
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

Hey, I just went by my own knowledge of rules and the erratas I found on Living End. If it's officially ruled, so be it. I just still don't understand the ruling - if having no casting cost counts as having a casting cost of zero, why doesn't Replicate (Djinn Illuminatus) and Flashback (Past in Flames) work then?

Posted 10 February 2014 at 12:21 in reply to #436254 on This Is The End.


But that reasoning is bullshit in the first place. If you want people to play more with legends or planeswalkers, make them stronger, doh. Blowing up your opponent's legend with your own was part of the game, a nice twist, I don't understand what's bad about it. There are more than 600 legendary permanents and something like 15000 cards in total, the probability that your opponent runs the same legend is incredibly small to begin with! Even then, the legendary status isn't just flavour, it is supposed to be a powerful card and the legendary status a way to make it more risky. But they are producing very powerful and swingy cards these days anyway. Really, this rule change makes no sense.

I hope players abuse the shit out of it so that R&D maybe realizes their error and go back to the older rules. They did take back combat damage using the stack, so there might be hope. And while they are at that, please bring back mana burn. I want to play my Power Surge deck again.

Posted 10 February 2014 at 01:25 in reply to #436255 on DARK DEPTHS RETURN


"they can't be cast from your hand normally or from some other zone" => and the exile zone isn't such a "other zone"?
Also, isn't having no casting cost technically different from having a cost of zero? The ruling on Replicate implies this. So, even if a card without a mana cost could technically be cast by cascade, wouldn't cascade skip Living End when searching for a card with converted mana cost of 2 or less?

Posted 10 February 2014 at 01:13 in reply to #436254 on This Is The End.


This is another reason why I think the new rule on legendary permanents sucks.

Posted 09 February 2014 at 23:50 as a comment on DARK DEPTHS RETURN


Are you sure that this works? Living End has no casting cost and can't normally be cast, only suspended. So, I think, you also can't cast it when you cascade into it.
The rulings on suspend cards without mana cost are a bit iffy regarding this. On the one hand they say:

"10/15/2006: This has no mana cost, which means it can't normally be cast as a spell. You could, however, cast it via some alternate means, like with Fist of Suns or Mind's Desire."

That implies you could use cascade on it. However, Fist of the Suns provides an alternative casting cost while Mind's Desire somehow adds an imaginary casting cost of 0 (according to the ruling of Mind's Desire ...)

On the other hand:

"10/15/2006: This has no mana cost, which means it can't be cast with the Replicate ability of Djinn Illuminatus or by somehow giving it Flashback."

Replicate and Flashback are closer to Cascade imho. Therefore I still think your combo doesn't work, but I would ask a judge anyway.

Posted 09 February 2014 at 23:47 as a comment on This Is The End.


Well, I still see 2 Sol RIngs. After removing one you have to reload or switch tabs in order to see the new legality (and make sure it's 60+ cards^^)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 20:25 in reply to #433988 on Artifacts


Yeah, because you added Mystical Tutor twice - it's restricted, too ;)

Posted 05 February 2014 at 19:38 in reply to #433988 on Artifacts


Well ... shouldn't you run 4 Lanterns if that is your gameplan?

Personally I wouldn't put too much emphasize on the Chromanticore. This is a standard deck and since everybody is using the gods and other silly enchantments, everyone is packing lots of enchantment removal. Chromanticore, however, isn't indestructible or anything like that. So I think it will bite the dust quite often and leaving you with nothing but mana rampers and some hydras.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 16:02 as a comment on Mono Green Chromanticore


You might want some Rakdos Cacklers to smooth out the mana curve.

I don't think creatures like Avatar of Discord are worth the trouble in a format without Dark Ritual.

I am pretty sure there are way better creatures out than Blood Cultist. Hellhole Flailer seems especially fitting for your deck because he is immediate pressure but can also be a threat midgame because of his sac ability - should you be behind in creatures, you can shoot him directly away. Lyzolda is also a personal favourite of mine.

Master of Cruelties, while a fun card, doesn't really belong in this deck. See, he can only attack alone and your other creatures aren't exactly of the type that like to stand by and just watch. Master of Cruelties is a card that wants to have the deck built around him (where you can make him unblockable for example).
There is a myriad of possible replacements. Another favourite of mine is Hellhole Rats because they interrupt the opponent a bit and have done half of their deed as soon as they come into play. It's perfect against opponents that hold back their powerful spells for later.

