
658 Decks, 1,188 Comments, 397 Reputation

Not sure, I think I'd put in 1 raven's crime and after that I have no idea, wrench mind, signed in blood or anything that draws you cards when creatures die. Again, bot sure, this would require testing I think.

Posted 04 May 2016 at 18:29 in reply to #581394 on Let the bodies hit the floor


Well creature heavy it certainly is, but that is a good thing when you are running a zombie tribal deck.
Maybe you could cut the dark rits? Not sure I think this is where you have to actually play the deck or hit the draw sample hand button a thousand times to know for sure/semi-sure.

Posted 03 May 2016 at 12:43 in reply to #581394 on Let the bodies hit the floor


Yeah it's one of the songs you never froget about.
As for the deck I don't think it could stand against most modern or legacy decks (pretty sure that ws not the point either) but for casual this seems amazing!

I especially like the inclusion of pox as it is one of my favorite cards, and it seems like it would work pretty well here.

Posted 02 May 2016 at 11:57 in reply to #581394 on Let the bodies hit the floor


I can only count to four :D

Posted 01 May 2016 at 18:35 as a comment on Let the bodies hit the floor


I'm not sure how good 3 color decks are in this standard, especially ones that don't run 3-4 languish, but this sure looks great.
When i doubt jund 'em out! Nothing more to say really :D

Posted 29 April 2016 at 14:04 as a comment on Welcome to the Jundle!


At bfz prerelease I stole a couple of matches using these, the "filler" cards can often get in 4-7 damage early on.

Posted 20 April 2016 at 18:15 in reply to #580573 on Wolves, not Werewolves


Pfff, amatures, BEARS is where it's at!

I like the idea a lot, not sure what I'd change, looks pretty good for a wolf deck.

Posted 20 April 2016 at 12:09 as a comment on Wolves, not Werewolves


Whoops! Did not notice the Ghost Quarter, anyway stuff like blighted fen, was maintly think of blighted fen and Ghost Quarter there.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 15:29 in reply to #579902 on New dredgevine


Vengeful Pharaoh would be an sb card in my metta, but in yours it might me an mvp.
1 darkblast could be cut, or a one-of anything.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 15:28 in reply to #579898 on New dredgevine


One last thing, I feel like Lotleth Troll is too strong to be only a 2 of. Especially with you having 23 things you want to discard.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 13:08 in reply to #579898 on New dredgevine


With 3 lftl I'd run more toolbox lands and also some retrace cards.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 13:04 as a comment on New dredgevine


Delirium seems kinda weak, as for vengevines I think they are not a must but I'd run then.

Posted 13 April 2016 at 13:02 in reply to #579898 on New dredgevine


I think it is a modern sb card, in delver and control mirrors.

Posted 07 April 2016 at 13:13 in reply to #579079 on UR Delver 2016


It's so tragic how little attention these decks get, they're amazing!
hough sadly I don't know enough about vintage or legacy to give any advice at all.

Posted 29 March 2016 at 10:22 as a comment on Oh, I'm not dead by the way


Sounds about right. When I taught ppl how to play I explained the 5 colors then the 2 color combinations and did all the stuff you did from there.
Except here in Slovakia it's pretty hard to make people understand everything.

Posted 21 March 2016 at 17:45 in reply to #578148 on Prison


Well....... Rly not sure, ask her waht she'd like to play, playsyle-wise and take it from there.
Also for what format and and how competitive?

Posted 20 March 2016 at 16:01 as a comment on Prison


As for your deck I'm not sure, just as I'm not sure on any of mine, it really needs a lot of testing considering that you always try to stop your opponent and that isn't always achieved the same way.
Spreading Algae is a siver bullet.
Vs back decks you just win
If you draw urborg it is like a sinkhole
If you don't draw urborg it gets discarded or does noting.
Overall pretty good.

Posted 19 March 2016 at 12:35 in reply to #577802 on Budget Modern Squee Pox


Thank you and yeah I included imps to get through the deck faster.
As for loam-pox-if-only it's an "if only" deck, this is what I would build if I won a million.
Yes the lack of looting hurts so much, the card is often draw 2 for 1 man WITH FLASHBACK!
As for me having 10 decks that are basically the same. Yes absolutely they are the same except for a few cards, I just wanted to throw as many ideas out there so that when I get around to building a pox deck irl I'll have all my ideas stored somewhere.

Posted 16 March 2016 at 13:08 in reply to #577802 on Budget Modern Squee Pox


I think it's trying to do too many things at once but that might not be the case in practise.

I don't see the point of Leechridden Swamp.

Idk, it seems so scattershot that it might not be scattershot at all :D

Posted 16 March 2016 at 12:58 as a comment on Dredging the Mind


Hmm, First of all I really like the originality and the fresh approach.
It is pretty hard to properly judge a deck like this without playing it.

I really like the phoenix, I wish it was a cast though.

I think Vengeful Pharaoh is unnecessary, I don't think the value it gives or the wall it provides is something you need, gnaw to the bone is better imo.

The squee synergy seems amazing! I Really love it! And cuz you are running Fauna Shaman I think some silver bullet creatures could work.

Posted 16 March 2016 at 12:49 as a comment on Dredge is the better mill


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