
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

I don't care about the colour, it's the deck author's problem whatever the ruling is. In the end whatever you and your opponent agree on is fine.

Posted 21 January 2014 at 20:23 in reply to #429510 on Well that escalated quickly...


Already corrected that. I am still not convinced, though, because the rules only refer to color identity of the card to add and the *color* of the commander. Anyway, Natural Order and Verdant Force are still painfully missing.

Posted 21 January 2014 at 19:25 in reply to #429510 on Well that escalated quickly...


I can't believe I am the first one to suggest NATURAL ORDER! Sac a saproling to get the meanest fatty you have in the library into play! For example Verdant Force ... wait a sec, nobody suggested Verdant Force either? What the ...

Posted 21 January 2014 at 19:17 as a comment on Well that escalated quickly...


you asked me to look over it. You also asked if this is tournament worthy and let me get that out of the way first: No :) At least not in serious, powered T1 Tournaments. Too slow as either combo or beatdown. Also, despite MTGVault listing your deck as Vintage legal, the Zombie Fanboy actually makes this illegal in all formats.

However, it looks like a fun deck with lots of synergies and would do well in an unpowered and/or more relaxed environment. Let's see what we could do without getting out of theme :)

I find it questionable to mess with your mana base adding green and red for a single card each. Especially with the choices you made - Thraximundar is a strange pick to begin with and why a single Exploration when you could play with Fastbond instead? You do have Abrupt Decay in the side, though, so maybe keep green but if you picked a different, non-red finisher you could run less non-basic less and generally have a more stable mana base.

The Zombie Fanboy is, as I mentioned, not legal in any format. But even if this was for casual against players that don't mind that you play with Unglued cards, I cut the Fanboy. First, Khabal Ghoul is better than him in most situations. But more importantly I wouldn't play either - too slow, doesn't do much on it's own and generally doesn't cut the cheese in Vintage. Blood Artist is what you want in this slot! Especially since:

Since you are about to kill yourself with Graveborn Muses if you aren't careful. 4 Blood Artists will help surviving. You can cut the Staff of the Death Magus now.

With Thraximundar and the Staff gone we'll have 2 open slots now. You want a finisher? You want to zombie-combie someone? Try ... TOMBSTONE STAIRWELL !!! It has always been a comboriffic powerhouse but since Blood Artist is out, this enchant world is just insane! For added lolz you can sac all the tokens to Carrion Feeder ... note that the zombie tokens come and go during EACH upkeep of EACH player ... considering all of this you might even want to abandon the Rooftop and go up to 4 Stairwells.

Posted 21 January 2014 at 19:01 as a comment on Necropotent Zombies


Actually you can still put Auras on creatures with shroud if you get them with effects like Zur or Replenish:

7/15/2006: If you use Zur the Enchanter's triggered ability to search for an Aura, it will be put onto the battlefield attached to an appropriate permanent. It doesn't target that permanent. If no appropriate permanent exists for it to be attached to, that Aura can't be put onto the battlefield and stays in your library.

Posted 20 January 2014 at 09:07 in reply to #428572 on Dirty Zur, if you DARE


Zur can fetch any enchantment that costs 3 or less. You have devoted 12 slots to enchantments ... but opted to have only 4 different ones? I find that questionable, especially with the 4 Steel of the Godhead (because both lifelink and unblockable are redundant in multiples). Wouldn't it be better if you had a better range of enchantments with lots of different abilities to pick each time when Zur attacks? And shouldn't there be an enchantment on it that makes Zur hard to kill? And why do you have random stuff like a single Lingering Souls which could also be another enchantment?

Here are some suggestions for enchantments that would run well in this as one-ofs:
Gift of Immortality
Aura of Silence
Story Circle
Spear of Heliod
Daybreak Coronet
Greater Auramancy

Posted 19 January 2014 at 16:51 as a comment on Dirty Zur, if you DARE


I would upgrade Nomad En-Kor to Shaman En-Kor anyway.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 16:34 in reply to #427649 on Stuffy Doll


To be more agressive I suggest Goblin Charbelcher. Adding it, however, might ruin your perfect mana curve, so it is possibly not worth it.

