
27 Decks, 411 Comments, 72 Reputation

A guy at my FNM practically gushed with glee at all the warriors.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:48 in reply to #531038 on Budget Decks: Warriors of Fate


Id play a starfish tribal deck. Just sayin'.

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:42 in reply to #530961 on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


Think so? Got any recommendations?

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:40 in reply to #531068 on Grixis Rage


I got a huge bonus coming up soon! :3

I'm definitely looking at getting this! :D

Posted 23 January 2015 at 14:38 in reply to #530984 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


I want this deck so bad. T.T

Posted 22 January 2015 at 21:38 as a comment on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


I know Jessie's decks better than he does. Bwuahahahahaha!

I like looking at your decks. :3

Posted 22 January 2015 at 21:25 in reply to #530596 on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices



Posted 22 January 2015 at 20:27 in reply to #530596 on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


Sigiled Starfish is a +1 from me.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 20:25 as a comment on Budget Decks: Choices, Choices


Negate is... okay... if you're expecting to be against someone with a lot of burn or something. It cant deal with creatures, though, so it loses that. Gothy is right, though. Disdainful stroke is going to help you keep big cost things from being cast, even if it can't protect you from anything too small. However, it's going to be difficult to really crush you with anything less than 4 CMC spells, so... Disdainful stroke over Negate.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 20:24 in reply to #530821 on Soulmanticore!


Gothy lives! :3

I personally wouldnt even worry about trying to hardcast the Chromanticore. Just fuel for the Soulflayer. It'll be more useful there, probably. Easier to work with, at least.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 20:22 in reply to #530602 on Soulmanticore!


Suggested Critters:

Weathered Wayfarer:
- 1 CMC (White)
- 1/1
- Stops you from falling behind in mana

Herald of Anafenza:
- 1 CMC (White)
- 1/2
- Can Outlast for 3 mana
- Outlast creates 1/1 tokens

Student of Warfare:
- 1 CMC (White)
- Has level up for 1 White mana
- 2-6 is 3/3 with First Strike
- 7+ is 4/4 with double strike

Any of them could be useful in either sideboard or mainboard if you wanted some utility or creatures you can use to fight off creatures you couldn't get exiled without risking your removal creatures while also triggering Mentor of the Meek. Student of Warefare is particularly nice. a 3/3 first strike for 2 can be handy.

Check me out: http://www.mtgvault.com/fairemont/decks/rubblebelt-madness/

Posted 22 January 2015 at 18:20 in reply to #530694 on "You're Breaking My Balls"


Zhur-taa Ancient could be fairly useful, though his ability may help my foes as much as me, if not more. Most of my critical cards are not overly mana intensive. However, I may put one into the sideboard for matches where it may be able to help me more than my opponent.

Good suggestions.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 13:52 in reply to #530682 on Rubblebelt Madness


Does not seem like a bad idea at all. Though I have noticed you have issues triggering Mentor of the Meek. Someone else has mentioned that as well, so, don't know how worth-while it is to keep that instead of maybe going for something a little more useful?

Posted 22 January 2015 at 13:49 in reply to #530694 on "You're Breaking My Balls"


It could do well. I like this one and my Rubblebelt Madness deck. ^.^

I'm really tempted to try and play with them.

Posted 22 January 2015 at 00:12 in reply to #530685 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


Well, it would certainly be an annoying deck to fight against, but it lacks any real hard win condition. Really, your option of victory is to exile everything they have that deals damage, or to just smack them to death. Which, I suppose is sufficient. Hopefully they dont run any decent hexproof creatures! D:


Posted 21 January 2015 at 22:43 as a comment on "You're Breaking My Balls"


Both excellent suggestions! I didn't know that Life's Legacy existed, and I was not familiar with Angel of Flight Alabaster, but she seems like a great card to have in this deck. Fogs everywhere! :D

Posted 21 January 2015 at 22:41 in reply to #530685 on [Help] G/W Angels Forever


I would consider Kalonian Hydra. I was trying to keep most of the creature cards down to a low cost unless they had a really big impact on the game like Nacatl War-Pride who can spawn a bunch of tokens each time it attacks. Kalonian Hydra would be nice because it doubles the number of counters on other creatures when it attacks, though only one creature I have really has counters on it other than Kalonian Hydra (if it were added). So, perhaps a sideboard card to use against slower, beefier decks that rely on defense.

The others have to either deal damage to the player or have other mechanics that I dont think I could make effective use of. Though, I would recommend them for others who tried the same or similar deck because it might fit with their style!

Posted 21 January 2015 at 22:35 in reply to #530682 on Rubblebelt Madness


It is! :D

A surprisingly crafty little deck.

Posted 21 January 2015 at 18:13 in reply to #529979 on Rubblebelt Madness


I prefer Pit Fight because it is an instant and doesn't lock me into one mana color or the other. That way, if someone is going to burn one of my big creatures with a doom blade or something, I can at least have it quickly wipe out an enemy. Otherwise, Prey Upon would be a good selection, yeah.

Posted 21 January 2015 at 18:12 in reply to #530546 on Rubblebelt Madness


I will now be running a squirrel deck in casual FNM.


Posted 13 January 2015 at 16:12 as a comment on Friday Budget: SQUIRRELS!!!


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