
60 Decks, 399 Comments, 45 Reputation

Me again, one more fun suggestion: Teferi's Puzzle Box. Imagine this:

You have a Font of Mythos, a Howling Mine, and a Puzzle Box on the field. Your opponent has 4 cards in hand (for example). Draw 2 for Font, 1 for mine, discard and draw 7, then draw 1 for their draw step. That's 11 cards drawn, and they haven't even had a main phase. Runeflare Trap or Cerebral Vortex is pretty much insta-win by then.

Posted 09 February 2011 at 18:42 as a comment on DnD (Drawing and Damage)


Consider 4x Serum Powder, gives you chance for additional free mulligans and is almost a MUST for a deck like this, that requires one specific card in the opening hand (Glimpse of Nature) to be able to win...

Posted 09 February 2011 at 18:35 as a comment on First Turn Win w/ Grapeshot


Needs more Aluren. I count 12 creatures you could play all at the same time with that and Momir on the field.

Posted 08 February 2011 at 21:25 as a comment on Momir Vig EDH


You should make more use of Glissa's ability! The most obvious and most maniacal is Executioner's Capsule, since every time you kill a creature with it Nissa will bring the capsule back to your hand to let you kill yet another creature with it. Basically, every (1)(B)(B) you spend will kill a creature, as many times as you want for as much mana as you want.

Other possibilities are spellbombs, ratchet bomb, mindslaver (YES), baubles, etc

Posted 06 February 2011 at 19:24 as a comment on Glissa Elf EDH


Needs more Contagion Clasp/Engine!

Posted 06 February 2011 at 15:05 as a comment on Oh no... the virus is airborne.


This could actually work, and that's pretty neat. For all of the 'lolol only forets wil b drawn' crowd, might I recommend clicking "Draw Sample Hand" once in a while? This deck will work just fine! So long as the opening hand has a fastbond, GSZ, or Oracle in it, this deck will work just FINE. And I think that's awesome! Kudos to the creator.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 15:01 as a comment on 40 Forests



Once you have that, something as awful as Soldier of Fortune seems like a good idea too, since he can shuffle your deck at will once those top 3 cards stagnate and you use up all the possible cards to cast.

Posted 06 February 2011 at 14:44 as a comment on Galvanoth's reign


I would but I'm trying to keep down on the number of creatures I have. It's meant to be a control deck without Mindsculptors, IE a budget control deck. Trinket Mage Toolbox was my idea of adding some utility without the Sculptors. Other then that it was based heavily off of the most recent PTQ standard decks, replacing Sea Gate Oracle with Trinket Mage and using Wurmcoil in place of the slightly-more-expensive Grave Titan.

Posted 04 February 2011 at 23:20 in reply to #125039 on Trinket Mage Toolbox Control


derp sideboard derp

Posted 04 February 2011 at 16:15 in reply to #124906 on Rats That Explode


White is a great addition, if only for Master's Call. More potential targets for Shaping!

Posted 03 February 2011 at 23:27 as a comment on Let us begin anew...


Join the Ranks. NOW.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 22:30 as a comment on Red/White Ally deck


Yay decks that aren't legal in ANY format!


Posted 03 February 2011 at 19:36 in reply to #124574 on Rats That Explode


Kami of the Crescent Moon if you want even more Howling Mine style action.

Maybe 2 Reverberates replacing 2 Twincasts? Doubles your chances of having enough of the right kind of mana available.

Posted 03 February 2011 at 14:34 as a comment on DnD (Drawing and Damage)


I feel like the only defense against that would be Mindlock Orb, but I would need a splash of blue for that...

Possible sideboard of 4 Mindlock Orb, 4-6 islands, and some Misty Rainforest to fetch either blue or green?

Posted 02 February 2011 at 17:21 in reply to #86620 on Rats That Explode


I would recommend running the land Llanowar Reborn, as well. I know it isn't the right colors, but the Graft is key, as it would be yet another way to put a Clone into play that doesn't copy anything. IE, less reliance on Murkfiend Liege.

Posted 02 February 2011 at 11:44 as a comment on Progenitus Hilarity


I would try less Fog effects, more normal removal. Condemn and Journey to Nowhere would be good choices.

Also, consider planeswalkers like Garruk -- he can provide you creatures if you need them in the mid-game, and can help accelerate out your Wurm by untapping lands. (Basically, a turn 4 Garruk means a turn 5 Wurm.)

Posted 01 February 2011 at 09:47 as a comment on NOVABLAST!!!


I know that the Emrakul thing isn't possible, it's just that it's HILARIOUS.

That and then whole, you know, not having an extra $2000 to spend on that many Emrakuls....

Just a thought experiment :D

Posted 31 January 2011 at 18:00 in reply to #123024 on Spawnsire Combo


Hoardsmelter is DELICIOUS with Liquimetal Coating. Eat one of the creatures AND get a buff? Doesn't get much better than that.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 23:37 as a comment on Type 2 Dragon Deck



Posted 30 January 2011 at 22:21 in reply to #122593 on Ninjas!


If you want to be able to imprint something with discard onto a Scepter, try Funeral Charm or Piracy Charm. Remember, it has to be an instant, so Wrench Mind wouldn't work... I did a quick search, these two are the only instants you could imprint that fit the bill, but luckily they are both in your colors.

Posted 30 January 2011 at 14:26 as a comment on Isochron Scepter Discard


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