Also, don't underestimate the speed of this deck ... if the opponent just refuses to concede you could always play one of your lands face down and claim it is a morph creature :)

Posted 16 January 2014 at 16:18 in reply to #427547 on ULTIMATE BUDGET DECK


Oh and Goblin Charbelcher would be a wonderful addition to the sideboard. So does Phyrexian Devourer.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 13:00 in reply to #427601 on ULTIMATE BUDGET DECK


Mana Severance could be rad in this deck.

Maybe rename this deck to "Goldfish" ;)

Posted 16 January 2014 at 11:59 as a comment on ULTIMATE BUDGET DECK


You are not missing anything, that's what this deck is building on. This combo has ruined casual games for years. Never ran into it? Lucky guy.

Posted 16 January 2014 at 01:17 in reply to #427393 on Stuffy Doll


Martyrdom ... a Pariah like effect that they don't see coming.

Posted 15 January 2014 at 22:38 as a comment on Stuffy Doll


You are currently running FOURTEEN spells that cost 3 mana! Your mana curve is horrible ... can't cast something on turn 1 and 2 and have to wait until you get to 6 lands until you can play two spells ...

I strongly recommend to replace the Slitherhead with Llanowar Elves or Birds of Paradise!

Posted 15 January 2014 at 19:51 as a comment on Reuse, Recycle, Repeat


Be careful, though, you just lowered the creature count to 8 (Peel from Reality needs creatures and you don't want to bounce tokens) and removed the guys that lower the cost of artifacts (which makes it harder to actually replay stuff). I would keep some Sculptors. Maybe Peel and Tradewind 3 each while keeping 2 Sculptors? Idk, hard to say without playtesting.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 23:09 in reply to #427018 on I'll Just Call This 'Art'


To be honest I think your version isn't less boring, so I figured "meh, why not go the usual route?".

If it is all about triggering Mirror Works - what about cards like Peel from Reality? It gives you somethging to recast and can be used to save your key cards from destruction but at the same time it acts as a defensive measure because it slows the opponent down and can be used in repsonse to surprises. <= I am just missing cards and tricks like this that would make your deck more versatile and in turn less boring.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 17:12 in reply to #427018 on I'll Just Call This 'Art'


I think you forgot to add the obligatory Inkwell Leviathan/Blightsteel Colossus. Or what are you going to do with the Transmuter and all that mana? I also wonder what you are planning to use the Resonator on, there aren't any worthwhile targets. So, my suggestion would be to replace the Resonators with Leviathan or Colossus.

Posted 14 January 2014 at 11:51 as a comment on I'll Just Call This 'Art'


I was talking about casual because this deck doesn't appear to me like it was aimed for tournaments ...

Posted 10 January 2014 at 16:57 in reply to #421206 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


Path to Exile, Maze of Ith, Pacifism, Magus of the Moat, Tragic Slip, Ixidron, Humility, there is so much stuff you can do to stop a Colossus. Even better yet, you could STEAL him with something like Control Magic or Ray of Command etc.
It's just that people tend to keep their decks simple and single-minded with not many options to adapt to the opponent. But the tools are out there, you just need to include them into your decks. Not because of the odd chance that you'll face a Colossus but because of the considerably big chance that your opponent will have *something* up his sleeve that you can't handle with your ordinary Terminate or whatever you are running.

Posted 10 January 2014 at 16:09 in reply to #421206 on Elvish Piper - Manacost?No thx


It would refill your deck with key creatures that you can fetch with the next Ranger of Eos, though.

Posted 10 January 2014 at 15:59 in reply to #425711 on Martyr Control


Well, Confusion in the Ranks is actually a VERY good suggestion :) It is absolutely sick with Norin the Wary because he also return to play from exile under OWNER's control!

Posted 10 January 2014 at 13:25 in reply to #425670 on This is how I play red.


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