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I can beat that. 2 million damage with just one red mana and a single card!

Mana Clash.

I just have to be lucky enough.

Posted 31 January 2014 at 14:35 as a comment on 1 mana>1000000 damage!(modern)


Except that the other deck runs zero defense and zero creatures. If you play these two in combination you will lose to any creature based decks that somewhat follow the mana curve.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 22:43 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


Blessed Wine!
Wine of Blood and Iron!

Posted 28 January 2014 at 21:06 as a comment on Drink To Me! I Won Again!


Ditch the Dingus Eggs again. I know they look tempting but it's actually a beginner's mistake to include them in regular land destruction decks. See, they cost four mana but need to be in place before you destroy lands. So, this will never work. If you play a Dingus Egg the turn you should blow up the second land you'll lose the game right there because it allows you opponent to go up in mana and to plop down another permanent that will beat you up.

If the mana cost of Dingus Eggs was 2, you could play them on turn two and start killing lands on turn three, that would be okay (and even then, if you had a mana-elf turn one so that you have three mana at your disposal in turn two, you should still go for that Stone Rain instead of the Egg).

Posted 28 January 2014 at 15:25 as a comment on Burn the ground!


It still doesn't cut the mustard in LD decks unless you play multiplayer (in wich case you shouldn't play LD ...). LD is actually hard to pull off anyway (unless you are playing against typcial beginner decks), there is no room for situational land destruction spells like this. If your opponent has all 4 types of permanents out against your LD deck, chances are you have already lost that game.

Posted 27 January 2014 at 16:15 in reply to #431842 on Burn the ground!


Your land destruction spells all cost 4 mana, that's too slow! You can have a couple of them but you absolutely have to start destroying lands a turn earlier!
Pillage, Winter's Grap, Stone Rain, Molten Rain, Thermokarst, Ice Storm - they all cost 3.

Zhur-Taa Druid is terrible, you should replace him with regular Llanowar Elves.

Posted 27 January 2014 at 16:07 as a comment on Burn the ground!


Decimate? You need 4 legal targets. It's hard enough in most 1-on-1 games to run into an opponent that has all 4 out but especially hard here since you are going for land destruction, your opponent won't have much out (and you can't afford to wait until he plays an enchantment for example)

Posted 27 January 2014 at 15:54 in reply to #431842 on Burn the ground!


Well, in that case he has to exile TWO libraries which doesn't exactly make things faster. If they are using the rules where his partner can block for him - maybe. But despite starting with more life, 2HG usually isn't a slower format, you can get brutalized as quickly as in 1-on-1.

Posted 24 January 2014 at 09:45 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


SInce lands in the library are "cards that aren't in play" I think you'll grindstone through your opponent's deck in one go no matter how big it is and what it contains.

Posted 24 January 2014 at 09:40 in reply to #430429 on Like a Grindstone Cowboy


It is probably meant for casual play, but then that's cruel, too, because who likes to get his library being raped like this in casual? That's the main issue I have with this deck, it won't be fun in any situation :P

Posted 23 January 2014 at 19:28 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


no, not at all.
Coffers doesn't make anything faster since you'll need them plus 4 Swamps to get any gain from it, which means it pays off no earlier than turn 5 (!). Most games are decided by that time. Megrim is horrible at 3 mana and Lilianas Caress only slightly better. See, if you waste your second turn on Caress instead of Hymning your opponent, he will drop more threats and kill you. That's the problem with Caress/Megrim: You need them in play before you start with your hand destruction but if you don't make your opponent discard asap, you'll lose control over the game.

Howling Mines are even worse, you waste your second turn on playing a card that your opponent benefits first from and that works against your discard, why should he include that?
Underworld Dreams doesn't belong here either, the plan is to strip the opponent's deck of any harmful card by exiling them via Cap, Echoes and Sacrament, if he manages to accomplishes that then it doesn't matter with what he kills, could be one of the specters, the opponent will most likely concede at that point anyway. But if you add damage dealers like Caress or Dreams (cards that don't do anything else) you will have a half-assed attempt at winning via damage and a half-assed attempt at winning via exiling cards and as a result will not be able to reach either goal.
Plus, all the cards you mentioned don't do jackshit about this deck's main problem: Opposing creatures. Take any random tribal or guild deck that most people are playing these days and let them play a random creature the first three turns each, you'll lose every single time because this deck is too slow.

