
157 Decks, 5,295 Comments, 1,384 Reputation

How to play Recurring Nightmare? Look up the card: Survival of the Fittest.

Recurring Nightmare (Enchantment): Sac a creature and Return Recurring Nightmare to your hand: Bring any creature from your graveyard into play.

Survival of the Fittest (Enchantment): Discard a Creature card: Search your library for a creature card and put it into your hand.

Now use cards that have "when it comes into play" effects like Wall of Blossom, Shriekmaw, Spikeweaver, Man-o-war. Gravedigger.

Fun stuff.

You can cast stuff like Emrakul or almost any creature in Magic on turn 4 with this combo. Or run several creatures, as I said above, that have effects like "when this creature comes into play" and "when this creature is put into your graveyard."

Posted 12 December 2013 at 10:00 as a comment on Nightmares of Demented Demons


Would love to own 4 copies of Sinkhole. Nasty!

Posted 12 December 2013 at 07:53 as a comment on small pox for everone!


And would still go with 4 Seat of they Synod. It is an Island that counts as an Artifact. It helps your deck a lot!

Posted 12 December 2013 at 07:50 in reply to #418860 on Artifact Creatures


Draco. Solarion. That is why you need a different color. Both of those creatures are better if you use 2 colors instead of 1. Draco cost 4 mana less if you use two different colors of mana to play him. Solarion comes into play with 2 1/1 counters in play if you use two different colors of mana to play him.

However, if you use only one color to play Draco, he only cost 2 less mana to play (not 4 less). And if you only use one mana to play Solarion, he comes into play with only 1 1/1 counter.

So, adding 1 more (or 2 or more mana colors) mana color helps those cards out.

Posted 12 December 2013 at 07:49 in reply to #418860 on Artifact Creatures


I liked your Only 1 life left deck. Looked really fun to play. It takes matters in it's own hand in order to get your life total down to 1. With my deck it is much slower and defensive. However, I think my deck shows promise.

Posted 11 December 2013 at 09:10 in reply to #419062 on I win with 1 life.


Reckless Abandon is a nice choice...but I really like Fling better. What happens is I power up my Atog and they always block him with a super weak creature. They pretty much chump block my creature and take no damage. With Fling I sac my Atog and they are forced to take the damage, regardless of how much blockers they have.

For example. My Atog is powered up to 11/12 (I sacked 5 of my artifacts). My opponent blocks with a 1/1. His creature dies but my opponent takes no damage. I just ending up sacking 5 of my artifacts just to kill his 1/1 creature. It was a waste on my part.

So now I add Fling. My Atog is 11/12. I attack, he blocks with his 1/1 creature. I cast Fling sacking my Atog and causing 11 points of damage directly to my opponent.

I am super digging Myr Servitor in this deck though, liking your comment on this one. What card would you take out for it? Myr Servitor can be used brokenly with SkullClamp or Atog. Really digging it.

Posted 11 December 2013 at 08:49 in reply to #418961 on Artifact 2 mana or Less


How is it going now? Tested with the change of cards, yet?

Posted 11 December 2013 at 08:36 in reply to #418148 on Fire Sale


Abeyance. Add it. You are welcome.

Posted 10 December 2013 at 11:01 as a comment on Perpetual Silence


Add in Paradigm Shift.

Posted 10 December 2013 at 11:00 as a comment on remove all your lands


This is what will help this deck. 4 Seat of the Synod.

You need to splash another color to help out your cards: Draco, Solarion, Stratadon...or maybe take them out. Only running one mana color hurts them. I would take them out unless you are running maybe 3 different mana colors.

Broodstar is a much better creature in this deck vs. Draco. Myr Enforcer is also much better than Solarion. Finally, take out Stratdon.

Take out 4 Islands and 4 Draco and 2 Solarion.
Put in 4 Seat of the Synod. 4 Broodstar. 2 Thoughtcast or 2 Cloud Key. You will probably like Cloud Key over Thoughtcast (but Thoughtcast in this deck is very fast!).

Posted 10 December 2013 at 09:43 as a comment on Artifact Creatures


Yep, most expensive Goblin Card in Magic...i think.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 03:43 in reply to #418574 on Good Goblins (legacy)


Yeah, they are expensive as hell.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 02:20 in reply to #418574 on Good Goblins (legacy)


Goblin Bushwhacker and Goblin Wardriver are very much alike. I like them both. They both cost the same mana. Bushwhacker gives your creatures haste but Wardriver is 2/ I am not sure which one is better. Both decent cards though.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 02:19 in reply to #418521 on Good Goblins (legacy)


For speed then, maybe add Goblin Bushwhacker. He is a very good 4th or 5th turn drop, if kicked.

Posted 09 December 2013 at 02:04 in reply to #418521 on Good Goblins (legacy)


With fav is Warren Instigator and Goblin Lackey. They both would work really good in this deck. I would suggest taking out the Raging Goblin and Mogg Fanatic.

Nice mana curve, by the way. And i like the Sharpshooter in this deck. If you are going to run stuff like Mogg Fanatic and Goblin Grenades, I definitely think Sharpshooter works.

Posted 08 December 2013 at 18:06 as a comment on Good Goblins (legacy)


Yep, furnace of rath is very dangerous. But fun. Either you or your opponent will win quicker, :)

But the idea for people who play Furnace of Rath is to be able to cause more damage faster than your opponent. I mean, you know that you playing Furnace of Rath will hurt you but your plan is for it to hurt your opponent worse. It is a very double edged card, and fun to play.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 21:50 in reply to #418338 on I love the smell of napalm.


And not really loving the discard cards in this deck. Only because you have so little of them. Would recommend taking them out, and adding more Counterspells or Creature Destruction. Or, instead of taking them out, run 4 copies of them.

Overall, deck looks good.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 21:44 as a comment on All your deck belong to me


This is half helpful...because I am not experienced with making mill decks...but the card Consuming Aberration seems super slow in this deck.

It is a really good card...just feels slow. Something like Mind Sculpt...maybe. 7 cards for 2 mana.
For the same price as Consuming Aberration, (1 mana less) you get to make your opponent discard 14 cards.

A little more expensive is Mind Funeral. It is also a good choice for this deck. For three mana (again, quicker and cheaper with mana compared to Consuming Aberration) you get to potentially make them mill a lot of cards.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 21:41 as a comment on All your deck belong to me


And it seems really slow and a dumb choice on my part, but Furnace of Rath is a game changer.

Play it on turn 4 and all your damage is doubled that opponent takes.
Turn 5 play a Ball Lightning and Lightning Bolt. The damage doubled is 18 points.

Even better, in a perfect world, Play Seething Song on turn 3 to give you the Mana to play Furnace of Rath. Now, turn 4, 5, onward you will be doing double damage.

I like it better than Warstorm Surge. It is a slow card.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 12:57 in reply to #418324 on I love the smell of napalm.


Pyroclasm could work. Take out their creatures THEN bring in several of your creatures with haste, and pounce.

Posted 07 December 2013 at 12:53 in reply to #418324 on I love the smell of napalm.


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