
155 Decks, 173 Comments, 26 Reputation

Also, if you add a sac engine like smallpox or a cartel aristo or really, anything, you can reuse your legendaries since goryos only exiles at end of turn. Then add snapcasters and reuse it :D

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:39 in reply to #444786 on instant reanimator


If you want to try another route, consider a one-of Godo, bandit warlord and one of the swords...

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:33 in reply to #444786 on instant reanimator


Actually (and not that it matters, I'm just detailed ^_^ ) It's been errata'd, "played from hand" means the same thing as "cast from hand".

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:28 in reply to #444759 on instant reanimator


Also, this deck needs Liliana of the Veil... Because why not XD

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:24 as a comment on instant reanimator


As a side note, you can cheat Obzedat into play by exiling him using his ability before Goryo triggers. I know that works in standard with Whip of Erebos.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:15 as a comment on instant reanimator


Myojin won't work, it isn't being cast.

Posted 06 March 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #444759 on instant reanimator


Any reason you aren't running like at least one nykthos?

Posted 07 February 2014 at 15:24 as a comment on Devotion to Rakdos


Np. I'd also seriously think about plummet over Skyreaping since most decks don't go for a dedicated flying strategy.. You're usually only up against a single desecration demon or stormbreath not much more.. Maybe 2 of each or 3 plummet/1 skyreaping ...

Posted 30 January 2014 at 21:43 in reply to #432946 on $10 Budget Green Devotion


Plus, add consistency to the deck. I'd lose the demoloks in favor of 2 more bramblecrushes since it gives your opponent fewer options.. Less variability.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 21:37 in reply to #432946 on $10 Budget Green Devotion


- I'd think about Auras as a possibility and consider adding regeneration as a buffer against boardwipes. Mending touch might bet better than mortal's resolve (costs 1 less) and for targeted destroy spells, there's always ranger's guile.
- Consider something like Golgari Decoy to get your damage in and possibly make them have to block (to remove their creatures.
- Some really odd cards that I've seen work (because no one expects them) are Phytoburst and I think Mischief and Mayhem may do something similar. That plus the decoy is complete shenanigans at its best :)
- Maybe add in a rogue's passage for some damage output later..? Unsure about that one..

Posted 30 January 2014 at 21:36 in reply to #432946 on $10 Budget Green Devotion


Fair point. As an afterthought though, think about Master Biomancers maybe... Give those walls some more toughness and ignore mind grinds maybe.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 20:47 in reply to #432877 on Standard mill deck/combo mill


This wouldn't really last the first two (probably even three) rounds at most FNM's. Here's why:

1) It doesn't respond to any decks in the current Metagame at all (no responses to midrange, mono blue, mono black or even mono red).
2) It's lacking in consistency (random 1 or 3 of's of cards that you actually need)
3) No late game or early game: You aren't abusing simple cards like experiment one and burning-tree for early advantage or big drops for late game either (your game-enders appear to be Deadbridge Goliath and fated intervention which is two 3/3s.. Great for double blocking but terrible to attack with in a world with Advent of the Wurm and Loxo Smiter). Your Midrange might work but you aren't really even abusing that since you aren't working on your devotion count from turn 1 (Elvish mystics or experiment one's).
4) Flying shuts your deck down since you only have 3 responses in your sideboard that are in-turn dependent on your devotion count.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 20:45 as a comment on $10 Budget Green Devotion


I think you may want to tone down the Xenagos in favor of something else since you aren't running enough low drops to make his +1 effective and if you're using him to make 2/2s then they're really only good to chump at turn 3 or 4. You're running more big drops and control pieces so maybe consider Whip of Erebos to help you stabilize after turn 4/5 when you're up against fast aggro or midrange decks.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 20:01 as a comment on What the Jund?


This deck is almost exactly what's wrong with Wizards (-_-")

Posted 30 January 2014 at 18:40 as a comment on Gruul, the Revelers [BNG]


^ This.

Posted 30 January 2014 at 18:35 in reply to #432875 on hydra-ponic


Consider dropping the Green in favor of more control cards instead. I'd make the following changes:

-1 Mind Grind (You don't need to rely on that as much as you might think if you have Phenax and a wall out)
-2 Axebane Guardians
-3 Prophet of Kruphix
-4 Doorkeeper
+4 Thoughtseize
+3 Dissolve OR Dispel OR mainboard negate OR Psychic Strike
+2 Hero's Downfall
+1 Pilfered Plans

-2 Fate Unraveler (Why was it in anyway..?)
+2 Thassa, God of the Sea (tohave a 5/5 since your walls are virtually unkillable or can be protected with counterspells and you can hit 5 devotion on thassa)

Posted 30 January 2014 at 18:22 as a comment on Standard mill deck/combo mill


Good call. Mainboarded the Erebos though since I meant to earlier but apparently forgot...

Posted 30 January 2014 at 18:11 in reply to #432654 on Mogis Control


Posted 29 January 2014 at 20:17 in reply to #432634 on Mogis Grixis Control


I would seriously consider dropping the Blue altogether. Here's why:

- You don't gain all that much from blue that you couldn't find better or equivalent solutions in R/B to.
- Your only blue cards are: Izzet Charm, Far/away, Divination, Dissolve. Apart from Izzet Charm all of those are questionable picks even in mono blue devotion (people play those cards because there aren't better alternatives or because they fit better).
- Look up what standard decks people are running and see what you actually need to respond to. Archetypes like Red Aggro, Monoblue/monoblack Devotion, R/G Aggro are big right now and you can respond to all the things you need to in those decks with red/black staples.

Posted 29 January 2014 at 20:10 as a comment on Mogis Grixis Control


I think this would fare poorly in modern since the sideboard doesn't really address other decks (which is the point of a sideboard really). I think you should alter it like this:

- Torpor Orbs are a cheap way to stop entry effects (shuts down cascade).
- Nihil Spellbombs/Tormod's Crypt/relic of progenitus shuts down most graveyard shenanigans.
- Think about Auriok Salvagers.
- Consider War report as a sideboard against burn or fast aggro.
- Apostle's blessing is a cheap prot spell for your artifacts.
- Instead of Slag Fiend, consider Mine Excavation as an alternative in case tempered steel is destroyed somehow since without it, the deck falls flat. Plus since you are running white creatures in there, that gives it added impact

Best part: All of these are pretty inexpensive and either commons/uncommons or just cheap rares.

Hope that helps :)

Posted 19 November 2013 at 18:30 as a comment on Tempered Steel ($10)


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