
19 Decks, 148 Comments, 5 Reputation

That's an awesome elf deck. I could potentially learn a lot from you on use of elves, I think, so I'd like to know what you think of this deck I've been working on.
Like it says on that page, any and all input is appreciated.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 13:07 as a comment on Mass Elf Swarm


Yes, four million. I was the poor sucker sitting across the table from that. If events hadn't led to the match ending early, he'd have gone a lot higher than that in the next turn. Take it from me: this deck is fairly fast, highly efficient, and absurdly potent once it really gets going.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 11:02 as a comment on Life Eternal


Even one creature with Devour in this deck would be hellishly powerful. A great deck for whenever you get to thinking " A rediculuosly huge army sounds like just what I need right now."

Posted 08 March 2011 at 10:58 as a comment on The Saproling Wars


Wall of Denial would be fun to watch opponents try to get past. This deck is a monumental tribute to the power of annoyance as it is, though, so congratulations on that.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 10:55 as a comment on Are we ****ing DONE?!


Golem Artisan or Darksteel Juggernaut could both be quite a powerup here. I've never seen so many artifacts in one deck before. Cool.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 10:52 as a comment on Colorless deck challenge


That looks like a fantastic deck to me. Still, I kept thinking "Indomitable Archangel could be one heck of a defense for this deck, since it has Metalcraft-induced Shroud for all your artifacts." I still think that, although your deck certainly appears strong enough as it is.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 10:51 as a comment on Shimmer


Thanks. Kaervek's Torch sounds like a decent option if I'm able to find one.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 10:39 as a comment on Eternal Flame


I might put Agent of Masks in, if I find one, and the others are also pretty good suggestions, though I'm saving my Corrupt for a different deck. Thanks for your input, though.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 08:05 in reply to #139133 on Midnight Sun


Thanks for the idea, but are you sure it would be all that strong outside of mono-white decks? That's one of the main things that has held me back from putting in Armored Ascension so far, so if I can be sure it's not going to cause problems, I'll try it.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 08:02 in reply to #138884 on Midnight Sun


It's coming through more consistently with each revision, and should continue to improve as I get more cards, but since my first deck was all M11 cards, I don't own enough of each card yet. As I find more cards and gain more experience in deck building, hopefully it should keep evolving. On that note, what would you suggest for improving my chances of beating an opponent who generally gets to over 100 life within seven turns? I'm still open to suggestions.

Posted 08 March 2011 at 07:59 in reply to #139043 on Midnight Sun


He's right about the 1-ofs. Unless you like randomness in your deck, it does tend to leave you in the lurch at bad times to have a lot of single cards. At least that's what it did to me.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 10:29 in reply to #137899 on Gimme Yo Life 4 turn win


Pretty vicious-looking deck. Have you thought about adding Vampire Nighthawk or Painful Quandary? Between those two cards, your opponent would have to give up at least one thing per turn.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 10:27 as a comment on Gimme Yo Life 4 turn win


At ths rate, you'll be nigh invincible in a month. I have to get my hands on a Quietus Spike for some deck self-defense.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 10:25 in reply to #138549 on !ATTENTIONEVERYONE!


Really, Serra Ascendant would just be obscenely powerful in your deck. The way you gain life, it would be a 6/6 Flying Lifelink for 1 all the time.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 10:21 as a comment on Life Eternal


I was wondering pretty much the same thing myself, actually. This was my first successful serious attempt to make a working deck, and it's been around for, I think, a month or two. Personally, I feel that much of the traffic came from Shadowshun's "deck" called "!ATTENTIONEVERYONE!" I posted this there and got more suggestions and comments in the next few days than I had in the past few weeks. They come up with some really good suggestions there. About taking a look at your deck; sure, why not? If I can think of anything that might help in some way, I'd be glad to let you know.

Posted 07 March 2011 at 06:12 in reply to #138554 on Midnight Sun


I'd like to thank everyone here who was kind enough to offer their advice and thoughts about my deck over the past days. Because of your contributions, I am happy to announce that for the first time, my deck has made it onto the front page of the site!
Once again, thanks to all for their willingness to help myself and others like me, and thanks to Shadowshun for opening this massive group discussion. If all your ideas are this successful, you should maybe get one patented! :)

Posted 06 March 2011 at 15:23 as a comment on !ATTENTIONEVERYONE!


Thanks for the tip. Tainted Sigil could go really well in this deck, but since I'm not sure how effectively I'd be able to use it with my strategy yet, I'll put it in my sideboard and give some thought to what it would add and what if anything I'd have to do differently in matches to get the most out of it.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 15:15 in reply to #138516 on Midnight Sun


All right then. I'll see which of the changes I can afford to make. Right now I'm only listing the cards I own in my deck, but I'll have a few more Serra Ascendant in a couple weeks, plus more Ajani's Pridemates when I can find them. The Null Champion really is something of a placeholder, so adding another Vampire Nighthawk or two should fit right in with my deck's plan once I locate more of those too. Thank you for the input, and looking at my deck I have to think that following your advice ought to make it stronger. And more consistent, which is a problem I've been having lately.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 14:45 in reply to #138469 on Midnight Sun


In that case, maybe just go with Pacifism

Posted 06 March 2011 at 12:12 as a comment on White Weenie (test)


Painful Quandary might add something here, since it's either your opponent discards a card or takes 5 damage every single time they cast a spell.
Arrest and Prison Term might be alternatives to Pacifism. Corrupted Bonds and Ghostly Prison might make them think twice before attacking, and Aura Of Silence makes it harder for opponents to use enchantments.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 12:10 as a comment on Mind Control


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