
30 Decks, 115 Comments, 12 Reputation

well the draw ability is there and important, but it is another card to target the Lash equiped creature, so in many likely secerios, I'm attacking with a glis elf equiped with the livewire lash .... its a 3/1 and gets chumpblocked by a spirit token or a snapcaster mage, I use twised image on my elf and draw a card give my opponent 2 poison counters and keep my creature alive. it happens more than you think

Posted 18 January 2012 at 18:31 in reply to #228725 on Infected Lash


this deck is about 5 cards off my deck I made on release day... I'm flattered

Posted 28 October 2011 at 22:51 as a comment on Stalker Aggro Mono-Blue


fantastic deck!, this should become popular once modern really takes off imo.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 16:27 as a comment on Lab Maniac- Modern


my favorite alltime Iso target is Word of Command. everyone has a playset of those lyin around right?

Posted 26 August 2011 at 17:29 as a comment on Iso-Horny (Legacy)


well, if you drop isochron you should also probably drop silence, and maybe the best cards to replace those would be; mana leak, mark of asylum, spell peirce... basicly cards to protect your combo (which is part of the purpose of the isochron/silence) as for lands, these lands really aren't too pricy but evolving wilds and senjiri refuge might work in their stead (obvioulsy not as well).

thank you for the compliment, saying you want to use this deck. good luck to ya with it.

Posted 25 August 2011 at 19:41 in reply to #195225 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


BSZ used to be in the deck, but I discovered that opponent is just as dead if I deck them or do a bunch of dmg to them. so I decided to keep the one that is more helpfull if I don't have the combo online, and that is the arbalest.... arbalest and a puresight merrow = 2 dmg for each mana available

Posted 24 August 2011 at 18:20 in reply to #195110 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


unholy strength should be replaced with Darksteel Axe for an additional Lich counter target imo

I think P Lich is the most underrated creature of the set, and this is a great deck to highlight him.

Posted 24 August 2011 at 15:37 as a comment on The Lich Lords


I like Puresteel Pali, in particular with heavy arbalest you might wanna check that out. you also have alot of options to persue with the backbone of your deck being obliterator and pali... dispatch might be a better option than doom blade and GFTT since you have so many artifacts. looks like a fun deck though

Posted 24 August 2011 at 15:32 as a comment on interatial rape


two different ways basicly,

1. Puresight Merrow with a paradise mantle on it and a Judge of Currents in play. tap the merrrow for one blue mana, use the blue mana for the untap ability, rinse and repeat. an extra bonus to this combo is it allows you to flip thru your whole deck if needed to pick up whatever you need to finish the kill, and in the mean time you have a billion life

2. Pili-Pala and Grand architect gives infinite mana allowing you to play the rest of your hand that will create infinite damage if you have an arbalest or a fabricate to pull an arbalest.

Posted 24 August 2011 at 15:16 as a comment on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


haha, I've always been fond of the quote "To Infinity and Beyond" I'll use that

I also like the following phrases: I'm the most Modest guy I know.... All Generalizations are bad...

Posted 24 August 2011 at 01:04 as a comment on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


thats the second time someone told me I should use Mana Leak instead, I'm thinkin that you guys are probably right. however the reason I haven't changed it is because I hope to have an Isochron scepter in play with a silence on it early on if I havn't already landed one of my combos. if that is the case then the most usefull couterspell to have is Negate. Echoing truth is a good idea and I will look to pick some up for this deck. thank you for the imput :)

Posted 22 August 2011 at 18:38 in reply to #194494 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


its funny that I see this deck now, 4 days after I ordered the last Gilder Bairns and Paradise Mantles had in stock.... great minds think alike?

Posted 21 August 2011 at 07:07 as a comment on Infinite Counters Combo


I always like a side of Blightsteel when I serve Forgemaster

Posted 21 August 2011 at 07:02 as a comment on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


great idea, but instead I tossed in a couple fabricates so I have the option of pullin Arbalest OR Pili-Pala (the two extra mana is a bummer but I don't think it would be too much of an issue if all I am needin is the arbalest.

Posted 21 August 2011 at 06:40 in reply to #192870 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


no prob man, will do

Posted 21 August 2011 at 06:35 in reply to #194147 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


this is better than my lame attempt at extraction that made the upcoming page, though I see you did take some ideas from it yours has a much better chance of doing what is needed from extraction.

I'm a big fan of the haunting echoes/ archive trap combo so that would be my only advice

Posted 21 August 2011 at 06:34 as a comment on OOO Shiney!


I also meant to say that all those ideas are just my personal preference and your deck is pretty good lookin just as is.

Posted 17 August 2011 at 06:33 in reply to #193118 on Twelvepost Modern


Its an origional idea and I like that, I would replace mindstone with ley druid so you can untap your locus and use it again, for that matter I might include overgrowth too, maybe one Birds of paradise for a second turn GSZ option. green mana ramp just has so many options and then you add locuses to the mix and its manapalooza!

Posted 17 August 2011 at 06:31 as a comment on Twelvepost Modern


I don't need to be on anyones bad list, but there is no reason for your overreaction. I was just teasin ya with my last comment, when you had your conversation with those other guys you were right, but you were kind of caustic about it.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 20:45 in reply to #192870 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


the Puresight Merrow works similarly to a tutor to find whatever it is that I need, in addition ponder should help.

Posted 16 August 2011 at 20:41 in reply to #192019 on To Infinity.... and Beyond!


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