
67 Decks, 36 Comments, 4 Reputation

You are quite right. I didn't realize the list had not updated when I added GQ and Dakmor Salvage...
I had thought about the circumstance of not running into Loam, and my thought was either another way to bring them back or use one that brings itself back while maybe throwing Loam into play. Hence Dakmor Salvage. My original thought here was no land no play and just beat with Bloodghast or Fulminator if I have to.
BUT I want this to work and you have given me a lot to think about. So I thank you, good sir.

Posted 02 October 2017 at 08:14 in reply to #607042 on Dredge/Loam-Pox


I definitely agree with you, but Butcher's Ghoul was there for Gravecrawler and Retribution of the Ancients value.
Truly the better option for that slot is Blood Scrivener, for Altar's Reep, Vampiric Rites, and Gravecrawler. I don't know what I was thinking... Likewise, yes the second Bloodghast landfall trigger from fetches, DUH!
I thank you, good sir!

Posted 21 June 2017 at 19:35 in reply to #602000 on What is dead, may never die...


yeah i hear you about the stall...
i think the potential is there but it DOES feel like its missing something though...
maybe arena???
also its entirely out of my normal play style so that could be why i feel that way

Posted 24 June 2015 at 06:04 in reply to #553925 on ideas of hate...


so sylvan scrying was my attempt at reducing the variance of getting urborg/algea by T3 and also being back up for being mana short after smallpox... but idk you're prolly right...
i hear you on deglamer thats my current deck problems carrying over to new ideas...
bile blight was my answer to tokens BUT if i switch out for golgari charm im covered for this and the latter
idk about night creep though i feel like its effectively silence for all but mono-black...

Posted 23 June 2015 at 21:15 in reply to #553925 on ideas of hate...


thank you. essentially rather than trying to build the deck that everybody wants i tried to build a deck around mostly the cards nobody wants (sabertooth, war shaman, war beast, mauler, & infiltrator) so that the only trouble i would run into is getting the set of whisperwoods & wildcalls and give everybody a run for their money.

Posted 24 February 2015 at 23:11 in reply to #536844 on Morphifest Destiny


Oh i went through the entire list but ultimately decided against anything that requires death of my creatures simply for the sake of speed (except for Blood Artist... cuz DRAIN!), and also believe it or not things only die every turn when you can combo off which isnt always the case. I wanted the deck to be fast enough to be competitive while also gaining momentum in the long game. The really funny thing is that Tragic Slip AND Grave Pact were in the original draft of this deck both were taken out for speed and in the case of Tragic Slip redundancy. Also I was working with a budget mana base so things got dropped cuz they would play too late or took too much dedication, for instance, Caravan Vigil I wanted in there cuz it replaces its card and mana advantage as it replaces itself with morbid, but was taken out because the turn 2 required was impossible but now isnt worth it... things like that...
Bring it back though man, undying is better than persist people just aren't ready to see it.

Posted 16 February 2015 at 21:26 in reply to #536205 on Undying Retribution


Ghostway will enable you to avoid board wipes with little to no consequences to you

Posted 09 February 2015 at 01:33 as a comment on Soul Sisters Mono White


Wouldn't Squadron Hawk end up hurting you in this deck. Being that anybody who searches is screwed?
Also Path to Exile is a MAY search so all you really get is the exile which is good, BUT white doesn't really fit the build.
It seems like a stretch just to splash white...

Posted 20 December 2014 at 01:42 in reply to #523775 on $15 Modern Combo-Control


OK. Fine then.
Why not splash black for Maralen of the Mornsong. (easy just switch Thornwood Falls with Opulent Palace)
Now you're both under the clock, but there is a guaranteed shuffle every turn.
Yes its a creature and can be dealt with "easily", BUT I find that is the appeal making your opponent waste precious plays while you pile on more shuffles towards their demise.

