
1,705 Decks, 2,359 Comments, 222 Reputation

I like running 19 lands, cutting 1 tasigur (you don't want him or bedlam reveler in the opening hand) (maybe cut both as you can't hit the green/blue abil, and swap him out for a reveler), maxing out kolaghan's command, and look into inquisition of kozilek

If you've got the cash, dark confidant would feel right at home in here as well

Posted 22 September 2018 at 20:43 in reply to #617958 on 1557022


I prefer lingering souls over butcher in here. Immune to boardwipes, triggers your token generators, and hits a turn earlier

Posted 21 September 2018 at 03:56 as a comment on Mentor of the Sublime Horde


This deck is crying for 1 drops. Opt goes for like 30 cents these days, so I highly recommend putting 4 of those in, as well as taking a look at other 1-drop options to give this deck some speed

Posted 20 September 2018 at 21:41 as a comment on Budget Decks: Hardcore Slinga'


20 lands, especially with 4 colonnades is too low for this curve. I wouldn't run fewer than 23

Posted 20 September 2018 at 21:36 as a comment on Modern Miracles


Looks pretty solid to me

Posted 20 September 2018 at 21:32 in reply to #617948 on Demistruction


I'm not really a fan of the 2 treetop villages in here. I know they stop the bleeding of confidant, but if you swap em out for some 1 drops, like fatal push, they will only hit you for 1 more damage (should be inconsequential), but will speed things up nicely (the village eats tempo like a mofo)

Posted 19 September 2018 at 21:43 as a comment on Modern Jund


Here's how I would build the deck I described above, just as something to look at.

Posted 19 September 2018 at 20:50 in reply to #617948 on Demistruction


No problem. What build did you use for blue/red?

Posted 19 September 2018 at 20:32 in reply to #617948 on Demistruction



Well, the general problem here is that this build is halfway between a combo deck which only throws DoR at opponent's face, and a proactive control deck which uses DoR as a win condition. As its sort of half way between 2 builds, it won't be very good at either idea.

In modern, it will be very hard to pull off a combo build for DoR, as there aren't very many good ways to throw it quickly in the grave from the deck and fetch it back, so I advise going with the proactive control build.

Basically how those work is a TON of cheap/cost effective disruption spells and ways to get through the deck more quickly, so you can stop opponent from doing anything until you find and field your win condition/s.

So, right now we need to pull out all the stuff that doesn't:

a- stop opponent from doing stuff
b- move through the deck quickly
c- directly work to win the game

So, take out- tyrannize, desperate ritual, fists of the demigod, and vessel of vitality off the bat.
-tyrannize gives opponent a choice and there are better ways to win
-fists of the demigod is redundant, as DoR is a badass on his own and its a card that doesn't do anything without a critter
-desperate ritual and vessel of vitality are for fielding the DoR faster, but are useless if you don't have one in hand and we aren't aiming to sling them as fast as possible anyway in this build.

Then, we have to look at the mechanics by which you are finding and fielding your DoR's.

Infernal tutor and disentomb are bad options because they are highly conditional (neither does anything without a copy of DoR already), and there are better ways to go about doing what you're doing in here.

The best option for this is Kolaghan's command, which will fetch back DoR from the grave and take care of another problem as well. Only problem there is that it's about 15 bucks a pop. Still, a gamechanging card and basically never a dead draw.

I've never been personally fond of dash hopes, as its harder to cast (2 black) than other options, gives opponent an easy out (I will eat 5 life all day to keep your from fielding a DoR), and can't solve anything that has already resolved.

Instead, I would focus on cards like: lightning bolt (excellent removal that doubles as a way to finish out close games), fatal push (excellent removal), inquisition of kozilek (slows down opponent in the opening, removes responses later (drop 1 before you drop DoR to get rid of their removal)), blightning (slows down opponent and bleeds them), max out the terminates to 4 (pretty much the best removal in modern), and collective brutality (cost effective way to use wasted cards (extra lands), ditch a DoR to the grave if you have multiples so you can pull it back, and as a bleeding effect).

