
62 Decks, 212 Comments, 61 Reputation

You make me sad.

Posted 26 October 2012 at 10:00 as a comment on Sealed Draft Challenge


21 lands in a 40 card deck is a bit much. Especially when you basically curve out by 3 mana. Usually 17-18 is the hot spot in limited and I don't see any reason why you would want more for this deck.

Posted 25 October 2012 at 11:30 as a comment on Sealed Deck (2012.24.2012)


The Demon's Horn is a bad card. You should replace it with something else entirely. You have enough sources of life gain elsewhere if you really need it but lifegain in general is a weak mechanic. I would replace it with a creature since you're fairly light on those. Vampire Nighthawk gives you a creature on the 3 CMC on your curve with lifelink, deathtouch and flying. Amazing utility and still gains you life.

Piranha Marsh is counter to your strategy and just slows you down. Replace it with Leechridden Swamp which do carry the Swamp subtype that a lot of your other cards care about and has repeatable life loss to all your opponents, not just once to one player and then not counting as a swamp.

Liliana's Shade might be useful as well since it tutors up any swamp (including the Leechridden Swamps) and gives you a mana sink to buff itself which works nicely with the regent.

Posted 24 October 2012 at 12:30 as a comment on Nightmare Swamp


That sounds like Orme advice...

Posted 23 October 2012 at 11:26 in reply to #298644 on Draft Deck


LOL? Commons do not get to over $2 by being bad.

Posted 23 October 2012 at 06:25 in reply to #298644 on Draft Deck


You have nothing to tap the mine. You can't just tap it for the sake of it.

Posted 19 October 2012 at 10:00 in reply to #297728 on Three Little Birds


You probably shouldn't post your deck link on every Niv Mizzet deck you can find... Especially not by insulting the creators by calling yours a "real" deck which implies that theirs is not even good enough to be considered a real deck.

Your deck is not special. It is a generic combo deck that will lose more often than not because it doesn't understand how "control" works in a multiplayer format and is just loaded up with counterspells.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 07:59 in reply to #295901 on Izzet EDH


I would reconsider your general. You aren't playing a super lockdown deck from the looks of it and playing him will get you targetted with the assumption that you are. Tax effects aren't fun for others and you aren't really playing heavily around the tax as much as the discount for you.

You have a lot of cards on here twice. Terramorphic, Rule of Law, Aven Flock, maybe others.

Howling Mine in a blue deck is a bad idea. You have plenty of excellent draw options. Letting your opponents draw 3 to your 1 is not a good investment when you're playing the best color for draw and not really playing to the idea of punishing their draws.

Sphinx-Bone Wand is not particularly good in a deck with only 14 spells. You'll draw into may 7-8 of them in a game and several of them will be cast before you even get to 7 mana. It's very expensive for maybe doing 10 total damage.

Tablet of the Guilds is not worth it. Lifegain is not strong in the format. You'll either get killed from a perfectly "safe" life total with general damage or just someone else's deck "going off". It's good on cards that do other things but straight life gain is not worthwhile. Loxodon Warhammer gives trample and 3 damage which is very nice. The lifegain is just gravy. Tablet does absolutely nothing but make you feel safe while you've already taken 19 general gamage...

Rule of Law + Erayo... No. Just no. Another one of those "it might work once" and then you become the primary target even though your deck isn't otherwise mean or broken.

Jace's Erasure - You aren't playing a ton of draw or mill effects so this is just a minor inconvenience that doesn't really do anything. It doesn't advance your plan, it doesn't really put anyone at risk of dying and it doesn't stop top manipulation. You aren't even playing graveyard hate to force them into exile.

Why the Urza's Trio? You have no way to search for them to actually set them up, you have no real benefit for colorless mana since your general reduces colorless costs on spells, etc...

Posted 18 October 2012 at 07:40 as a comment on Three Little Birds


Righteous Authority seems underwhelming in this deck. You have no card draw to benefit from it (aside from itself). You'd probably be better off getting a 1-2 CMC draw spell to make more options for your scepter.

I'd probably cut the scepter down to two even if you add more spells for it. It's good but not really worth including so many copies of it.

Almost all of your creatures are two color. It might not be a bad idea to include something like the new Civic Saber. Giving your creatures +2/0 for 1 is pretty awesome.

The lack of Judge's Familiar in the deck makes me sad. Fits your theme better than a lot of your other creatures, helps smooth out your mana curve and with the Saber can be an evasive 3/1 on turn 2 which is delver level broken.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 06:51 as a comment on I am the law!


