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non-budget version

Posted 29 January 2016 at 18:45 in reply to #573982 on I summon Exodia


I feel dig through time may just be better than cruise...
Gets you deeper into your deck and allows you to filter better than random draw.

It's also an instant so say you have 1 hedron in play and 2 in the graveyard.
You can end of turn dig, exile one hedron and pull the last one to you hand and win on upkeep.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 18:21 as a comment on I summon Exodia


Brainstorm is only "great" with ways to shuffle your library, besides that its still good, just not as good.

what about reflector mage or meddling mage?

Posted 29 January 2016 at 15:44 in reply to #573588 on "Nope"


I went away from the loam idea as I feel its more for a different deck.
I really wish BBE wasn't banned still... would have loved to cascade into Boom//Bust

Only rocking 3 moons maindeck as I have enough land hate outside of them, would board the 4th in vs the decks that need it.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 15:36 in reply to #573638 on 1163332


I feel 2 maindeck spellskites would be a decent idea you could even cast them the same turn and GA.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 15:04 as a comment on Grand-Sultai [Modern Combo]


If they tap out on turn six this deserves to happen lol.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 14:20 in reply to #573919 on I summon Exodia


temple bell+Mind over matter?
infinite draws?

Library of leng+ wheel effects is also great.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 14:17 as a comment on Grix(draw)


Yeah I'm not saying its a perfect count, but I felt most people wouldn't question it haha.

I Have been toying around with the idea of like a white/blue/black/green moon deck ideas(not exactly like that humans deck)
I didn't think about doing the humans build even though it has clear synergy because magus.
The green moon version was a loam based deck based around land destruction and countryside crusher.
We all know the blue moon version lol.
black moon was like the green version just with discard, 4x main deck fulminator discard and value creatures.

Yeah it's not that I don't doubt your deck can't win it just seems super all over the place to me, I like a little more of a streamlined build haha.
Makes me feel better against the mid-bad matchups.

I find the eldrazi deck to be harder to beat than tron a lot of the time, they don't need "tron" to be active, it only speeds up their gameplan, they have super strong games vs any control/graveyard based decks.
Their only real bad matchups are like super aggro decks(which if you play B/W eldrazi lingering souls helps a ton in those matches acting as a fog)
It's obviously not unstopable and you can win like any other deck, they just have lots of disruption and beefy bodies that they can land early.
turn 1 relic into turn 2 thought-knot seer followed by turn 3 sower is just insane...

GQing basic lands when facing 3 colour decks is a super under-rated move.
I do this all the time, landing a moon and cutting them off of 1-2 colours is just back breaking for junk lol.
Even scapeshift, I Ghost quarter their mountains, lowering the count as if you get them low enough and gain enough life you get out of reach of them killing you.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 14:10 in reply to #573638 on 1163332


I feel having a play before turn 3(besides posts) may be a good thing.)
You could also play murderous cut as you could delve before or after you balance and cast it off posts?
O-ring seems slow to me.

Posted 29 January 2016 at 13:47 in reply to #573849 on restore balance


Rhino just isn't fast enough in most decks in modern, once CoCo came out you saw less and less of rhino, it's still in a few lists but overall casting a CoCo nets you better bodies and better effects.

Posted 28 January 2016 at 18:45 in reply to #573880 on The Pledge


The thing isn't that its too slow for modern, its just a slower version of an already decent modern deck...

Posted 28 January 2016 at 18:10 in reply to #573869 on The Pledge


I honestly find them too high on the curve, at 20 lands you should only have like 2-3 four drops.
5 drops are getting iffy.

Posted 28 January 2016 at 17:50 in reply to #573862 on OGW Goblin Aggro


I would try to fit 2x temur battlerage in the deck, can just win games out of nowhere

Posted 28 January 2016 at 15:47 as a comment on OGW Goblin Aggro


Yeah haha, I would have to change the deck around and add more lands to pull off dragons though:P

Will do!

Posted 28 January 2016 at 15:46 in reply to #573854 on Green/White Scales.


I like oath of nissa, obviously a great card.
I just don't think lowering the creature count or the removal count maindeck would be worth it in this deck.

I find it would be better as a sideboard card vs control, or just in a more value creature based deck.
Warden is a beating... I was a huge fan of figure of destiny back in the day and instantly jumped on the wagon for warden haha.

Posted 28 January 2016 at 15:12 in reply to #573854 on Green/White Scales.


A lot of them even play squadron hawks.

But i agree 100%, modern is a turn 4 format, besides control/tempo vs control/tempo matches, even if the game hasn't ended by turn 4, its vastly leaning in one players favour.

Casting a 6 mana do nothing the turn it enters creature is fun and all... but then it just meets counter magic, path, murderous cut, terminate etc...

Posted 28 January 2016 at 15:09 in reply to #573847 on The Pledge


Splinter should just be crumble to dust in the main deck honestly...

Posted 28 January 2016 at 14:20 as a comment on Liquid Land Destroyer


You can go down to 3x restore balance, you dont want to draw them, and you have 8 ways to fetch them out.
(Living end does this also)

Frees up a slot, it's not much but it helps.
Could add in dismember.

Posted 28 January 2016 at 14:18 as a comment on restore balance


-1 ball lightning(not standard legal)
-1 mina and denn(legendary)
+2 Greenwarden of Murasa

Posted 28 January 2016 at 14:14 as a comment on STND Jund Landfall Elementals


As much as I like the idea, this deck is just a much slower version of modern soul sisters...

Posted 28 January 2016 at 14:10 as a comment on The Pledge


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