
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

I guess it was necroed :)

Posted 08 October 2021 at 07:25 in reply to #611111 on Orzhov Vampires


You can link to the good guys list.
Theres a total of 18 people there.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 05:42 in reply to #611111 on Orzhov Vampires


How about adding deadpool ?
I'd make him BRW

It's really cool I used to have a bunch of decks like this.
Just as casual.

Wolverine was GRU.

I had mono, twocolor and three color.
The mono colored were godlike
White was god, black was death, green was gaia, the devil was red, but I can't remember what blue stood for.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 05:23 as a comment on Nimrod


Ah ahm the masked mana man, an I ain't gonna show my face until I've won it all...

Posted 08 October 2021 at 05:01 in reply to #644572 on Gem or jank: aggro zombies!


Think theres room for glasspool mimic ?
I don't see it hit many lists out there, but it's one of my "got to get" cards.

Also prior to the attack one of them necroed a bunch of decks containing the words wicked, dark and man,
Then another one marked which deck to camp in, and they choose "wicked witch of the west"

The necroed owner probably had nothing to do with it, but has been gone for a long time.

Posted 08 October 2021 at 00:04 in reply to #644538 on Budget Decks: "AXE MILLS YOU!"


Yes, but after 15 posts in here, you should learn stuff about the site and the people.

Every fifth post on mtgvault is a troll post.

Posted 07 October 2021 at 20:04 in reply to #644547 on help pls


Glad to see you help people, the easy approach is to ask what cards they've got first,
Then if they do at least that much work, they probably aren't a troll.

Mtgblackman, this is written in the rules conduit by the designer of the place and is nothing personal.
Notadoctor is new and I'm teaching him stuff.

Posted 07 October 2021 at 19:38 in reply to #644547 on help pls


Sound like something to try out :)
Ninja has a youtube channel, and recently made a "your deck on youtube" post.
If you dig through the top active decks you should be able to spot it if you have an entry.

Posted 07 October 2021 at 16:27 in reply to #644522 on Gem or jank: aggro zombies!


He makes most on youtube advertising.
Did you watch it ?

Posted 07 October 2021 at 15:14 in reply to #644504 on Gem or jank: aggro zombies!


It seems like theres been a leak of twitch salaries, so cgb has a 15 minute talk where he compares youtube and twitch.
He's exposing how much he's earning, and leaks a few details on when growth in viewers start to bring in serious money.

Posted 06 October 2021 at 23:40 as a comment on Gem or jank: aggro zombies!


At the current state you are gold. I've been less active for some days because I'm restructuring the list to become interactive.

Posted 06 October 2021 at 16:16 in reply to #644330 on Reanimator


Sure, copy it if you want to :)
Is it actually buildable on arena

Posted 06 October 2021 at 16:04 in reply to #644145 on Your deck on YouTube.


Part of the trick is to set it up, you have two options.
It takes three mana to go really dirty on them when you have a wasteland a vision charm and a stifle in hand.

You play the vision charm.
If they fetch you stifle, if they don't you let the effect resolve, then play wasteland and hit the fetch.

I'm pretty ancient in magic, but I've got a nice amount of behaviour stuck on my backbones :)

Posted 05 October 2021 at 02:03 in reply to #644421 on Legacy Dreadnought


Missing the tags happens to even the best, and on that note I'm nothing compared to a few others whom I've never seen miss their tags. I have you noted down as someone to recruit if you improve just a little.
I got a couple of others close to recruitment but there's starting to be really long between new recruitment.

Vision charm was probably the card that made me start playing mill, and I tried really hard in legacy at a very early time. I've never forgotten how it turned from being a mill card into a drednought combo kill.

One of its advantages was that you could use it to make all their lands into one type, especially fetchlands, then if they tried to fetch youd stifle in response.

Posted 05 October 2021 at 01:44 in reply to #644421 on Legacy Dreadnought


I've been pretty close to recruit you for my list of good posters,
Don't give up on tags and descriptions yet... :)

I love seeing diabolic vision in this.
Have you ever considered vision charm ?

