon deck.

If you go with the weenie deck, get Bloodghast's, Bloodthrone Vampire's, and Blade of the Bloodchief's.
If you go with the big-demon deck, get Quicksilver Amulet, or splash in Green and use Elvish Piper.

Either way, you'll have a better time winning with either deck.

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:35 as a comment on DEMONS!


Throwing in ALL of his best cards in one deck!

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:05 in reply to #259713 on Milling/control deck W/U


I'm not 100% convinced Island Fish is as bad as most of those cards. Rakalite, however, is.

I think we have to consider Island Fish as it was back then, rather than it is now. A 6/8 for 7 was a decent deal, when creature destruction was highly limited (in comparison to how it is now). Should Colossus of Sardia be on this list as well? Not really.

Also remember, cards like Ihsan's Shade were the shit: a 5/5 for 6 with no negatives? Amazing!
Baron Sengir is JUST 8-CMC? I'd pay that any day for +2/+2 counters!
To keep a 7/7 Flying Trampler afloat, I just got to sacrifice a creature, or face Lord of the Pit's wrath? No problem!

Therefore, when considering old cards and how bad they are, I think we should also think if they WERE bad as well.

Also, Vizzerdrix is a Piranha Rabbit. Sure, it says it's a "Beast", but it's a Piranha Rabbit. C'mon, read the flavour text. There are very few creatures that are have that cool of an unofficial Sub-Type.

A suggestion is Fishliver Oil. Although it may be hypocritical to suggest an old card after such a nerd-rage about old cards, but I think MANY will argue that it has little value.

If you argue, "well, it doesn't have a negative ability", then please take Vizzerdrix off. This list is no place for Piranha Rabbit's.

Posted 05 June 2012 at 05:02 as a comment on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Possible chance, not to bash our friend here, but he may have created multiple accounts just to get him on front page.

Posted 30 May 2012 at 04:41 in reply to #260034 on Evincar's Tyranny


I did consider it, and I might add it.

I just need to decide what I should take out for it :S

Posted 29 May 2012 at 19:47 in reply to #260092 on Chivalry


I really like this idea. Elements are a tribal that I'd like to try to get into.

I'd just get rid of the Dragon's Claw's. Sure, you'd gain a decent amount of life, but you'd need it out to start, and you could win on turn 2-3 using Grapeshot and the Grinning Ignus combo. You'd probably deal 10+ with it (mana fixing becomes the main problem with the combo, thus Manaforge Cinder), so if you gained 10 life, would that really matter when your opponent is on life support?

Therefore, you'd might want to have Shimmering Grotto for mana fixing.

Posted 28 May 2012 at 15:41 as a comment on The Kindling


Since you're playing Modern and with tokens, I'd suggest some token doublers.

Doubling Season is a great suggestion, but since it is very expensive to purchase, just forget about it.

However, Parallel Lives is much cheaper and easier to get (since it is currently in Standard). I'd get 4 of them, so when you play something like Skittering Invasion, you'd get 10 tokens instead of 5. You'd be able to play a second Skittering Invasion if you want!

Regardless, this is a great deck. I've never seen anyone build a deck around them, and they seem like an easy tribal token to do stuff with.

Posted 28 May 2012 at 15:14 as a comment on Eldrazi Swarm


Yes. You should focus your deck better. Make more playsets, or completely take out the entire Elemental aspect of it.

I believe that there is an Assassin Lord somewhere (as in, a creature/enchantment that gives Assassin's +1/+1). Scarblade Elite is similar, but not the same.

The burn is also very odd. Why don't you have Doom Blade or Go for the Throat? Those two are currently, the 2 CMC instant creature killers. I'd take Dark Temper out for one of those two.

Also: Lightning Bolt? I mean, since it was printed in M 2010 and 2011, it's very cheap in comparison to how much it was before. A playset of Lightning Bolt is very easy to get.

