
19 Decks, 148 Comments, 5 Reputation

Hmm... Maybe Ghastlord of Fugue?

Posted 06 March 2011 at 12:06 as a comment on Super Budget Black Blue Control


With Boon Reflection and Wound Reflection, you could prospectively at least quadruple the damage Sanguine Bond does.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 12:01 as a comment on Lifelink Deck


Looks like a pretty good deck. Still, I bet Cradle of Vitality would go extremely well with your Lifelink creatures, since it powers up a creature by however much life you gained in a turn, so maybe your creatures would just feed off of their own power and get exponentially stronger.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 12:00 as a comment on Lifelink Deck


My deck lost again- but that's fine, since it was going against the Life Eternal deck again. However, despite the gap in efficience between a one-color deck like that and a two-color deck like this one, I now win roughly 1 in 4 matches we have. Not bad for an amateur's incomplete deck, I suppose, but I still think I could use some improvement.
-All comments, reviews, and suggestions are welcomed, now as always.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 09:43 as a comment on Midnight Sun


All right, then, I'll get right on it, because you're right- this does need some board-sweeping cards. I seem to remember there being a spell that did "X damage to target creature or player" with a low-cost multikicker trait that does X damage to more targets.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 09:30 in reply to #138345 on Eternal Flame


Thanks for the heads-up. The Protean Hydra sounds like a great idea, actually. I even had one a few months ago, but gave it away, being new enough to the game that I didn't think it was all that strong. Looks like I'll have to get another, then. And also, thanks for the review.

Posted 06 March 2011 at 09:17 in reply to #138346 on Green Meanies


Thank you for the heads-up. My request must be only one of many you get, but I would value your input on a deck of my own that I've built up to a decent level, but I know there's something I can't quite put my finger on that's missing from it. How else could I have gotten to over 50 life on a regular basis and only win 1 out of 6 games with it? I'd appreciate any help with it, from you or from anyone who can.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 19:25 in reply to #138143 on !ATTENTIONEVERYONE!


A pretty impressive deck. If you've got too much mana, maybe try Wren's Run Packmaster or something, but that's about all I can come up with. Since your elf deck is apparently so well-built, would you mind looking over what is my first attempt at an elf deck and letting me know if there's anything I can do to help improve it a little (or a lot).
Yeah, it's got a couple Eldrazi, at least until I come up with a more deadly use for all that mana.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 19:14 as a comment on im convinced, best elf deck


I've never tried a mill deck before. Hopefully this is going to be at least a little viable.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 19:08 as a comment on Mindf*ck


The Lys Alana Huntmaster sounds like a pretty good idea, probably better than the Wren's Run Packmaster, in I'm going to use an Eldrazi Monument. I'll definitely add that on to my deck, and I'll have to hold on to one until the final 6 cards of this deck arrive Friday, so I can try the deck both ways in a real game.
Thanks for the help.

(And just for the heck of it, I'll let it be known that the only decks listed on here that I own are 70% of Golden Power, which needs a redesign, most and soon to be all of this one, and 57 cards of Midnight Sun.)

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:59 in reply to #137854 on Green Meanies


True- Emrakul pops up in all sorts of decks. For example, without him in this deck:
...I'd have an elf deck. With him, I have a scary deck (in my opinion). Eldrazi can contribute pretty well in the right places.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:53 as a comment on Allies to the Flying Spaghetti Monster


I found a couple of black and/or white cards that could possibly be used for control purposes:
Batwing Brume, Prison Term, Ghostly Prison, and Aura of Silence.
I wonder how those would work out for a control strategy?

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:46 as a comment on Black White Control


Omnath, Locus of Mana. Can't get much greener or meaner than that after a couple turns. For any other ideas, feel free to page over my Green Meanies deck from my profile page.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:41 as a comment on Mean and Green


Painful Quandary may not quite fit with the deck's theme, but I still think it would be good here, since not only would you then be giving them hell with Deathtouch, but they's also have to make a coice between taking damage and losing their hand as well. And-
wait a minuite, I was expecting this to have a few Vampire Nighthawks- I mean, 2/3 for 3, with Deathtouch, Lifelink, AND Flying? For sure, unless there's a reason why it's not in there now, that could be nice to take a look at.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:38 as a comment on The "Undying Death" Deck v.3


At this rate, maybe the site's management should just go ahead and make this deck page into a forum, with Shadowshun in charge. But then, it's sort of turned into a forum anyway.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:33 as a comment on !ATTENTIONEVERYONE!


If you feel more creatures to Devour would still be good, maybe try Predatory Advantage or Dragonmaster Outcast. Possibly Mitotic Slime, but that might be a stretch.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:31 as a comment on The Devourer(Please Help:)


Oh, shoot. Right after I hit "add comment" the first time, I had a couple ideas: Spirit Loop, Cradle of Vitality (Nothing better to go with Celestial Mantle!) and maybe Armored Ascension. I know that two of these are what I'm using, but I don't really know that many lifegain combos yet, and haven't run across any better powerup in a mono-white deck than Armored Ascension.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:29 as a comment on Judgment of Light


The Cho-Manno-Pariah combo looks like a great idea. If you have mana to throw around, my friend suggests looking at Transcendent Master if you haven't already.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:23 as a comment on Judgment of Light


So, you're farther along in your land-destruction deck than I am. Mine doesn't even have a page yet. The only things I do have for mine are three cards: one called Strip Mine, another called Crucible of Worlds, and a third called Sinkhole.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 18:19 as a comment on Lands Can Kill Too


Good deck. If you put in a few Idyllic Tutors, you'd have even better odds of getting a Near-Death Experience when you needed it.

Posted 05 March 2011 at 17:47 as a comment on Near Death Experience


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