
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

I'm basically not watching them anymore, but my mind keeps spotting them.

Here's a small outline of events.

At a time where I believed they were just trolls I revealed the compiled works of "tard", search for decknames with tard to get a grasp of his activities.

This lead to the first war between the trolls and me.

In the second war, where thegreatgodloki freaked out the trolls had reverted to a much older method of trolling, likely because I sort of told them about it to make them fall into another layer of context, which they did.

Except since I knew about the bear theme they had to change an aspect to it.
They also needed access to their old work as well as to burn their bridges, trying to resume new fresh identities to use instead of the old ones I marked.

So they switched to using cards with part of the old keyword in it so they could search for old materials, they used bear, so to track down the past, the new keyword had to contain "bea" while they needed to add a new letter to the keyword. They made it "beas".

Search for cardnames with "beas" then start counting usernames who have decks containing that exact phrase and you will get a pretty clear picture of the current troll accounts.


You flag up twice, but compared with ironiwolf who scores 4, you are nowhere being suspicious.
Mekkakat flags up three times, but he is the most productive of us all, so I sort of use him as the suspicion threshold.

Anyone flagging up more than his 3 points is on my suspicion list.

Now go see how many times the 4 suspects get flagged...

They spam in secrecy, but for those who know they are there, it's pretty easy to get back on their track.

By the way, useraccount flashover flags up 10 times, and he was marking their transition from the old system to the new by spamming a 100+ decks on a friday the 13th.

Their own little celebration :)

Posted 23 November 2021 at 21:48 in reply to #645281 on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


If it starts dredging it puts more creatures into the graveyard, that you can revive, and it is sacrificial in nature, sack to boost lotleth, for example. Or discard to zombie infestation to get it going.

Posted 23 November 2021 at 19:17 in reply to #645298 on BD: Discard-Fiesta!


A second explanation is that the person might be half decking in some way. One of my earlier methods had decklists like that. I discovered different ways of doing it better later, but that could be the reason.

Posted 23 November 2021 at 19:13 in reply to #645282 on green-and-white army


Gary was active in here a few days ago, so it's a matter of time before he spots the tag: gary read this on the deck display or reads through the comments in the bug-forum.

Posted 23 November 2021 at 19:08 in reply to #645281 on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


Shambling shell :)

Posted 23 November 2021 at 09:43 as a comment on BD: Discard-Fiesta!


First of all, they coordinate their efforts, trolls are of a more solitary nature.
I've been interacting with them for years in here, and slowly set up a number of behavioral patterns.
I'm sort of planting myself in a spider web and feeling the web vibrate, and when one of the thieves broke down, I extracted a lot of valuable information, in particular three of their names.

It works like this, humans are creatures of habit, and our greatest habit of them all is putting things in context.
When the thieves attacked my reputation as a Danish player, the context showed that the thieves had a personal relation to me somehow, and when the dumbest thief mentioned a particular year, I also knew that the year would have it's own context for the thief, which made me search the web for card theft at 2015, and things sort of aligned themselves. Context is an extreme tool, and I've posted a couple of articles in here about how to read the game and break your own patterns by knowing that people work within a socially created context.

I'll link one if you get curious, but I'm 97% certain that were dealing with thieves here.
I suggest you go to one of my halfdecks and follow the link there, which outlines the way the thieves work in here.
I've extracted the whole thing from interacting with them over the years.

And then there's the incidence where one of the group was actually shadowing me.

Actually the whole thing has an extremely long timeline, in the past I've had some trouble with a thief, which is related to the whole affair. I'll outline it all one day...

Posted 23 November 2021 at 09:35 in reply to #645281 on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


Once I started warning against the thieves, they did the dumb thing again.
Rather than draw back and observe without taking action, they responded with their signature move.
They've been flooding mtgvault regularly to prevent people from seeing my warnings, and that action speaks volumes of guilt.

However they seem to have lost their cool, because they seem to reuse the same accounts frequently.
They have bursts of covering my warnings, and seem to take longer and longer breaks. Frankly I think they are hit at their pride the most, because why not take a break and look back in half a year to see if I'm still vigilant. Either it's a pride thing or they are lacking money. The corona has shut down magic tournaments for a while, and people have been more at home than usual, so seeing it from a thief's perspective times must be pretty hard by now.

I'm going to throw rocks on the track to derail their train of thought.
They are under pressure, I've kept my surveillance even though I removed "the list" in its public form, and I want to re-open my "wicked web"

I still think I brought them here by embarrassing a lot of people in the Danish meta way back in time.
They've been taking notes on my research in here, then covered it in junk posts so as few people would see it, and then they've launched it as their own work.

