
198 Decks, 1,626 Comments, 299 Reputation

I feel you need a way to not just outright die to combo or burn decks...

Posted 07 May 2015 at 17:51 as a comment on Turbo Fogging


4x gravecrawler
4x mutavault
2x urborg

Would help a lot.
Otherwse, the deck seems too slow.

Posted 07 May 2015 at 14:09 as a comment on Waste Not Zombies


I know, but if you had snapcasters its like having access to more of them.(only reason I stated it)
Snap caster can buy you a turn by blocking creatures etc while producing value.

My lifegain I use profane momento, costs less, and still heals decent.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 19:54 in reply to #548349 on Modern Mill


valorous stance and god's willing are normally the go to options.
Stance also can kill big creatures.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 19:53 in reply to #548383 on Warriors 3.0


Not really.
All of the midrange decks are great at taking out masses of creatures.
Also the best deck in th format is control atm...(I know I play it)
You can still have a lot of creatures with 4-8 spells to protect them.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 18:26 in reply to #548383 on Warriors 3.0


too many creatures, no way to protect them, deck folds to removal.

Posted 06 May 2015 at 18:17 as a comment on Warriors 3.0


I would try to fit a few snapcasters into the deck(maybe -1 incursion -1 orb?)
Besides that deck seems great.

This is my blue/Black list:

Posted 06 May 2015 at 14:35 as a comment on Modern Mill


I find the worst match ups are: R/G tron(almost unwinnible), Wilted Abzan and infect.
Jund is a 50/50 match up, Affinity really depends who is on the play, most aggro decks we can out race.
Darkblast is a great card for the sideboard when facing affinity.

Top picks for the sideboard would be:
-4x Surgical extraction(almost a must)

-Illness in the ranks(tokens, twin, storm)

-Darkblast(affinity, infect, decks that have lots of 1 toughness.)

-Some type of GY hate(you have spellbomb, relic, cage and crypt also work.)

-leyline of sanctity(if you use this only do it as a 4 of, gives you a 40% chance to have one in your opening hand. Burn, storm, jund, other random combo decks.)

-Spellskite(Boggles, twin, infect. would only do this is infect and boggles take up a larger than normal portion of your meta.) (boggles folds to bridge game one, infect doesn't... early game discard is key.)(also can block champion when facing affinity)

-misc removal spells that fit your meta

Posted 06 May 2015 at 14:25 in reply to #547591 on 8 Rack Modern


beseech the queen over diabloic...

Posted 05 May 2015 at 20:42 in reply to #540217 on Bloodchief's Mind Torture


The deck is made to destroy blue...
There isn't a single combo deck that should be able to beat this deck.(besides the odd time)
You just need to know what to target and when to target it.
Plus sideboard cards help, a lot.

Posted 05 May 2015 at 16:04 in reply to #547591 on 8 Rack Modern


Mine is more of a copy of legacy counter slivers rather than just sliver beat down.
I like tempo better than aggro(control player at heart, tempo just feels right lol)

Posted 22 April 2015 at 15:25 in reply to #546675 on Modern slivers


phantasmal image is pretty good at being sinew/pred sliver 9-12.
Also is basically ditto being whatever you want it to be.
this is my modern counter slivers list, basically plays like fish, I don't think the mana slivers are really needed.

Posted 22 April 2015 at 15:14 in reply to #546675 on Modern slivers


The -1 is very relevant now that DRS is banned also.
1 toughness mana dorks are all over on top of being able to deal with a lot of creatures in modern.

Posted 06 March 2015 at 22:25 in reply to #535635 on Crazy 8s Modern


This is my current list.
It is basically an auto win vs combo, and is strong vs any blue based decks.

infect/r-g tron can be rough, aggro decks are also tough.
Slower decks like midrange or combo decks are what you want to play.
Depending on meta it is a monster.

Posted 02 March 2015 at 19:02 in reply to #539187 on Black/Red Modern


I'm working on a modern turbo fog deck lol
So far on cockatrice it has been wrecking, but we all know most of the players on there are bad:P.
I love playing lesser known or fringe decks.

Dimir mill
and Turbo fog are my babies.

Posted 02 March 2015 at 17:43 in reply to #539187 on Black/Red Modern


Seems fine to me lol. I'm a fan of both of those cards.

You deck is decently poised vs most decks.
Game 1 will come down to which half of the deck you draw.
Game 2 should be much better.

Posted 02 March 2015 at 17:10 in reply to #539187 on Black/Red Modern


I cant really comment on a sideboard with out knowing what your meta is like.

He can be, he just 3 turns of surviving without pump spells...

Temporal Extortion is another card that may just not cut it, these kinda choose cards are always bad, well besides vexing devil.

Pack rat is a good card, dodges removal very well after a few turns, and turns any late game blank draws into fuel.
I like it and have played it in modern.

Posted 02 March 2015 at 16:33 in reply to #539187 on Black/Red Modern


It just seems like you're forcing skittles the blight dragon into your deck... better off as any other card.

Posted 02 March 2015 at 16:01 as a comment on Black/Red Modern


Was going to say the same thing.

Posted 26 February 2015 at 17:11 in reply to #538392 on B/W Tokens


kk Wasn't sure because you had a decent cost to the deck, most people on here don't do that for casual.
(I'm a modern player so yeah...)
NP that's cool it's a neat deck and probably could be ported to modern with some slight changes.

Posted 25 February 2015 at 22:02 in reply to #538265 on B/R Almost Discard (Modern)


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