
658 Decks, 1,188 Comments, 397 Reputation

I don't know how thought out this is, but it looks fun and you get +1 just for Savage Summoning alone

Posted 18 November 2016 at 15:22 as a comment on BUG Midrange


Just value I think

Posted 18 November 2016 at 15:17 in reply to #592423 on Dimir Emerge [Modern]


Idk, that's my first reaction...
The premise and the colors look good (for a freaking Dubious Challenge deck that is), the threats that you want to get also seem quite well diversified, I don't like that Norn is not present but you can't have it all I guess....

Flickerwisp is quite the nice way to break the synergy, I really don't know what to add, yeah, nothing...

Posted 16 November 2016 at 17:10 as a comment on You Have Been Challenged



Posted 11 November 2016 at 14:34 as a comment on 5 Color Lands


I have spent a lot of time staring at Firemantle Mage fom across the table and it is not a fun sight if you're playing anyhitng that might ever consider bolcking. For this reason I hate to see it as only a 1 of, though I can definately see why you chose to inclue only one.

Looking at your curve I think you should cut a few Kor Castigators for some Firemantle Mages.

As far as the rest of the list is concerned, I don't have that much to add except maybe this: I have played dozens of games vs this kinda deck and often, the problem was that you either had too many artifacts, too few artifacts or too little removal.

Not sure what the fix would be though... Maybe one or two less artifacts? Probably not. I don't think it's worth the headache.
Love the deck, keep it up!

Posted 28 October 2016 at 19:55 as a comment on Inexpensive Allies [KLD STD]


Choice of Damnations comes to mind, not much else for now.

Posted 19 October 2016 at 11:46 as a comment on Until Dawn


Hmmm, manlands are obviously better than the wannabe guildgates that I'm running and I'll surely play them if I manage to trade for them.

As far as my standard meta is concerned....I am not sure as I have not been to my lgs since the prerelease, but I'll try my best:
UG Marvel
Mono W aggro
GW tokens or mid or whatever it's called nowadays
GB Rites/aristocrats
UR Thermo thing
UB control
UB control
BR Vamps
GB delirium
GR Ramp
I think that's it.

Posted 14 October 2016 at 15:54 in reply to #591373 on Budget STD Girixis Control


Especially when they give +3/+0.

Posted 14 October 2016 at 13:42 in reply to #591353 on Unruly Peasant Combo


Also gush, I've had amazing experiences with 2-4 gush in these types of decks

Posted 14 October 2016 at 12:14 in reply to #591353 on Unruly Peasant Combo


Oh, it's you!
What a sick deck, this is my, much more conservative, take on the strategy, I have yet build and test it.

As far as your build is concerned, I love some of the card choices, shred Memory in particular, but Lightning Axe and Duress also seem like great incusions.
I always hate to see these decks run ony 3 or fewer Dragon Breaths and your build would probably want 4 stinkweeds as well. I mean 13 discard outlets with about 10 cards to discard doesn't seem optimal but I have not played it so I don't know.

Posted 14 October 2016 at 12:03 as a comment on Pauper: Jund Exhume


Damn, no idea, by themed you mean a deck like ?
I think those are quite funny and interesting to develop but I don't know enough about the until dawn to help with that, but I'd love to see it made, themed decks are always fun, whether they are "real" decks or not.

Posted 14 October 2016 at 11:48 in reply to #591349 on The Deckhelp Alliance


I feel like I'd want to keep the tutor as a on-of, on turn 4 playing a gideon has a lot more inpact then grabbing a soring or fumigate.
Besides that the only thing I can add is that Painful truths might be better than Live Fast, they both synergise with Aether Hub, I guess it depends on the situation and playtesting but I'd run a mix of both or just the truths.

Besides that, I love it!

Posted 13 October 2016 at 15:11 in reply to #591050 on This is MY FIELD.


I feel like cutting down on a bunch of the more expensive cards is the key here,
Something like:
-1 Thalia's Lancers
-1 Sorin, Grim Nemesis
possibly -1 Authority of the Consuls

And though I hate to bring this up, maybe cutting the creature package to just 1ofs and replacing them with card draw and removal and a few walkers might make the deck better.

Not sure, this might need testing, press the draw sample hand button 200 times and then make a change.

Posted 10 October 2016 at 12:33 in reply to #591050 on This is MY FIELD.


Seems a bit too top-heavy, some ramp or early game would be nice

Posted 08 October 2016 at 15:43 as a comment on Panharmonicon Midrange [STD]


Well, I don't think that with how active the site is that people have the time and will to do this, it's a shame :(

Posted 08 October 2016 at 11:54 as a comment on A 1 Off Idea, Please Read


I think your deck is in the wrong colors and too scatterhot to work.
Blue gives you some amzing tools and cards like Syndicate Trafficker and Ever After while good when they work are very likely not to work.

Posted 08 October 2016 at 11:48 as a comment on Turn 4 awtherworks


First of all, Iove the deck, this take on BW control is really interesting.

Authority of the Consuls is such a cool inclusion, goodbye to crew!
The Thalia's Lancers package also seems amazing.

The problem that I think the deck has is the curve. It is waaaaaay too top heavy.
I'd cut down on least important cards with a cmc of 5 and above and put in a lot more early game cards, if your deck is capebable of having board control by turn 4 or 5 it will make it so that your walkers will take to you vicotry very easily.

Posted 08 October 2016 at 11:43 as a comment on This is MY FIELD.


I thought about that a lot during the pre-release but not much afterwards. Thinking about it now, I think a one-of is pretty good here.
Thanks for the reminder.

Posted 08 October 2016 at 11:23 in reply to #591028 on Pauper Acid Trip


Not sure how good this is but here's an idea:

I think it's a bit unpolished but interesting.

Posted 04 October 2016 at 15:59 in reply to #590769 on Aetherworks Toolbox


This is an absolutely lovely way to approach the deck.

I mean seriously, what's not to love? The enomb synergy, the Smokestack synergy, the Crucible of Worlds synergy, it's dumb to go on, the deck is packed to the brim with interactions, maybe to the point at which it could harm it, but on second thought, this is pox, you discard stuff you can't use.

Though I hate to see Liliana of the Veil not be playset :( I think that this deck has managed to fix the "pox problem"(having no way to take advantage of your opponents lack of anything) and therefore might not need the 4th one.

I would hovever play Inquisition instead of Thoughtseize, you lose a lot more life than the regular pox deck, or am I missing something?

And the poem, the love for pox great job!

PS: Any thoughts on modern pox? Particularly the death cloud versions.

Posted 03 October 2016 at 17:10 as a comment on Inside My Head


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