How does including 4-5 infinite two card combos make it a "real" Niv EDH? It makes it an unoriginal combo deck that no one will want to play against, not a "real" EDH deck. It's counter to the whole philosophy of the format.

How do you intend to stop three other players with your 12 counterspells? Permission does not work in EDH as there are too many players compared to your resources.

Honestly, your deck could take some pointers from this one rather than vice versa.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 06:40 in reply to #297460 on The Most Interesting Dragon in the Multiverse (Niv-Mizzet EDH)


Lackey was not included because he did not have haste and all of the goblins in the deck did have it. Dropping in a goblin with haste off him would be wasting their ability and not being able to attack for value immediately was also slowing the deck down.

Posted 18 October 2012 at 06:14 in reply to #297443 on Old Goblin Deck


Make no mistake, just playing Niv Mizzet will put a huge target on your head since people will assume you're playing those combo cards, even if you say you're not.

Dream Halls is a very dangerous card... You really don't have any way to "win right now" once that hits play and everyone else will be able to take advantage of it as well. Omniscience would be better for this deck since you're not playing combo. You have a lot of alternate cost or X spells so Dream Halls wouldn't even be very useful ultimately.

Spellbook is terrible. You have two other sources for that but if you really need another no max hand size, go with Venser's Journal. That will at least help counter some of the aggro you'll receive for playing the firemind.

I would recommend a Trinket Mage to fetch Library of Leng, Sol Ring, or Elixir of Immortality depending on what you need.

You have enough Wizards that Riptide Laboratory would be a good land option. Although you do have the effect with erratic portal already.

Sculpting Steel as an additional option to copy artifacts would be good if you can find room. Three Puzzle Boxes would be pretty hilarious.


The man lands and Grixis Panorama seem unnecessary. You have enough duals and other fixing options that you shouldn't need it plus too many CITP tapped lands will slow down your attempts to control the game.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 09:24 as a comment on The Most Interesting Dragon in the Multiverse (Niv-Mizzet EDH)


My first observation is you have no protection for Chainer and no sac outlets. You need to be able to give him hexproof/shroud since him dying exiles your board. You also need a lot of sac outlets to make sure the creatures you want to abuse are available rather than losing your whole board to a single target removal spell. I would suggest Lightning Greaves or similar for protection and an Altar of Dementia is a great sac outlet since it will fill their yard with additional creatures to steal.

You also need an artifact based answer to enchantments/artifacts since they can potentially screw you over.

With all the mana doubler's included, you would have better luck with Maga, Traitor to Mortals as your commander since there really does not appear to be much of a reanimation theme compared to just a kill everything and burn everyone in the process.

Geth, Lord of the Vault would be a suitable replacement general with all the extra mana. He also gives you an extra kill condition with all the mana you'll have access to since you can chain mill people til you're out of mana at their end step or in response to other spells.

Posted 12 October 2012 at 08:51 as a comment on None More Black (Mono-black EDH)


Sword of Feast and Famine does not really seem useful in this deck as it currently stands. Untapping all your mana doesn't really benefit you since you won't have a use for extra mana with everything being so cheap. Sword of Body and Mind could be a useful replacement since it gives you a chump blocker and wrecks their library.

Green Sun's Zenith is a necessity for this deck IMO. Turn one land, green sun for 0 to grab Dryad Arbor is one of the best "ramp" effects in the early game and the faster you can set up the quicker you can disrupt them.

Goblin Welder is another must have since it's so heavily artifact based. It gives your artifacts some additional recursion and some additional exploitation of enter and leave triggers.

Wild Cantor would be more reliable mana fixing so you don't have to use all the duals... Also tutorable with the Green sun.

A "no restrictions" expendable artifact list should have Tinker to get the exact equipment it needs.

Skullclamp needs to be main deck. Card draw is super necessary with all your cheap spells.

Baleful Strix is Planechase 2012 and they haven't bothered to add it.

48 card sideboard, really? Make up your mind lol

Posted 08 October 2012 at 08:13 as a comment on Fast and Unfair Death By Ornithropter


I don't own one and he's a rather dangerous Bribery target anyway.

Most of my decks run on 34-36 lands. Card draw and ramp effects allow you to get by with fewer total lands. I have plenty of mana fixing options and really I only need 6 mana to activate her ability so even though it has a high average CMC, most of the spells are cheated in for G, 4, or 3GWR.

