
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

Or drop it entirely. Pure lifegain is rarely worth adding and I don't see any card in this deck that needs extra life and would justify adding a card like Hero's Union that has zero influence on the board situation.

Posted 31 March 2014 at 15:06 in reply to #450945 on Angelic Destiny


That's why I keep on coming back to your decks^^
BTW, I could need help on some of my own decks.

Posted 31 March 2014 at 11:52 in reply to #451260 on I win with 1 life.


What is Barbed Shocker supposed to do in this deck? It's no symmetrical Windfall, it only affects the player it damages.
I was thinking Momentous Fall but hesitated because it isn't a creature. Best thing I can think of right now is Garruk, Primal Hunter. He isn't a creature either but can produce creatures. And his draw-effect doesnt cost mana once he hit play, so I can use it after combat to sac a creature I pumped with Stonewood Invocation.

Posted 31 March 2014 at 11:46 in reply to #451047 on Trample Brontale


Thran Foundry is no win condition. For many, many reasons:
1) It is very slow and passive. Many decks just overrun you or are able to break your lock with removal end then win. I mean, relying on Thran Foundry basically means the opponent WILL go through his ENTIRE deck before you win! So, even if he has a single mass removal spell or anything else that ruins your day, he will draw it for sure. Keep that in mind when reading the next reasons.

2) Many decks you will run into will recycle their cards as well. It could be Gaea's Blessings or creatures that shuffle themselves back into the library or a myriad of other possibilities. Just check how many decks here on Vault run Elixir of Immortality ... and that doesn't mean you'll draw the game, it actually means you will LOSE because Thran Foundry exiles itself when used.

3) There are still many ways your opponent can win even if they can't get rid of Worship:
a) poison (still very common)
b) I-win-cards
c) Loss of life ignores Worship (so most black decks will have cards to deal the death blow, for example Exsanguinate)
d) There are lots of mill decks out there that try to do the exact same thing, just way faster. You can use your Thran Foundries only once each and they can get milled, so it is very likely that you'll run out of cards faster.

4) You are probably not playing tournaments with this but if you plan do to so: there is a time limit that might case a game to draw even though you might win if you had enough time

Times have changed, Magic has changed. Times are over where you could assume you'll just win by decking if you have your combo out.

Posted 30 March 2014 at 16:18 in reply to #451260 on I win with 1 life.


How is this supposed to work? Now that mana burn isn't a thing anymore this deck simply can't win if your opponent is smart enough to not damage you anymore.

All you need is to make this WR. Soulgorger Orgg is everything you ever wanted for this deck - it still harmonizes with Worship nicely.

Posted 29 March 2014 at 13:28 as a comment on I win with 1 life.


Meanwhile I filled all open slots, assembled the deck and played it. Worked better than I thought, won most games and if so in spectacular ways (best was two Spectral Forces with entwined Savage Beating) but there was also quite some luck of circumstances involved. I rarely needed the Stonewood Invocations and haven't played a Word of Seizing yet ... my opponents just shredded each other or wiped the board in a timely fashion that suited me or just didn't draw the right answers. Which means the true test is still due.

Still looking for alternative creatures that would fit the bill: should trample, should not cost more than about 5 mana, high power and an effect that helps in the areas where I am lacking, mostly card draw(card advantage) and removal.

Posted 28 March 2014 at 18:17 as a comment on Trample Brontale


Yes, but Rancors are way too useful to not play them and the Bant Charms don't really add anything.

Posted 26 March 2014 at 17:04 in reply to #449587 on I Got Eaten At the Zoo Today!


That's a separate card. Also, Rancor isn't instant.

Posted 24 March 2014 at 14:53 in reply to #449061 on [Mod] Mayael' True Power


This isn't a typical Zoo deck, though. Zoo is a very old concept: Get the best low cost creatures of several colours (back then creatures like Kird Ape, Savannah Lion, Flying Men etc.), couple them with cheap pumpers and burn (back then stuff like Lightning Bolt, Giant Growth, Berserk, Blood Lust, Unstable Mutation) and then, because you empty your hand fast, draw-7-effects (Wheel of Fortune, Timetwister, Windfall). Google "Granville's Explosion deck" and you know what I mean :)

But Zoo has always stayed alive somehow in various forms and formats. It's fun and versatile because, playing 3 or 4 colours, you will always be able to pack all kinds of solutions for the problems your meta gives you in the sideboard.

