
27 Decks, 411 Comments, 72 Reputation

I keep around some standard decks for FNM. Otherwise, if I am going to make a hardcore competative deck I typically make it modern.

Posted 25 January 2015 at 21:15 in reply to #531576 on Ashling Burn


Good point!

Posted 25 January 2015 at 15:46 in reply to #531576 on Ashling Burn


Hahaha. I think that against most decks that don't use player-targeting burn spells, the deck would be preeeetty solid. Its defensive capabilities are exceptional, as well as its versatility. I ramped quite well, and I never even felt threatened once. Kamis all over. Throwing down mega defense. Then Isochron with Druid's Deliverance on it. Yeah, it was fun.

Posted 24 January 2015 at 21:24 in reply to #531435 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever



Having stalled to like, turn 15 and leaving my opponent frustrated and confused because I did nothing but defend myself, I spawned roughly... a lot of angels. It was glorious.

I had Trostani, Selesnya's Voice down, two parallel lives, and two Angelic Accords. I used Luminarch Ascension five times.


Total of 20 Angel tokens.

Trostani gives me 20*4 life for a total of 80 life gained.


Angels: 20
Life: 100

Angelic Accords triggers...

20 more angels are spawned for the first one.

20*4=80 Angels

80*4= 320 life

Double it

160 angels

640 life.

End total:

Angels: 180
Life: 740

Opponent conceded.

Posted 24 January 2015 at 20:26 as a comment on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


That's a big 'if'. T4 is the... like, earliest you could actually play a creature capable of attacking the opponent. And you have /one/ Anger of the gods...


That's like, the only way you'd survive against an aggro deck.

This deck is going to fail more than it will succeed. It needs some work. Ugin is hardly even worth putting in here. If you haven't put down an Atarka and beat the crap out of your opponent before being able to play Ugin then the game is already likely not in your favor.

You need better early game defense or you will get crushed. Relying on Sylvan Caryatids is not going to cut if, especially if one of them gets killed. They can't be burned, but anyone with a spell to buff their own creatures can take them down if you try to block with them and are unprepared.

Personally, I would not play it. Too expensive and not effective enough. I'm not expert, but I can see that.

Less Stormbreath Dragons, Less or no Kolghan, More lightning Shriekers and Forgestrokers.

If you have Atarka out and can attack with even 2-3 dragons effectively, game is basically over. You'll be better off using Forgestrokers to bypass defenses, and Lightning are faster and more effective than Stormbreath Dragons due to trample. They can sneak in and deal massive damage when Atarka is out.

Posted 24 January 2015 at 18:25 in reply to #531406 on Dragonrider ( Standard Jund)


All I saw was Colorpie and thought of... http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/5/5d/010Caterpie.png/250px-010Caterpie.png


Posted 24 January 2015 at 16:51 in reply to #531373 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


I follow all your decks because they are awesome! :3

Well, not all... but a lot of them...

You should check one of mine out and see what you think!


Posted 24 January 2015 at 15:25 in reply to #531083 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


I had considered Dictate of Erebos. The other two are solid choices for certain situations. I put them all into my sideboard! :D

Posted 23 January 2015 at 19:40 in reply to #531220 on Grixis Rage


That's why I put a playset of them there, because even if you end up with a couple, you can play them on top of each other and just search out a normal plains or a shockland with no real loss. :3

I added some neat sideboard cards.

If I used Crucible of Worlds, I could repeatedly play my Trokairs from my graveyard to search plains out every turn, which means even if I don't draw lands, I can potentially fetch one regardless.

I put some ghostly prisons in, so I have options for my stalling. A couple extra Harrows and then Azor's Elecutors just to make people sweat when they can't get through my defenses. :3

Maybe it'll make them waste burn spells on me to slow it down, or get desperate or something. It immediately puts them on a 5 turn clock which can be rough when you can't deal damage to someone.

Im looking for a couple extra cards to slip in there.

Sideboard finished with...

Trading post, and Pulse of the Fields for that 4 life gain on Angelic Accord, and then Strionic Resonator to copy some triggered abilities and spawn more angels.

I feel more confident in its awesomeness now!

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:53 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


I think Harrow is a good addition.

I added Four Flagstones of Trokair and two Harrow, which could be really interesting. Flagstones of Trokair is legendary, so it can basically be used as a fetchland on a plains without the loss of life, or if Harrow is in hand, I can play it on Trokair for three lands, and then play another Trokair when able. That should help me ramp a little bit.

Also dropped the price by 20$ :3

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:40 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


Ramp may be more effective. Between Kami and Druid's Deliverance, I should have effective stall.

Harrow could actually be really solid. Hmm...

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:36 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


Hmmm... Okay, so, after playing around with it and plotting out some methods of getting Angels all over the board. The earliest I can reliably get Angels out without dying is about turn 5 (if the enemy is slow) or turn 6/7 if the enemy is fast and I need to use some defense spells. Considering how much I /can/ stall, that's not a HUGE problem, but it does leave me very vulnerable for the first few turns.

I'm not sure if there is an effective method for getting around that or not.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:24 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


Throwing random goblins at the enemy can keep them busy, especially when goblins just keep coming indefinitely.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 18:12 in reply to #531083 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Ahhh! You're right! Other than Sylvan Caryatid there isn't any! Oh no!

Posted 23 January 2015 at 17:39 in reply to #531177 on Draw for the win!


B/W Warriors is not a bad deck type at all. It did, however, get even better! :D Mardu Strike Leader is very nice. So is dragonscale general.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 17:33 in reply to #531038 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Mhm. Its a good idea, but... T.T

I waaaant ittt!

Posted 23 January 2015 at 15:58 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


At FNM I concede whenever people play Rabblemaster on like, turn 2-3 and I cant remove it or counter it. It makes them angry. xD

Posted 23 January 2015 at 15:35 in reply to #531083 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Alesha would require splashing red, though. So, that may or may not be something someone wants to do. But, if you did, you could also throw in a Goblin Rabblemaster, as they are warriors. And that can be fairly rough on people if played early.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 15:15 in reply to #531083 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Yup. Get's a +1 from me. Worthy budget warrior deck. I like it.

Mardu Strike Leaders irked me so bad at pre-release. :(

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:50 as a comment on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Northy its MTGVault hotpage champion. But he makes nice decks, too, so its for a reason. :P

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:48 in reply to #531060 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


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