
40 Decks, 185 Comments, 46 Reputation

Its possible, I don't play anymore; family life takes precedence. I do however still deck build so once Khans hit I will probably update most of my decks as I check the website daily. I will also be posting links once I get a good collection done of my 3D abacus life counters that I have taken to doing here lately...

Posted 04 August 2014 at 15:41 in reply to #490602 on Hyper Budget (Green)


I will look into it, I don't get to play much anymore. I have been actually cutting most of my cards up making 3D abacus life counters but I do frequent the site daily; I love Northy's decks so I like to see what pops up.

Posted 28 July 2014 at 01:08 in reply to #487975 on Hyper Budget (White)


Actually most of my Hyper Budget Decks utilize the Ordeals, they are deceptively good in a heroic build that pumps counters. I was trying to keep this deck to a certain feel and the only Ordeal that I would consider running would be "of Thassa" build I wouldn't know where to cut.

Here is my Hyper Budget decks that I have put together, feel free to check them out if you haven't.

<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-white/">White</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-blue/">Blue</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-red/">Red</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-green/">Green</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-black/">Black</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-discard/">Discard</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-mill/">Mill</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-golgari/">Golgari</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-dimir/">Dimir</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-izzet-2/">Izzet</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-selesnya/">Selesnya</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-azorius/">Azorius</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budgetland-destruction/">Land Destruction</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-slivers/">Slivers</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-onedrop/">One-Drop</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-infect/">Infect</a>

Posted 03 May 2014 at 03:19 in reply to #459638 on Retribution of the Meek


I know some have been waiting on me to build a deck with Yoked Ox, here you go! Threw in some other goodies too! Enjoy, and as always comments and suggestions welcome.

~ Happy Tapping

Posted 29 April 2014 at 14:12 as a comment on Retribution of the Meek


Thank you and I believe you could build something even better than what I have done with these decks. What I do when I build these is find about 3 to 4 common/uncommon cards that have really good synergy and just build around that. One of the key basics when starting out in deck building is to try and keep it as straight forward and simple as possible... It may not win them all but it will win and probably more often than you can imagine.

The biggest bit of advice I can give is find what you type of play style is and find the cards to build around that, me personally, I play standard mostly but I love to build grindy decks; not necessarily control just a nuisance type of deck. So I tend to play alot of Defender, Bounce, Mill type of decks.

Again thank you for the comments...

~Happy Tapping

Posted 09 March 2014 at 18:26 in reply to #426344 on Hyper Budget (One-Drop)


Misty Rainforest isn't standard unfortunatly; Kiroa may go in place of Nylea, the biggest reason I have her in the is for the trample, Kiroa presents the potential for a massive win con.

Posted 04 March 2014 at 17:44 in reply to #444040 on Urban Monster Bounty


I considered her, but I felt I would rather ramp into something that has a larger impact on the board quicker. I don't dislike the idea but I think she may slow down the deck to much for my tastes.

I also considered Tromokratis but in the end went with S. Primordial.

Posted 04 March 2014 at 07:00 in reply to #443909 on Urban Monster Bounty


I like it, I had a friend who just got into MTG about 6 months ago and he ran something very similar to this in a U/G shell. +1, because I have felt the pain!

Posted 03 March 2014 at 22:55 as a comment on GROWING AND GROWING MORE!!!


Comments and suggestions, as always, are appreciated and welcome!

~ Happy Tapping

Posted 03 March 2014 at 16:35 as a comment on Urban Monster Bounty


I am glad that one of my piddly little budget decks has inspired you! I have fallen in love with cipher over the past month an have build quite a few decks messing around with it; one very similar to this with Whispering Madness as the win con; paired with Elixir of Immortality and Psychic Spiral makes for some fun games.

Posted 03 March 2014 at 01:45 in reply to #443320 on Budget: Cipher strings


Have you tested the deck with Satyr Firedancer yet, some cases you can pop your opponent with a burn spell and take out a creature on the field. Other than that nice work!

Posted 25 February 2014 at 16:57 as a comment on Mogis's Phoneix


Love it! I like Hellhole Flailer her, buff him up for a massive fling for the win!

Posted 25 February 2014 at 04:59 as a comment on Hyper Budget: Rakdos


Just had a kid 4-0 this past week with a Maze's End deck. He was running a Turbo Fog version of it, it included Crackling Perimeter, Kiora, and some Verdicts. I would drop Saruli Gatekeepers for Prophet of Krupix, 1 less mana, same body size but a much better upside. Drop Into the Wilds for Supreme Verdict. Possibly the Vines and Eviction could go in favor of some Fog effects, but each to his own in that regard.

Posted 24 February 2014 at 05:27 as a comment on gatekeeper's Maze


Really nothing, didn't think that decision through I guess.... You could splash in some of the new BotG Inspired creatures to get use out of it that way or you could just add in something more useful :D

On a side note Hidden Strings is really good in Heroic Decks.

Here are the guilds I have posted currently, working on Gruul and Orzhov atm.

<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-golgari/">Golgari</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-dimir/">Dimir</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-izzet-2/">Izzet</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-selesnya/">Selesnya</a>
<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-azorius/">Azorius</a>

Posted 24 February 2014 at 05:20 in reply to #441480 on Hyper Budget (Dimir)


That is the way I have always played them, but the first creatures I saw when I got back into MTG was Invisible Stalker and Harbor Bandit so I immediately build a U/B deck that I fine tuned for 6 months until Standard changed. You can play Dimir a multitude of ways as you can with any guild, just find your preference and go hard in the paint!

Posted 23 February 2014 at 22:06 in reply to #441480 on Hyper Budget (Dimir)


Well for card draw you have some options with those colors; Divination,Pilfered Plans, Read the Bones, Underworld Connections, Toil // Trouble, Erebos, Quicken, Inspiration, Opportunity.

Obviously some of those aren't very good but Erebos's Devotion is easily reached with the creatures you are running, U.Connections is good, if you are looking just for spells Pilfered Plans and Read the Bones are probably what you may be looking for.

Posted 23 February 2014 at 15:31 in reply to #441483 on Dimir Deception


Funny you should ask that because I started doing just that with this very deck this last FNM! Here is what I started with and plan on building from there, I think it has potential.

<a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/azorius//">Azorius</a>

I didn't do bad I just didn't have the steam to finish most of my games, the only blow outs that I had was one game against a (B) Devotion and one game against a (G) Devotion. I will be changing some of the creatures up and putting in some more threats to get me to higher win percentage. I haven't been excited about fine tuning a deck since I lost Invisible Stalker and Vampire Nighthawk!

Posted 23 February 2014 at 15:25 in reply to #441479 on Hyper Budget (Azorius)


I don't even know, I have played U/B the most since I started playing a year or so ago, Innistrad/RtR block. I played a U/B Invisible Stalker/Vamp. Nighthawk Runchanter Pike deck that was super good, lots of removal and counters so I try to keep that as intact as I could with this budget deck.

Posted 23 February 2014 at 15:10 in reply to #441480 on Hyper Budget (Dimir)


Definitely, been using it and Hands of binding a lot here lately.

-4 Paranoid Delusions
+4 Hidden Strings

Posted 22 February 2014 at 20:47 in reply to #441289 on Hyper Budget (Dimir)


I have, check it out! <a href="http://www.mtgvault.com/sway/decks/hyper-budget-green/">Green</a>

My hyper links got all messed up, sorry about that. I am also in the works of another HB Green, Charging Badger is TO GOOD to pass up. I don't know how that isn't banned in all formats yet....

Posted 21 February 2014 at 20:38 in reply to #441067 on Hyper Budget (Azorius)


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