
27 Decks, 411 Comments, 72 Reputation

I normally consider duals or fetches but being that I have such a high concentration of hybrids which manager I get is fairly irrelevant for all but a couple of cards.

However! Would you suggest Rancor over colossal might? looks like rancor is cheaper and returns to the hand after being used. Seems like it might be a better investment overall?

Posted 22 December 2014 at 23:45 in reply to #524195 on Rubblebelt Madness


What kind of budget deck? Standard? Modern? Legacy? Doesn't matter? Probably modern?

Posted 22 December 2014 at 23:13 in reply to #523888 on Starter Budget: Standard Black


I love pretty cards.

I always love playing my foil Gilded Lotus or Mox Opal. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 23:07 as a comment on Pretty cards for my Wife


Ah! I suppose I should point out that it will likely be most beneficial to replace my two current sorcery cards. I put them on earliest, so as the deck got built up, they sort of outlived their usefulness. I dont need /that/ many tokens, and the Nacatl War-Pride take care of that well enough anyway.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 23:02 in reply to #524178 on Rubblebelt Madness


Oh, well.. I'm not particularly a /new/ player, but I am new to using MTGvault. :3

The primary reason I have tokens in this deck is because of Rubblebelt raiders. The more creatures (and tokens) that are attacking will add more and more to the Raider's attack. They don't go away, either, so they keep getting stronger and stronger.

I don't have much for ramp, but its also not a mana intensive deck from what I can see. I've not played it or anything, i don't even own most of the cards, but its still something Id be interested in pursuing.

But, I was talking to one of my friends at FNM and I am going to be trying to put a couple removal cards in. :3

If you have any good suggestions for what ones, that'd be nice.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 22:59 in reply to #524178 on Rubblebelt Madness


There is something oddly satisfying about attacking yourself instead of the enemy. +1

Posted 22 December 2014 at 22:38 as a comment on Blazing Effigy and Stuffy Doll


I made some alterations and gave myself some pre-match options. :3

Basically going to have to either play a slightly /larger/ deck or filter out my sideboard to maintain a ~60 card deck. Either works.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 22:29 in reply to #523936 on Elesh Norn - Phyrexian Themed


The mere fact that this deck does /not/ have Unwinding Clock makes me somewhat sad.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 21:51 as a comment on Ghoulcaller Bell Tribal


+1 for Sparkles.

Been tempted by Minotaur deck. Would consider.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 21:45 as a comment on Minotaur Sparkles


Do it! It will be amazing!

As long as no one gets mad at you for using proxies. :P

Posted 22 December 2014 at 20:46 in reply to #524132 on Winner


Good choice! Haha.

The only thing I see that might be a problem is having to mulligan into a hand with at least 2-3 mana artifacts with low mana costs or you'll have difficulty keeping up with any faster decks. I can't say for certain, though.

Posted 22 December 2014 at 20:28 in reply to #524132 on Winner


Then all of a sudden... artifact removal!

You might have to sell more than a car to get this deck, though. :P

Posted 22 December 2014 at 19:41 as a comment on Winner


It's something I've thought about. I do have plenty of removal cards on hand that I can always swap in. But, in terms of creatures, the blinding angel can generally tap them to keep them from doing much of anything (I hope), and I do have Dispatch if I need it (with plenty of artifacts).

In my meta, creature removal isn't /overly/ necessary. No one plays a lot of dangerous ones that are hard to defeat with just a solid defense.

Posted 21 December 2014 at 17:29 in reply to #523936 on Elesh Norn - Phyrexian Themed


My only problem is that I'd have to buy another Elesh Norn :3

Which I could do... But I was definitely thinking the same thing.

The blind obedience is actually a really good idea. Thanks for pointing that out.

Posted 21 December 2014 at 03:22 in reply to #523936 on Elesh Norn - Phyrexian Themed


Anything with Ashling the Pilgrim gets a +1 from me.

Posted 19 December 2014 at 22:10 in reply to #513559 on Ashling Supernova EDH


It took me a minute to figure this out... but... I love it! :D

Posted 19 December 2014 at 17:09 as a comment on Zombie Treasure Hunt


I have to agree with that as well. Vesuva can become any of the other lands, including other Urza's, which makes it produce far more mana in a more beneficial fashion!

Posted 18 December 2014 at 23:35 in reply to #523582 on Eldrazi Deck


I don't know if you'd really benefit from having Urza's factory there. 7 mana to spawn a 2/2 or 7 mana with your Eye of Ugin to get your Eldrazi creatures out... seems like I'd pick the Eldrazi especially if you have quicksilver amulets available. You could maybe drop the factories and go for something else that might help more. Hand of Emrakul might not hurt. You can sac any spawns you make and get that out without paying mana, not that that'd be an issue because to have that many spawn you'd need your spawnsire out, but it still allows for +1 Eldrazi on at least one turn if you have the mana for it.

You could maybe go for some All is Dust. 1-2 can really be helpful if you can get the mana down. You don't have any color perms so it makes it easy to just wipe the opponent and smack them silly with whatever you have.

Posted 18 December 2014 at 21:41 as a comment on Eldrazi Deck


I may be a noob, but there is something about a lot of sorceries/instants being played when someone dumps a Howl of the Horde.

All of a sudden you go from a small number of cards being played with Narset to each of them being played 2-3 times. It can really make someone have some issues. Since you have a /ton/ of scry, you can figure out when something like that might be handy and drop some heavy damage spells several times.

Posted 18 December 2014 at 21:11 as a comment on Narset Narf


This sort of deck is why I love MTG.

Posted 18 December 2014 at 21:08 as a comment on No Mana Artifact Beatdown


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