Posted 23 January 2014 at 18:52 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


As it is, it is horribly slow, though. There should at least be 4 Dark Rituals to get rolling. This deck will most likely be overrun by most creature decks nevertheless.

Shared Trauma is pretty useless (in this). And I question the Extirpates, what's their use if you are going to Haunting Echoes anyway? I would run Duress/Thoughtseize instead and add the 4th Haunting Echoes.

You'll still be steamrolled by most decks but with these changes you will at least put up a fight and might snag a win here and there. Unless they play creatures of the lower end of the mana curve, then you'll still lose. So, yes, this deck will still be annoying but mostly for the guy playing with it. I don't see where this would be fun for anybody involved.

Posted 23 January 2014 at 18:02 in reply to #430293 on I Swear, This is Fun.


I also thought about Blood Ghast but he also isn't a zombie, that's why I didn't suggest him. You are running low on zombies now but the Gravecrawlers and Muses depend on them.

Time Walk can rarely hurt, it's just increasingly difficult to make room for it. But I would add an Ancestral Recall before Time Walk.

Culling the Weak is always a tough choice because it is card disadvantage - you are even more depending on the Gravecrawler now. I don't dare to make a call here without playtesting.

Mikaeus would of course be great in this. however, the casting cost of 6 IS a problem and if you manage to get that online, you are probably about to win anyway. Note that you are currently down to 20 permanent mana sources in a format where most decks run 4 Wastelands. If you add him, then as a one-of.
BTW, you forgot to add the Stairwells ... I'd rather play Stairwells than Mikaeus. They are harder to get rid of and they work especially well when your opponent killed all your creatures while Mikaeus requires to have other creatures.

Posted 23 January 2014 at 11:04 in reply to #429503 on Necropotent Zombies


You'll need Fungal Bloom for that but okay :)

Posted 22 January 2014 at 19:12 in reply to #429850 on Well that escalated quickly...


Elves didn't have a "lord" or any card that specifically boosts elves until Tempest (and even then, Eladamri doesn't pump them). Tribal decks have always existed, but in a theme way, not as a mechanic. The creature type rarely mattered for the first couple of years.

Posted 22 January 2014 at 14:29 in reply to #429850 on Well that escalated quickly...


Rules were established a long time before even the community had an "official" ruling. EDH grew in an organic way.

Posted 22 January 2014 at 14:22 in reply to #429749 on Well that escalated quickly...


Main problem would be to keep your Servant alive. I suggest Confound. But Misdirection and Scars of the Veteran should also be considered.

I don't see the Land Tax doing any good in this deck. Either add Scroll Rack or cut the Land Taxes.

And again, this is a deck overprepared against creatures and next to helpless against enchantments and artifacts. Are you the only one playing decks like this in your meta?

Posted 22 January 2014 at 11:27 as a comment on Like a Grindstone Cowboy


Of course I believe that you don't own these cards. I said I can't believe that I am the first one to SUGGEST them.

Posted 22 January 2014 at 10:40 in reply to #429510 on Well that escalated quickly...


Well, you said it yourself: They CHANGED the rules to make generals like Bosh playable!
Also don't forget where Commander came from: It's the casual players that invented this format and WotC just took over! As you said, Bosh wasn't legal under original rules. That's also why most people still call it the "Elder Dragon Highlander" (EDH), the name the community gave it when they invented it. So, what's so surprising then? Are you also amazed that people still call it EDH?

Posted 22 January 2014 at 10:37 in reply to #429749 on Well that escalated quickly...


Elvish Farmer exists twice even, there is a colour-shifted version in Planar Chaos (Mycologist).

For me it is sad that people don't know cards like these anymore. I started Magic when Fallen Empires came out and for years, goblins, merfolk, thrulls and fungus/saprolings where the only tribes out there (that is, with cards that specifically refer to each other in the rules text), saprolings/fungus were very popular in casual for years and the farmer and spore flower were staples.

(yes, technically we also had fearies and kobolds, but those were way too weak, even for ye olde times)

Posted 22 January 2014 at 10:29 in reply to #429850 on Well that escalated quickly...


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