
13 Decks, 96 Comments, 29 Reputation

yeah I was surprised when I saw this deck being so expensive...most of these cards are worth very little

Posted 14 December 2015 at 02:57 in reply to #570033 on Budget Burn


oh i see...

Posted 14 December 2015 at 02:55 in reply to #570033 on Budget Burn


I read the comments about board wipes, and I think that since your playing less of an abzan control style deck and more of an abzan agro deck I think that maybe board wipes aren't so necessary I think that maybe having one would be nice, but I don't feel like you're going to need them all that much. Other than that...another murderous cut? Also maybe two mainboard dragon lord dromoka? And last but not least you need to have four dromoka's command, It's one of those cards that just works in almost any scenario for two mana at instant speed.

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:56 as a comment on abzan midange


Also, what about talrand, sky summoner?

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:52 in reply to #570042 on Thoroughly Modern Izzet


Maybe run another Isochron scepter, It just depends on whether its ability counts as casting it. If it does than that will trigger all your stuff which will be helpful, but if it doesn't than its a lot less effective. Other than that, I think that your deck is going to take a while to kill your opponent, Young Pyromancer, guttersnipe, and gelectrode are all a little small, but I hacent played this type of deck much so I don't really know.

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:49 as a comment on Thoroughly Modern Izzet


One thought that came to me right after I posted this: would you consider adding blue and kind of playing control and mill as well? I think that it would make this deck more competitive and maybe make less of your opponents angry (even if that is really fun). If you did you'd probably have to drop Phyrexian Obliterator, but anyway Good Luck!

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:45 in reply to #570040 on MonoBlack Extraction


So...if I understand you correctly, your goal is to basically just take all the good cards out of your opponents library and leave them with crap?!...Thats great! This looks like maybe not the most competitive deck (but who knows) but it certainly looks like the most annoying thing ever to play against. I would run maybe one more of each desecration demon and phyrexian obliterator since thats going to be how you win most likely, but I guess it just depends on how fast you want to win. Nice Deck! +1

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:41 as a comment on MonoBlack Extraction


I haven't looked at your entire decklist and I don't know how you want it to play so I don't really know. Also something I forgot about is Phyrexian arena, a must have for any black deck (at least in my opinion).

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:33 in reply to #570035 on Daxos the Returned (EDH)


Two cards you should definitely run are sphere of safety and sigil of the empty throne. Both of these enchantments can seriously ruin your opponents game. Also maybe Starfield of Nyx if you want to play aggressively. Check out my enchantment deck also if you get a chance!

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:09 as a comment on Daxos the Returned (EDH)


Consider running brute force if its in your budget (I don't know how much it is)

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:03 as a comment on One Mana Red


In my opinion budget is a very ambiguous word that means different numbers to different people, but by no standards is 526 dollars budget, and for a burn deck, this is incredibly expensive.

Posted 14 December 2015 at 01:02 as a comment on Budget Burn


All commander decks have exactly 100 cards how could it get smaller...

Posted 13 December 2015 at 16:17 in reply to #569997 on Sliver EDH Commander


You have so many removal spells that target creatures, and if your opponent isn't playing any creatures at all (e.g. they're playing a control deck), you have 20 dead drops in your deck. I would replace these with more threats, or maybe just put some of that removal in the sideboard. The other problem with the removal you do have is that half of it is target player sacrificies a creature, which is great against decks that run one big indestructible creature, but bad against creature decks which run lots of little creatures (like token decks). Also, young pyromancer is not really helping you out here, I would drop it and replace it with something thats going to do a little more.
Good luck,

Posted 13 December 2015 at 00:40 as a comment on red/black- to destroy


I would play another crypt aghast bc he is what will get you those demons out, and I think running six gives you a high possibility of having hand or drawing into one turn two or three. In terms of the demons you left in, I think just keeping the ones that you know work well against the meat you're playing is fine, but maybe put additional copies of each in the sideboard and side them in while you're playing against the deck that demon is good against. I think you're running enough removal, it's just all creature removal, so.if they play an enchantment, you've got nothing to take it out. I can't think of anything that only black that'll take out enchantment, but something to be wary of. Other than that I think you've crafted a nice deck!

Posted 06 December 2015 at 12:38 in reply to #569338 on Deathrender Demons


I would drop blood gift demon, because its ability actually helps you opponents (in most scenarios). Really what you should do is drop one or two demons, and maybe settle on the two best and just run multiple copies of them. I personally don't like Rune scarred demon,carnifex demon, blood gift demon, and abhorrent overlord but really it doesn't matter.I would probably just add some removal, like go for the throat, doom blade etc. Good Luck!

Posted 05 December 2015 at 00:13 as a comment on Deathrender Demons


I think you have a lot of ramp, and not enough control. I understand that you're not running blue (and I read the comment above so I understand that you aren't considering it), so that limits you, but there are lots of good black removal stuff. The only downside to running black as a control color is that it really has no counters and focuses mostly on removal, so if you're playing against a spell based deck as opposed to a creature deck, you're black cards are mostly useless. Would you consider running duress to take care of annoying spells?

Posted 03 December 2015 at 21:56 as a comment on Eldrazi: Bane of Zendikar


I'm not sure what creatures to add, but you might consider some of the creatures that were played are being played in the Abzan standard decks rn, like hangarback walker (tho thats a bit pricey), and den protector. Also I think underworld connections is a good card to keep since you have 100 cards and only one one is phyrexian arena, and card draw is always nice. Also sol ring is a staple in commander, you should add one of those.

Posted 24 November 2015 at 03:08 in reply to #568150 on anafenza help please...Suggest


First comment: How can you have an abzan deck without siege rhino???!!! Also if you're going to play the creature and +1/+1 tokens game, you need more creaatures. You can have 7 cards that add counters to your creatures but if you have nothing to play them on, you're dead, especially because most of your creatures are not cheap mana wise (I counted two two drops and two three drops but I could be wrong.) Also you have a ton of ramp, so you might consider taking some of that out. Finally, you might consider switching Underworld Connections with Phyrexian Arena (tho that is a little pricey).
Good Luck,


Posted 20 November 2015 at 03:06 as a comment on anafenza help please...Suggest


Thanks for the comment! Honestly I just don't like having 60 cards, I feel like it limits my options, and since I don't play all that seriously, I don't mind the deck being a little worse if my deck has all the options I like to play with. I'm not running Aura Gnarled because there's not a ton of auras, most of the enchantments in this deck are either creatures or just enchantments, but I do like its block ability. Argothian Enchantress is a little out of my price range, I like to keep my decks under $50. Also I was actually planning on cutting Open the Vaults, because what I'm finding through play testing is that this deck is really really powerful late game, but isn't surviving past the first few turns. Rn I'm looking for more early game cards.

Posted 18 November 2015 at 15:24 in reply to #568006 on Abzan Enchantment 3


Thanks for responding I appreciate the help. The idea is that card draw isn't necessary late game. Once you manage to get a Grove of Guardian out and tokenified (???) really the idea is to spend your mana on using trostani and vitu-ghazi guildmage's populate abilities. Also I would add an Eldrazi monument, but its a little out of my price range, and I already have 3 Elspeth's gathering dust.

Posted 17 November 2015 at 23:08 in reply to #567982 on Tokens


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