Posted 22 March 2014 at 20:57 in reply to #449622 on I Got Eaten At the Zoo Today!


The Bant Charms. They are too expensive for Zoo anyway.

Posted 22 March 2014 at 20:51 in reply to #449587 on I Got Eaten At the Zoo Today!


Fatal Frenzy also grants trample which should be nice with most of your creatures.

Posted 21 March 2014 at 15:54 in reply to #449061 on [Mod] Mayael' True Power


Well, the deck's name suggests the deck bases on Mayael. As I said, you will probably win (or lose) before Mayael can do it's thing, that's why it is hard to suggest anything. My suggestions are more focussed on maximizing Mayael and more suited for multiplayer.

May I suggest Fatal Frenzy then instead of Blood Rush?

Posted 21 March 2014 at 00:27 in reply to #449061 on [Mod] Mayael' True Power


This is a solid and very straight forward deck. A bit too straight forward for my taste. It lacks tricks, it lacks removal. Does this deck even work? I mean, do you ever win via Myaeal' Aria? It looks as if whenever Aria is doing something, you will most likely win anyway with all those massive creatures out.

I think Rush of Blood should have 4 copies and/or other pumpers should be in there - Berserk for example unless you want to keep this modern.

Chameleon Colossus and Feral Animist might be worthy additions (or replace some of the weaker or vanilla creatures you have there). And of course Kalonian Hydra, if you can afford them. These creatures will get big enough fast enough to win via Aria.

Not all of your creatures have to have power 5, though. What about creatures that make use of getting those +1/+1 counters? Shinewend for example would add enchantment removal, Fertilid would help your mana production, Spike Weaver negates attacking creatures and so on. Those also work with the Hydra.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 23:05 as a comment on [Mod] Mayael' True Power


The Brother's War would be what I am most interested about. But the Weatherlight Saga will probably make better movies for the broader masses. Most likely a trilogy, including the phyrexian invasion, Urza entering Phyrexia and all. You'd have a lot of steampunk elements in that, so you might be able to please both fantasy geeks and Sci/Fi fans, basically mixing Star Wars and LotR.

Posted 20 March 2014 at 21:04 in reply to #430048 on Hollywood making a Mtg Movie!


I don't see any use in halfdecks, sorry. Running out of deck ideas has never been a problem for me. Time is my limiting factor (and stupid opposing decks that ruin casual)

Posted 07 March 2014 at 14:40 in reply to #420350 on Halfdeck: Oldschool/Expulsion


Sigarda has hexproof. As I said, in this deck, shroud is actually better than hexproof because it protects the creature from my own Abyss, Takklemaggot and Death Match.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 22:45 in reply to #437412 on Can't touch this


Yeah and I am just questioning those reasons.

While it is true that what I described mostly applies to Standard, you have to realize that Standard is the most played and most influencial format. Whatever is played in Standard spills over to other formats and casual play. Personally I have stopped playing tournaments and league games years ago. And yet I have to face the same kind of decks in casual again and again. If a new set comes out, I know what I'll have to play against in the upcoming weeks and months. Look at the decks at this site - Standard or not, the majority of decks here are block mechanic or tribe related decks of all sorts. That's partly because cards don't mix up well with cards of other blocks but also because players stick to what they are used to and what they have grown up with. Creativity isn't exactly fostered anymore.

Maybe have a look at my decks - most of them are original but they get very few or no reponses at all. If a deck doesn't follow known formula X, people don't know what to say about it, even though I put detailed instructions into the descriptions what I am looking for. There might be other reasons for this, many decks get buried here without any replies, mostly because most people want replies and help for their own decks and can't be bothered to help out others first. However, if you scroll down the list of decks in the "hot" tab that get the most replies you'll only see Boros here and minotaurs there and the usual shenanigans, if you get what I am trying to say.