Posted 28 May 2012 at 15:01 as a comment on assassins and fire


I don't want to completely copy your idea, but I've taken many of the cards from you deck and included in this one.

I'm keeping the Cephalid Illusionist combo not because it will work better (it won't), but because I don't want to completely rip your deck entirely off.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:59 in reply to #258659 on Self-Mill - Legacy Edition!


Man, thanks a lot for the extensive comment. Everything you've said makes sense.

I've looked at your deck, and it is very good without breaking the $1/card mark (EG, a 60-card deck being worth $60 at its least)

Daze was not a card that I considered, and it looks like a better counter than Spell Pierce (since it could be free).

I also think Paradigm Shift (a card I actually have somewhere) is a great self-mill card, and in that case, maybe Thought Scour would be more helpful than before (because you'll probably have a deck with anywhere from 0-5 cards by turn 2)

Again, thanks a lot! I think I'll consider having both strategies in this deck (add 4x Paradigm Shift).

Also, I'm going to go look for some Muddle the Mixture's.

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:42 in reply to #258659 on Self-Mill - Legacy Edition!


Again, thanks for the great comment on my Laboratory Maniac Self-Mill deck.

Man! Once I saw Bloodghast, I KNEW it had to combo with it!

This is my take on the strategy.

I use Fastbond so I can get nearly all of my lands out ASAP, but the strategy isn't legal, and it is a 3-piece combo... and as you said, that's not good.

But I approve Skullclamp + Bloodghast in anything. Keep it up!

Posted 24 May 2012 at 02:39 as a comment on ABUSE your SAC


I guess you're right, but as long as I have them, I may as well include them.

Besides, what if that slot is taken by a swamp an I need a forest? Then I'm stuck.

Posted 23 May 2012 at 20:14 in reply to #258526 on Squee would be proud


I like the Polluted Delta's, especially for Hedron Crab.
That being said, the other duel-lands aren't that necessary, unless you want to put in the original duel lands (The $60+ ones). I'd take them out and equally distribute the free spaces in Swamps and Islands.

As JJ Reaper suggested, Thought Scour is a great addition to any mill deck. You might even want to run it instead of Brainstorm (because if additional milling effect.

Besides that, this is pretty much a burn deck that deals library damage instead of... erm, normal damage. Well Done!

Posted 23 May 2012 at 05:03 as a comment on That Moment When...


BTW, the deck is quite slow. I've played it against my Werewolf deck and found that it usually loses because it takes, at a minimum, 4 turns to start, while by Turn 4, you should have 1 Mayor, 1 Immerwolf, 1 Outlaw/Instigator and/or 1 Waif, which, on turn 5, could all become highly dangerous thanks to Moonmist.

However, the deck is $40+ worth, in comparison to this $8 deck :S

Posted 13 May 2012 at 20:53 in reply to #245869 on The Good Old Days


You are right about that! This deck is quite dangerous!

i'll consider adding some Blood Artist's to my deck. Thanks for the suggestion!

Posted 13 May 2012 at 20:49 as a comment on Bloodthrones of bloodchiefs


The main reason I said that is because I need it to play Fastbond.

The combo requires 3 cards (Fastbond, Skullclamp and Bloodghast), and adding a fourth required card is going to be problematic.

Posted 12 May 2012 at 20:48 in reply to #255122 on Valakut - Breakin' Da Rules!


I made a morbid deck that uses the Dawntreader Elk, Strangleroot Geist, and Young Wolf as sacrificable cards as well.

Posted 08 May 2012 at 23:48 in reply to #253949 on From the Vault: Suicide!!!


Altar's Reap and Harvester of Souls are some cards that may help in a self-sac deck.

Disciple of Griselbrand is another card that grants a sacrifice outlet, and Blood Artist allows for gain-and-pain when stuff dies.

Posted 08 May 2012 at 23:47 as a comment on From the Vault: Suicide!!!


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