That's probably why I found out that the whole corebuild had become mainstream around me, and that also verifies my suspicion that they are operating from a site of their own as well as this one.

Posted 23 November 2021 at 08:58 in reply to #645281 on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


Look through his decks.
It's a consistent pattern.
This person is following some sort of recipe when building.
The most notable thing is how enchantments break the symmetry and are 4 ofs.

Posted 22 November 2021 at 19:46 in reply to #645282 on green-and-white army


I'm working on a thoughtpicker witch, control deck at the moment, where thoughtpicker witch locks down the opponents deck top if you can keep sacrificing creatures. I've actually managed to lock down a merfolk deck at a modern tournament once.

I currently use stinkweed imp and myr servitor as a sacrifice engine.
Stinkweed imp holds back a lot of aggro, and I remember that I also had a lot of fun games against bridge from below dredge decks.

Posted 21 November 2021 at 21:04 as a comment on BD: Graveyard Valuetown


Heh, I've been playing sage of Epityr for years for the reasons why you love hard evidence.
Recently I've also included overwhelmed apprentice in that category. (Overwhelmed isn't a common though)

I do believe both are superior to hard evidence as both can get you to draw more lands if you are manascrewed.

That will be harder with hard evidence because it demands 2 mana to draw.

Deck looks nice appart from those hard evidence.

Here's a post on why sage of Epityr is awesome

Posted 18 November 2021 at 23:00 as a comment on Modern Grixis Control


I binged it all in an afternoon. He's really funny.

Posted 17 November 2021 at 05:36 in reply to #645254 on A small update.


We'll expect a flurry of activity when the doctor is done [[pulling teeth]]

You could spend the time watching mtg remy, who has a number of hilarious songs about magic as a game and even more sketches about the game too.

Posted 16 November 2021 at 23:35 as a comment on A small update.


Have you thought about grave-savers like feldons cane ?
It would allow you to form a loop with spellbomb and Urza's saga and would help you against most graveyard hatred.

Loam gets the sagas, the sagas get the spell bombs and canes and you just repeat the loop endlessly.

You can add to the concept with stuff like engineered explosives.

Posted 13 November 2021 at 08:20 in reply to #645223 on Modern Garden Salad-Competativ


Pyrite spellbomb might be better than implement of combustion as it can also target creatures.

Posted 13 November 2021 at 00:49 as a comment on Modern Garden Salad-Competativ


Ping originated from prodigal sorcerer, who at that time got nicknamed "tim" as a reference to the sorcerer at the chasm in Monty python and the knights of the holy grail as he is zapping nearby stuff.

Posted 07 November 2021 at 21:19 in reply to #645181 on Gem or jank: Teferi control.


Hey ninja, just popping in to mention a trend happening in card design lately.
Early in magic a certain clause was put on creatures.

"When *this card* deals combat damage to a player, do x"

It was put on cards to prevent "ping-players" to have fun with cards like [[psionic gift]] and [[hermetic study]]

In some of the newest releases the text has been altered to:

"When *this card* deals damage to a player/opponent, do x"

Which means that any enchantment that causes a ping is slowly increasing in power.

While this does not apply to sludge monster, it will be a thing for you to watch for in the future.

Maybe you can base a deck around it in arena one day ?
I did a short search for stuff like [[flaming hands]] and [[fire whip]] but at the moment there isn't any historic ping, but perhaps it's comming. Ping has always been a player favorite, and they've altered the text in recent times so something must be coming.

Posted 07 November 2021 at 12:09 as a comment on Gem or jank: Teferi control.


The card was designed when the legendary rules were different, so when the legendary rules changes the card no longer works as it was intended to work, therefore it could receive a fix.

Fixes like that rarely happens though...
I miss [[powersurge]]

Posted 03 November 2021 at 17:07 in reply to #645158 on o wow another


Woops. That's true.
And they never "fixed" the leyline after that.
It does remind me of some other setups that I've forgotten though.

Posted 03 November 2021 at 16:43 in reply to #645158 on o wow another


Leyline of singularity makes every clone a removal spell.

Posted 03 November 2021 at 15:00 as a comment on o wow another


When shards of alara was released and the full 3 sets had been released I was feeling pretty hungry for something along the exact same lines, but with the unseen shards (jeskai, mardu and the others)

With a lot of the storyline involving time travel I've been dreaming of an alternate version of shards of alara. Perhaps something went wrong during nicol bolas spell so he died in that alternate universe as the shards settled into a figuration he had not foreseen.

I've longed for this version for so long that I've made a longterm goal of designing the damn set myself and sending it if it won't happen by itself :)

Posted 23 October 2021 at 20:17 as a comment on Magic the blog: a small rant.


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