Note that all creatures I suggested are both black and red to make maximum use of the Liege and Fists of the Demigod.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 14:45 as a comment on Roach


Get rid of one of the Sol Rings and it should be Vintage legal.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 14:02 in reply to #433988 on Artifacts


You could try to make it Vinatge legal. Tinker is restricted there, not banned, so is Sol Ring. That means if you drop one of the Sol Rings and 3 Tinkers, the deck would be Vintage legal. Possible replacements:
Transmute Artifact
Trinket Mage (gets the Sol Ring)
Mystical Tutor (gets the Tinker)

Furthermore, for a deck like this (illegal and if it was legal then Vintage or Legacy) there are some very odd choices. Especially Cancel instead of Counterspell, Ur-Golem's Eye and many of your random creatures. Have a look at Signal Pest, it would boost your cheap creatures and is cheap by itself. Also check out Myr retriever.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 11:29 in reply to #433988 on Artifacts


The randomizer here is iffy to say it mildly ... and we are still working on it. I am sure we could go down with the land count some more and add things like Serum Powder.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 11:07 in reply to #434748 on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


There are 8 Tutors that can fetch the Opalessence and 4 Tutors that can get the Serra's Sanctum. Both Enlightened Tutor and Crop Rotation cost only one mana, Crop Rotation puts the land into play untapped, so you can use the Sanctum right away, usually generating enough mana to play an Idyllic Tutor. The deck is actually more consistent that you think.

About the fun thing - personally I think combo decks are never fun, but you have to admit that this one is odd enough to be considered "fun" in another way. Just imagine the opponent's face the first game you play. Subsequent games aren't fun anymore, that's right, you either win fast or lose fast. But that's the case with most combo decks.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 10:44 in reply to #434748 on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


Main problem of this deck: Everything hinges on Psychosis Crawler, if you don't have him in play, the deck does nothing. Sure, you have lots of draw and puzzle power to find it, but since the Crawler is your only creature and since you are also refreshing your opponent's hand, the Crawler will never be in play for long!

I strongly recommend to splash blue for cards like Confound, Spellskite and/or Willbender.

Posted 05 February 2014 at 01:05 as a comment on Psychotic Psycho's Psychosis


It's Legacy Legal, who knows, maybe someone builds this and goes to town :)

Posted 04 February 2014 at 23:46 in reply to #434541 on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


Actually, thinking about, you probably need more green/white duallands to make that work - Razorverge Thicket and Brushland being the cheapest and most usefuly choices here.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 23:35 in reply to #434541 on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


Replace 8 of your Plains with 4 Savannah and 4 Crop Rotation to up the chance of getting Serra's Sanctum.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 21:17 as a comment on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


No, you don't. The Leylines say "... you may BEGIN the game with XXX in play". So, since you control it at the beginning of the turn, you can attack with it.

Posted 04 February 2014 at 13:54 in reply to #434417 on Fun Deck: 1st-Turn-Kill! ggwp


Please upvote comments that are helpful for you. I am trying to get reputation the hard way as originally intended: By giving good advice (and not by ass-kissing^^).

Posted 31 January 2014 at 17:49 in reply to #433245 on Unholy Vampire Slaughter


A few things:
1) Cemetary Gate provides you with a cheap protection from black creature without having to make use of a low-toughness white creature.
2) " The nether traitors and reassembling skeletons can come back after pestilence. They can also serve as early blockers" The Nether Traitors have shadow and will therefore not be able to block 99,99% of all creatures. However, the Blood Ghast that has been suggested to replace him can't block either.
3) Sangromancer would fit much better into this deck than Bloodline Keeper!
4) I'd like to see a single Butcher of Malakir in this deck. He would be your finisher and "boss" of the bunch. Also, he is sick with Pestilence and your Skellis. Also, he is your answer to any opposing creatures that aren't fazed by Pestilence such as proto: black, regenerators, indistructables and so on.
5) Falkenrath Noble also seems to be a good addition.
6) I don't think you have the mana do make good use of Consume Spirit.

Posted 31 January 2014 at 17:22 as a comment on Unholy Vampire Slaughter


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