Also, I would take the land count up to 21 so you won't be stalled out, and if possible (budgetary concerns) add in the fetch lands like bloodstained mire.

Posted 19 September 2018 at 19:54 in reply to #617948 on Demistruction


4 thunderous wrath's is too high for my taste. You positively don't want one in the opening hand, so I would consider dropping it down to 2 or 3 to make sure you will topdeck it (for its miracle cost) rather than have it sit in the opening hand

Posted 19 September 2018 at 18:13 as a comment on Pauper Burn


Sounds good. What sort of budget are we working with here?

Posted 19 September 2018 at 18:10 in reply to #617948 on Demistruction


Even with this curve, 16 lands isn't gunna cut it. You are gunna eat mulligans, negating the card advantage you want by running fewer lands, or have games where you are stuck at 1 land and lose the tempo you need

Posted 19 September 2018 at 05:26 as a comment on 1557022


Are you cool with a decent amount of constructive criticism?

Posted 18 September 2018 at 20:06 as a comment on Demistruction


I prefer Viashino Pyromancer over Abbot. Consistent and predictable 2 that doubles as a planeswalker hater that you can drop turn 2 with no problem (abbot you can't drop with certainty of playability until you have mana built up). Plus its still snapbackable with claim.

Posted 18 September 2018 at 03:00 as a comment on Competitive Modern Rakdos Burn


This looks wonderful. Basically guaranteed turn 1 discard disruption, follow up with a turn 2 banger. Fantastic.

Only thing I am considering is Executioner's Capsule as a fast, confidant friendly, goyf food option.

Posted 18 September 2018 at 02:34 as a comment on G/B Midrange


Builds like this are really interesting to me. Their main problem, and one I'm seeing echoed here, is that good enchantments tend to be 3-drops or higher, making the deck slower than the mechanics it wants to shut down.

One way to fix that is to run affordable tactical cards, fast spot removal, and stall tactics, all of which would be of help in this build.

Basically, what this deck wants to do is have either a turn 1 or 2 drop (preferably both) that help you either accelerate or takes care of any quick work by opponent, then on turn 3 drop your 3rd land and go to work.

The 1 drop blue tactical cards like opt, serum vision, and sleight of hand are wonderful for fixing problems and speeding things up. I know you're not running blue in this build, but honestly it would be worth considering just to get in cards like this (as well as opens up more options for enchantments). Another good tactical option is explore, which is basically never a dead draw and will really knock this build into gear.

Spot removal like path to exile lets you respond to critters that are gunna get fielded before you can get your lockdown working as well as be excellent options to pull effect critters off the board if they are a problem later.

Accelerated defense cards like wall of omens, viridian emissary, and elvish visionary go a long way to speeding things up and giving you protection so you have time to field the 3-drop enchantments you need.

Posted 14 September 2018 at 19:45 as a comment on enchantment level 100


I'm surprised to see no Trinketmage in here to fetch out sol ring, voltaic key, and mana vault.

I like running a higher land concentration in my Memnarch EDH, especially since your curve tops at 4-drops.

Other than that this looks solid.

Posted 14 September 2018 at 19:01 as a comment on Memnarch Control EDH


No worries. Its still ingeresting. I just got swept up imagining the prophet untapping everytjjng to death

Posted 14 September 2018 at 14:55 in reply to #617280 on EDH Lands


Well, that sort of depends. What kind of budget are we working with? And are you opposed to adding a third color?

Right now this is a "good stuff" build that is going for "getting it done", meaning you are throwing critters at opponent while denying opponent the ability to throw them back at you. If you want to keep this theme, there are some tweaks that could really help, mainly lowering the curve and fixing the lands.

Its cool if this deck is just thrown together for fun, but if you want to tool around with it I'm more than happy to talk it over

Posted 11 September 2018 at 04:44 in reply to #617783 on 1555874


Unfortunately Goyf isn't going to do well in this deck as the curve is sow high. Goyf is good because he is cost effective and fast, but in a deck that has a curve well above 3 he wont do any good until the late middle game

Posted 11 September 2018 at 03:54 as a comment on 1555874


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