Anyway, thank you for reading and dealing with me although I didn't contribute anything useful to this deck, I am just an oldfart and Magic dinosaur that is waving his walking stick and complaining about the fancy new stuff :)

Posted 12 February 2014 at 16:41 in reply to #436255 on DARK DEPTHS RETURN


I wasn't talking about formats or specific blocks, I made general statements regarding general observations. Wizards is building out decks for many years now, that way it is easier for them to playtest. Whatever standard decks people are playing with now, very similar versions of that have been played by R&D in their "Future League" months ago.
I am playing and collecting nonstop since 1994 and can nothing but attest that the cards and the game HAS been dumbed down. It is still a comparebly complex game of course but with the masses of players also came the need to make everything more accessable. If you wanted a combo in 1996 you had to come up with one yourself and had to combine several cards and effects. Cards like Sisters of Stone Death that come with their combos built in were unheard of in the first years. Please note that Sisters of Stone Death is from the old Ravnica set. The process of dumbing down everything has begun a looong time ago. Dominant block mechanics and creature types that determine what decks can be played have been introduced as early as Odyssey. I mean - flashback, madness and threshold in the same block? If you didn't want to play with discard and your graveyard you had to ignore half of the available cards ... this is fundamently differnt from earlier sets that also had block mechanis but they worked more like themes, not as imperatives what to play. And don't get me started on creature types, with the exception of some few pumpers and specialized cards/creature types like the rebels, creature types just didn't matter unless you wanted to assemble theme decks.
See, if I open a disiplay of each expansion of the current block, all I have to do is to pick a creature type/colour/guild, then select creatures with the current block mechanic (heroic, battalion etc.) and add some removal and pumpers. As long as I adhere to basic rules of deck building like following a mana curve, this will result into a very strong deck even if I pick the creatures and spells at random within these restraints. Why? Because those abilities and type/theme related boosting effects are so strong that they supercede everything else. The decks literally build themselves because the synergies are printed in bold and blinking letters on the cards - and they have been delibarety designed to go well with each other.

About EDH, it's not simply a format that defines which cards are legal, it also has it's special set of rules. So, if the old legend rule caused problems in EDH, why can't they make a special legend rule just for EDH? And let's not forget that EDH is a casual format, it was created by the community and everything about is about casual play. Yet, players are currently trying hard to "break" the format and pimping their decks to maximum efficiency. A format like that shouldn't need rules changes like that or players are doing something wrong.

Posted 12 February 2014 at 00:41 in reply to #436255 on DARK DEPTHS RETURN


You guys have a weird perception.

Why is it more skill based if you have an option removed and when each player doesn't have to worry about the possibility that your opponent could get rid of your legend that way?

Phantasmal Image can kill Emrakul - isn't that a nice thing? Emrakul is a very, very stupid card, the list of abilities is so hilarious, if you asked little kids 10 years ago to invent their own cards, they would come up with something like Emrakul. And now it is a real thing. And any idiot can have one in play early with the various ways to circumvent casting costs. So, isn't it fair that I can kill it with a copier? And, isn't this the essence of Magic, that you can use tricks to get out of very miserable positions and turn things around?

And Deathgofkira, are you trying to say that Jace wasn't playable beforehand? Think about it - if Jace wasn't playable, then >you wouldn't run into Jaces constantly< The legend rule only applies if both opponent have the same legend or planeswalker. So, despite some freak luck, this will only ever happen to very popular (and that means strong) cards. The legendary status is a way to limit the power of these cards. If a legend isn't powerful enough, the rule will almost never apply because it is very unlikely that both players will crank out their Maralen.dec. It only sees action when players get uncreative and play the same decks. And that basically means the old legend rule *worked as intended*!!

No, what you people really complain about isn't about skills or playability of cards. That's what MaRo told you. The true reason is that you just hate it when you play your degenerate deck and then someone kills your 50 dollar card with a cheap one and prevents you from wiping the floor with overpowered cards!

That's why there is hexproof now instead of shroud. That's why there is almost no symmetrical cards anymore or cards with dangerous upkeeps. That's why they removed mana burn and why they print really strong block mechanics and tribes so that decks build themselves. All of this is a way to nurse the current generation of players - make the game and deckbuilding as easy as possible, give them precons, divide the cards into guilds so that they can use the names as clues what to play together, remove every twist and edge that could make them stumble on their way to the easy win. Skill? It took skills to build deck when the creature types, block mechanics and card names didn't tell you what to play. It took skills to build a deck around a symmetrical card to make it wortwhile. It took skills to work around the fact that you opponnent's creatures could get the bonus from Crusade as well.

Wow, such a big rant because of the interaction of Thespian Stage and Dark Depths :)

Posted 11 February 2014 at 11:18 in reply to #436255 on DARK DEPTHS RETURN


No need to shout.
So the difference being mana cost and converted mana cost. Time to hire a lawyer for the next game^^

Posted 10 February 2014 at 13:11 in reply to #436254 on This Is The End.


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