Posted 05 October 2012 at 07:36 in reply to #293790 on Mayael the Anima EDH


Defense Grid is there so it stops spells. City of Solitude would stop me from activating my own general on other players turns which would be very bad. Price of Glory would be even worse.

Recross the Paths is a repeatable ramp spell. I have a full third of my deck with 6+ CMC which means there is a very high probability that it will clash in my favor.

Brawl combos with Asceticism, Avacyn, Spearbreaker behemoth, Vigor, etc... as well as becomes a one sided board clear since most of my creatures will survive while I'll be able to kill pretty much every other creature on the board. It's also a combat trick since you can do it at instant speed after attackers and blockers are already declared.

Hydra Omnivore is an 8/8 for 6 that connects for 24+ damage. It's a must block that can trade all day with most, much smaller creatures. It's also political in that you can convince another player to let it connect to kill a third player or hitting someone with him that could have blocked it will make the table mad at that person instead of you.

Posted 04 October 2012 at 01:58 in reply to #293472 on Mayael the Anima EDH


Harrow is a powerful but very risky spell... If you're playing against a counter heavy Niv Mizzet deck, there's a good chance it will get countered and set you back a turn rather than ramping you forward. Stick to the Cultivate/Reach or other effects if you can. If there's not a lot of counter magic in your meta, it's ok to use but it sounds like there is.

In a friendly meta, ramp won't get countered but yours does not seem friendly and a tempo play like countering a Harrow would be worthwhile every time.

Posted 02 October 2012 at 12:12 as a comment on Help Plz Ghave Revamped


I posted this from memory but the deck actually has Devastation Tide as well as the Evacuation in there for board wipes. I just can't figure out which card was taken out for Devastation Tide to correct that...

Posted 27 September 2012 at 08:21 in reply to #292304 on Hakim, Loreweaver


Appetite for Brains is awesome in EDH... It can be used turn 1 to get rid of a bomb as well as let you know what they've got or it can be used late game to bait a counter since they don't want their combo pieces exiled.

If I had the Zendikar fetches, they would be in here as they would be awesome in the deck.

Posted 27 September 2012 at 05:33 as a comment on The Ballin' Fallen - Ob Nixilis


I'd start with the general and go from there. Terribly unfun general.

However, I'll give other suggestions too since you probably already know it's an antisocial deck.

#1 Spellbook - if you need this effect, play Reliquary Tower or play Venser's Journal. This is too weak to include as it does nothing else.

#2 Counterbalance - 90% of your deck has a CMC of 4 or less. Commander games are designed to play big spells so most games, even with abusing the top, it will just miss every time.

#3 Stasis - I'm not seeing a single card that gives you vigiliance so it locks the board (including yourself) for a few turns and you aren't able to capitalize on it.

#4 Sorin Markov - Setting someone to 10 is useless when you're causing a commander damage kill. The other options aren't even worth mentioning.

#5 Hallowed Ground - What's the benefit of bouncing your own lands? Surviving a wrath? Why do you even need lands if you have Zur in play after a land wipe? You have tons of other bounce lands already.

#6 Ajani's Mantra - Terrible card. Gaining 1 life a turn is not relevant. I know you're trying to counter some of the life payments incurred by the deck but it's a terrible card.

#7 Arcane Denial - Causing an opponent to draw two in a lock deck is a bad idea. You just wasted your counterspell and now they drew into their board wipe of choice.

#8 Remand - If you're going to counter something, it needs to exile it or tuck it. Putting it into their hand to just recast is not strong enough in EDH.

#9 Power Sink - Time Stretch (or any major bomb), are you going to hold back 11 mana to counter it with this when you're also stuck only untapping one land a turn? If you just want to drain a mana pool and tap lands, there are better, cheaper options that could be done in an upkeep.

#10 Attrition - I see this being a dead draw most games and bottom of the priority list for a combat trigger... Yes, you can combo it with Bitterblossom but you would never really want to sac Zur to it and outside of that or Elspeth tokens, it's just going to sit there harmless while your board wipes and counters keep the board clear.

#11 Basic Swamp - 39 Lands is a ton, especially with card draw engines and filtering. You could do fine off 35-36 lands if you wanted to keep some of the other suggestions and cut more lands...

Posted 26 September 2012 at 07:51 as a comment on Zur the Enchanter EHD (Need Help!!!)


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