Posted 12 December 2014 at 03:33 in reply to #521761 on $15 Modern Combo-Control


The idea was that Jeskai Ascendancy and Pyromancer Ascension COULD be used to win independently of each other.
I was trying to build a deck that would suit BOTH cards without putting preference on a single one.
I tried to put only one spell was dedicated to each strategy:
Manamorphose to Jeskai Ascendancy (which turned out to be good in BOTH cases),
Grapeshot to Pyromancer Ascension (which to this end I thought worked ).
When I was finishing this up i needed one more creature and it was down to Snapcaster Mage or Fatestitcher and admittedly I had went with Snapcaster Mage as to not OBVIOUSLY favor Jeskai Ascendancy. I thought that an early Snapcaster Mage would be counter productive, but a late one would be perfectly acceptable and be fuel for the fire.
As far as the land I wasn't thinking I guess it didn't seem to matter to me at the time.

With all that explained I am NOT unopposed to changing anything.
I THINK I fixed my mana problem and switched out Snapcaster Mage.

Posted 09 December 2014 at 09:58 in reply to #521771 on Jeskai Ascension?


The answer has probably already been covered, but why not Stream of Consciousness?

Posted 09 December 2014 at 06:33 as a comment on $15 Modern Combo-Control


I get that but what do I drop for it?

Posted 07 December 2014 at 10:23 in reply to #521106 on BlackTRON


IF I started (opening hand) with the Urza set and two Baubles/Swamps the soonest I could cast Exsanguinate is turn 4 which would be NICE except more often than not I'd be casting it turn 7 MAYBE turn 6.
The life drain is CHOICE but the BB cost puts it a turn too far.
So I will leave it my sideboard until I can figure what to drop for it.

Posted 05 December 2014 at 22:50 in reply to #521106 on BlackTRON


I intend the +1 is MOSTLY used for a second draw and a guaranteed swamp play every turn.
The -6 isn't for the equip for pump its to play multiple equips in the same turn also its to pump Undercity Shade.
The -3 fits in with the equip and works as spot removal just like you said but its all on the same card.
Taking all of these in mind she fits in just fine as the plan is to swing for lethal all at once rather than a little at a time.

Definitely friend the Korlash/Tainted Strike combo is kinda sexy :P

Posted 05 December 2014 at 22:15 in reply to #521092 on Infectious Lash


The funny thing is that I normally put Wayfarer's Bauble into my decks its a funny deck thinner.
Board wipes always make me nervous.
Mutilate would more often prevent me from outlasting my opponent than giving me a direct shot.
I REALLY like Korlash, Heir to Blackblade as a card its one of the ONLY legendary cards where multiples aren't dead draws. SUPER SEXY card.
But in this particular case I will sick with Liliana of the Dark Realm mostly for budget reasons. I re-worked the deck with Korlash, Heir to Blackblade instead, but it ends up being too close to $50.

Posted 05 December 2014 at 13:48 in reply to #521092 on Infectious Lash


Disciple of the Vault is CHOICE!
works great with my Salvage Titan idea
but i have a second ideal now...

Posted 05 December 2014 at 09:31 in reply to #521079 on BlackTRON


literally i meant the one turn.
cannon fodder that can keep my from taking bolts to the face.

Posted 03 December 2014 at 12:18 in reply to #520109 on Chord of Infinite BEES!


Aegis of the Gods... extra turns bought and paid for.

Posted 01 December 2014 at 03:49 in reply to #520109 on Chord of Infinite BEES!


I replaced it to see how cheap i could make it and forgot to change it back.
But what though? Soldier of the Pantheon, Soulmender, Sunblade Elf , Golden Hind, Nyxfleece Ram, Spirit of the Labyrinth, Voyaging Satyr? Nothing really stands out I think that is why I had Fleecemane Lion in there...

Posted 30 November 2014 at 07:14 in reply to #520109 on Chord of Infinite BEES!


I left Ephemeral Shields in there because indestructible why not?
Do you like the Triplicate Spirits token idea? Buy more time, or fodder for Chord of Calling.
My only ideas were Fleecemane Lion, Spear of Heliod, Paragon of Eternal Wilds, Dictate of Heliod, Elspeth, or Ajani (Mentor of Heroes). so i figured Fleecemane would be the most practical being the only creature and all.
Perhaps creatures that enter with tokens? idk its a weird hole to fill.

Posted 29 November 2014 at 11:24 in reply to #519705 on Chord of Infinite BEES!


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