
157 Decks, 5,295 Comments, 1,384 Reputation

As you said, the Auriok Champions works with both protections. So, it keeps pestilence/pyrohemia on the board. Great call. At helps keep them on the board. It isn't fool proof...but it does require your opponent to have to try and answer to Auriok Champions (i.e.forcing your opponent to try and remove it from play). That is a very solid choice to help better this deck.

Academy Rector...another excellent catch. No problems, at all, of it dying in this deck. That is for sure! A great search engine for this deck.

Yep, Stuffy doll is the tried and true card for Pestilence.
Side note...stuffy doll combos with so many freaking cards...still do not know why it is so cheap, money wise. Under 2 bucks a piece.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 17:03 in reply to #483312 on Pestilence Multi


And you taught me something, friend, I never thought of the opponent choosing not to find anything. It is tricky of them, i guess, but it never says they had to find anything. It is all about the fine points. Thank you, for showing me that.

P.S. What is the deck name you are referring to? I don't see one that splashes green. You have been on here since, 2011? Glad to see I got you to open up and post a few comments :)
Did check out a few of your decks, as stated above, and some of them look really promising! Good job on them.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:51 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


Wait for it...hells yes, it would be brutal!!! Great idea/catch there, ClockworkCopper!!

I didn't add the price of Living Plane...didn't want to scare too many people away from this deck (90 buck is already expensive enough for most people on here who love budget decks)...but it is uber expensive...

35 dollars a piece for a Living Plane.
2 dollars a piece for Sharpshooter.
Over 150 dollars to run 4 of each, in a deck.

But yes, that is an absolute brutal combo!!
One up on that post, for sure!!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:44 in reply to #483035 on 5 Brutal Black/Green Combos


The Sage of is like Sage Owl, for Wizard decks...i missed that!!! Very good call!
People underestimate cards like that, sometimes.
Glad to see that you did not. Good job!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:38 in reply to #413169 on Wizard Academy


I also welcome him back. He is one of the friendlier guys on here (he doesn't rant, like me :))!
He has never, as far as i can see, ever refused a deck request.
You want a cheap fairy deck, ask him, and it is done.
Cheap control deck, ask him, and it is done.
A friendly budget burn deck, and it is done.
He helps, so much, to make this site a Community.
The amount of time he has spent on here building decks people can afford, as well as taking up deck is admirable. And worth people copying.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:36 in reply to #483297 on ...And so did Northy return...


But again, Unshackled says whenever your opponent searches his library (even if he doesn't find anything), then he takes 10 damage.
So, even he he chooses 0...and finds no lands...he still had to search, right? So, he still takes the 10 damage.
And if that is true..he takes the 10 damage no matter what, he might as well get lands out of the deal.

I mean, even if he picks 0, he still has to search, right?
He has the option, i guess is what you are saying to not find anything.
But he doesn't have the option of choosing to search or not. He has to search.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:31 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


And it is no pestering, this is what Magic Vault is all about. Helping each other out. People want to make and play good magic decks. That includes me. I don't want to build decks that actually don't work. So I much appreciate your thoughts and comments. Decided to return the favor, and respond to a few of your decks. I just hope Collective Voyage does work. Juror is out on that.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:21 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


I am dumb sometimes, what is it you are trying to say, that "up to" can be choose to be 0?
Even if he chooses to search and not find any lands...he still had to search, right? And when he searched, he took 10 damage.
I am confused, friend.
Can you please explain. I want the deck to work, so if Collective Voyage does not work..i need to remove it.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:13 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


Great subs for Black Vise.
And cheap too!

M15 card, it is new, Void Snare.
1 mana nonland bounce...very fast stuff.
Better, maybe, then the Seal of Removal. More versatile, for sure.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:10 as a comment on Card Disadvantage


Not sure why this hasn't got more votes, very interesting stuff you have going on here!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:06 as a comment on Johny's Mill Tokens


Again, thanks for looking over the deck, and spending time to do so.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:02 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


I called Puschkin out too, lol.
I said the same thing!
I said, Puschkin, Collective Voyage says that the my opponent "may" search his library or he may not search it.
He corrected me. He is awesome, throwing him out a plug, with card suggestions!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 16:00 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


People can still comment on it, and post decks, and i will respond to them.
This deck will never knock out one of my newer hot decks, because it can't ever be put back into the Hot Deck list.
I asked surewhynot about it.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:59 in reply to #482487 on Static Ability Challenge


No, it does force a search.

Read Collective Voyage again: Each player searches his library for X lands where X is the TOTAL amount of mana paid. So, if you payed any mana, it doesn't help your opponent if he doesn't pay mana, he will at least have to search for whatever you payed for. So, this is a forced search for 2 mana.

The card reads, "each player searches..."
The only "may" part of the card is that I "may" or my opponent "may" choose to pay mana.
The search part isn't optional. I made sure of that, when asking Puschkin to help me design the deck. :)

Thanks for checking it out, though, Dankirk!

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:54 in reply to #483254 on M15, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled


I assumed that, when Germany won, i thought, "Won't be hearing from Puschkin for awhile!"

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:53 in reply to #482369 on Puschkin, please help me!


How do you pm, on here?

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:42 in reply to #483251 on ...And so did Northy return...


Not "luck"

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:41 in reply to #476281 on Friend's First Deck


I guess I am sorry for suggesting M15, Northy :(

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:40 in reply to #483251 on ...And so did Northy return...


Did i miss something?
Why the downvote, guys?
M15 is coming out...right? So what is wrong with a budget deck focused around M15?

Really not sure why some people downvoted that.
Magic Vault should make it to where someone, if you are going to downvote someone, should have to provide reasons why they downvote you.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:36 in reply to #483251 on ...And so did Northy return...


Ragged Veins is an option.
Since you have a way to keep Pestilence around...

Ragged Veins. Treacherous Link.
Now you just turned Pestilence into more direct damage.
Worth consideration.

So would be Circle of Affliction.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 15:28 as a comment on Pestilence Multi


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