Posted 04 October 2021 at 22:46 as a comment on Legacy Dreadnought


Ia shub-niggurath!

Do you play or GM?

I've GM'ed for a while.

Ever heard of "the laundry"

Posted 04 October 2021 at 20:45 as a comment on The Colour Out of Space


It's great to see posts like these, and I can't encourage you enough on doing this more often.
Magic theory is extremely complex and filled with a lot of speed bumps.

I'd like to hear you define "matter" a little more, as it seems to me that it's the same thing as "advantage" arena wreaked havoc on the forgotten art of deck theory by doing it all over again, so old phrases have been renamed a lot, and it sort of muddles the field.

Your input on tempo also sounds a little of, but tempo is freakishly difficult in theoretical magic.

In recent years one new "discovery" is "quality"
People used to put such a large amount of faith in cardadvantage that decks became more about drawing, and it all broke down.
The reason is that people had overlooked quality.

Drawing matters, but what you draw matters even more.
Quality is when a card in your hand can be cast and have impact on the game.

Lightning bolt for example is considered a great card, but in scenarios where your opponent has 28life and a 9/9 trampler in play, lightning bolt isn't card quality, while fire // ice will have high quality.

Cards will have different quality in different matchups, so it's important to have a deck with a high number of cards with a generally high quality.

If a deck has a lot of drawcards but have few quality cards, drawing won't help.

But having a high number of quality and just enough draw, that's good.

This is why scry cards have become more impactful, as it gives you some control over your quality.

The interesting thing is what cards people choose to influence quality.

I'm usually presenting people with [[overwhelmed apprentice]] as an example.
It mills, which disrupts an opponents scrying, ruining their quality control. It allows you to scry, increasing your card control.

I often keep a 1 land hand if overwhelmed apprentice is in it, as it allows me to control the odds of drawing a second land.

I'm also wild about [[fathom feeder]] because it's a high quality card, it stops aggression, it exiles combo material by just attacking and being lucky, it draws cards or it's a removal magnet.

I like your idea that there's a saturation point where a deck can go with less colours because there will somehow be enough cards around to build around the internal weakness.

But here's the thing, the meta is very much a mental construct, where people sort of invent and innovate as an unconscious hive mind, and matchups are having a high influence on brew decisions. Whenever something clearly takes the lead, there will be sideboarded against it. So when all the brewers consider what to sideboard against they focus on decks gathering momentum.

This has the odd effect that the old solid decks have a win-rate of 50% against most of the meta. All the old decks are less scary than the new ones so people don't sideboard against those.

So when you show up with a deck that breaks with tradition, it will be adapted against very fast and very hard, so be prepared for a very long test of your theory ;)

Also, thegreatgodloki apologized to you.
I'm cleaning up the rat deck to start from scratch.

Posted 04 October 2021 at 17:16 as a comment on Modern Izzet Control-Competatv


It's the best cause there is :)
When you start getting viewed a lot you will also become the target of trolls.
I think I read/overheard you losing a subscriber.
That could be an early troll trying to discourage you.
By subscribing and then later unsubscribing the troll can cause you to think and reflect unnecessary about the quality of your latest work.

Latest research shows that about 40% of people are willing to troll if they are anonymous (not the hacker group, just anonymous)

So losing subscribers early on might just be someone trying to manipulate you.
It can become pretty complex, and in mtgvault it's sort of an arms race.

Posted 03 October 2021 at 18:51 in reply to #644307 on Gem or jank: Solgurk.


Happy Halloween:)

Posted 03 October 2021 at 18:35 as a comment on happy halloween


Looks great :)

If you don't know it, I've built a list of all the best users on mtgvault, who uses tags and descriptions and in some cases does something for the community.

You got solid and detailed descriptions and cool enough decks to be added to that list.

Each time I post one of my own decks it contains a link to the list.

If you want to be on it, just write a yes, no strings attached except being a quality user.

The list is meant to inspire others to strive higher, and will enable you to seek out other cool people.

Also, go look at one of my decks to see that the link is really there ;)

Posted 03 October 2021 at 07:34 as a comment on Reanimator


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