
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

Lobsters are amazing. Ever heard of lobster Johnson?

In Danish the word obsternasig means someone refusing to obey commands from a superior.
Lobster nasty was a wordplay on it.
I think it's german in origin so thought you'd know it, but just in case I put the word in parenthesis.

Also upvotes are unanimous so how were you sure it was me ?

The Meta adapts fast. After a bunch of dredge people are starting to put back grave hatred, and a few of those are choosing relic of progenitus. It will be interesting to see how fast snapcaster mage is removed from decks when there is enough hatred towards the grave. Mill went from 3% to two. I've also discovered that uro-mill is played in one region, while ub mill is played in another. Uro-mill might be played in real life tournaments, while ub is online.

Posted 09 July 2020 at 00:20 in reply to #634336 on Play,attack,sack


Damn, gave you the upvote and can't take it back.
You are just being lobster nasty.

Posted 08 July 2020 at 19:52 in reply to #634336 on Play,attack,sack


Who ever the hater is, he/she is biased.
The hater leaves some of us alone, that or I got 10 comment upvotes.
It also sort of makes me the prime suspect ;)

Posted 08 July 2020 at 19:49 in reply to #634068 on Unbeatable Combo


You might want to exchange standard bearer with thraben inspector, getting clues from both inspector and tireless tracker, and add a few fetchlands and the gw drawland.
If you are afraid of bloodmoon you can test your mana against a proxy of the deck I list in my article "how to: test at crush depth"

Adding æther vial might also be nice.

Posted 08 July 2020 at 13:11 as a comment on GW Humans


Killer instinct! Killer instinct!

Now try it once again and complete it par excellence.

And 20 pushups for being a failure until then.

Hut! Hut!

Posted 08 July 2020 at 12:58 as a comment on Play,attack,sack


So it was intentional?

Well then it's a nice wordplay.

I often write from a phone and it puts in the oddest things on auto spell.
Once it sneaked in the word monkeypaintings, in a conversation, and my friend dialled me directly to ask if I was smoking something.

So I had to ask ;)

Posted 08 July 2020 at 12:50 in reply to #634298 on Mikaeus, the Un-allowed 2.0


Goblin shaman with the spell snakeform then nom nom nom.

Even emrakul is prey! 22 goblins with flying. 6 gets annihilated, 15 dies in combat, 1 get to eat emrakul.

Nom nom nom.

Posted 08 July 2020 at 05:00 in reply to #634296 on When Goblins get Hungry


I usually stick with a generalization name, but I can see the troubles of that in commander ;)

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:57 in reply to #634294 on Emmara Needs a Ride


Please write an how to play ;)

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:52 as a comment on Contraption Deck


There was once an obscure combo with springjack pasture.
I spent a lot of money to buy up all the cards in my area.

You work on my fortune, so you get a like ;)

Nice move with mirror entity by the way.

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:35 as a comment on Vincent Van Goat


Mikaeus is legal, so why call him "the un-allowed" ?
Autospell on a phone ?

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:32 as a comment on Mikaeus, the Un-allowed 2.0


Nom nom nom, like, nom nom nom!

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:28 as a comment on When Goblins get Hungry


I gotta admit you covered her needs.
Emma has a lot of things to ride in this.

I had not expected that!

I did however expected lots of ikorian "on top" mutate effects, the pervytitled ones and companions.

But you sort of kept it clean and innocent.

1 upvote for that ;)

Posted 07 July 2020 at 21:21 as a comment on Emmara Needs a Ride


I made it into three halves, tron, d&t and merfolk.

Posted 07 July 2020 at 14:32 in reply to #634244 on HalfDeck Inf. Turn/Life (TFin)


I think I did okay on this one.
Now I have to think of a third deckhalf that fits both the other.

Posted 07 July 2020 at 05:37 in reply to #422269 on HalfDeck Inf. Turn/Life (TFin)


Heh, I'll also give it a go with the current meta archetypes.
I'm working on "tron and taxes" a hybrid between urzatron and death&taxes.
I'll post it in about 6 hours.

Posted 06 July 2020 at 23:57 in reply to #422269 on HalfDeck Inf. Turn/Life (TFin)


It would be nice to see some halfdeck parts on the monthly top 8 somewhere.
I actually got pretty far with the death touch + discard theme, and was working on a ping/counterspell half, when I got distracted by something else. Might have been the power of paperstrips.
It would be nice to revive this project.
I do have the knowhow for it, and need more than one deck when I return to modern.

Go ahead and build something powerful.
I always wanted proof of theory that the speed you could evolve within a meta would beat everything.

Posted 06 July 2020 at 23:26 in reply to #422269 on HalfDeck Inf. Turn/Life (TFin)


They have been very close at making it in the past, and it was close again with their jumpstart project.

I often take 10 halfdecks with me to large tournaments in case I meet new players who wants to try it. I have made a small manual for each half with the decklist on it so they can learn what the half does quickly and they know how to split them back.

In the future I will use proxies and mark each half with a number so the decks can be split back faster. If you use the same idea on commoncards instead of proxies, you could use a goldmarker.

Posted 06 July 2020 at 05:08 in reply to #634155 on wdm: Super/Hostile 2


No, this isn't my page, but he tagged it wdm and halfdeck, probably because he was used to search on wdm stuff :)

Posted 06 July 2020 at 05:06 in reply to #634156 on wdm: Super/Hostile


You can use the crush depth deck to test out your next one.

Posted 05 July 2020 at 23:57 in reply to #634111 on Mutatoe v2


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