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what about vivid crag and vivid creek? Should be pretty cheap by now :D

Posted 13 September 2016 at 16:31 in reply to #589694 on Bushwhacker Storm


How about the old "glimmerlands" with a couple of colored tokens, that were IT before fetchlands were reprinted?
They should have dropped a lot in price due to not being played, and this deck doesn't need to use these lands several times before it wins.

Posted 13 September 2016 at 16:21 in reply to #589694 on Bushwhacker Storm


How much does panorama set you back? (I guess it can sometimes cost you a turn)
(It does demand a mana to fetch something that comes tapped into play)

I would argue for using basiclands alone rather than using panorama if you go for the fast kill.

Posted 13 September 2016 at 11:03 in reply to #589694 on Bushwhacker Storm


You could build this with only islands and mountains for landmana.
Manamorphosis stabilizes the mana well enough and you could finetune it within a short time (6 hours) if you used my techniques.
(You've been around long enough to know about them)

The minimum requirements to run merfolk (in most formats) is a minimum of 12 islands, which reliably provides UU at turn 2.
So start with 9 of each lands, however use proxies for 3 islands and 3 mountains, play a lot of games, where you note each time one of these cards should have rather been the other type of mana. Once a card has been marked 5 more times as one land than the other, change the card permanently.

Posted 12 September 2016 at 15:52 as a comment on Bushwhacker Storm


You need to prepare for semi-combo like death's shadow, affinity, infect and burn, since all are present in today's meta.
Maybe pack some chalice of the void's or spellskites in sb.

Your secondary problem is most of the "other" combo-decks. You might be able to moon some of them, but not all. Those you can moon are likely to remove anything moonlike, so perhaps spellskite can double it's value in sb.

Posted 15 August 2016 at 13:22 as a comment on Ominous Moon


Drawing the extra card and milling 2 gives you a 3 out of x chances to get unburial rites, while shriekhorn gives you a 6 out of x chance. Also a turn 1 scour adds 2 cards to the grave. It does slow down gurmags though by not going to the grave.

Posted 10 August 2016 at 12:04 in reply to #586830 on TheWeeklyBrew: Evolving Angler


Any thoughts on involving summoner's trap?

Posted 04 August 2016 at 15:23 as a comment on TheWeeklyBrew: Evolving Angler


Some have started to replace thought scour with shriekhorn. You get to scour three times for a colorless mana, making it easier to play the mana towards other tricks.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 15:23 in reply to #586830 on TheWeeklyBrew: Evolving Angler


Re-reviewing this I remember how capsize used to dominate magic in the olden days, and it fits well into this.
It may be combined with a single shelldock isle to really speed up closure.

Posted 13 July 2016 at 14:12 as a comment on Mana Tax: How to annoy anyone.


Sometimes what's sideboard and what's not is a public oppinion rather than actual experience.
I have often been amazed by games where I had ensnaring bridge in mainboard and won because people folded due to not having any solutions in main. Then they sideboard for a solution and usually win because my deck cannot win if they get the bridge. Think of lantern control here. Lantern control does not really optimize this way of winning, but has gotten enough tops to be a fringe deck, with ensnaring as a main.

Affinity has enough ways to play through a bridge, so if it doesn't beat an aggro deck through sheer speed, it can actually win by controlling the game. As for second game with sideboard, affinity could more or less hijack the sideboard from lantern control and win by being adaptive enough to win.

Posted 07 July 2016 at 11:24 in reply to #579303 on Modern Affinity


I've seen some tron beat down affinity with an emrakul or ulamog. Due to 4 pyroclasm and 4 oblivion stone, tron can actually pull through. And there are other decks that can do unusual stuff which ensnaring bridge stops if you can get to 0 cards (Elves, Infect, Hexproof).

Posted 06 July 2016 at 13:44 in reply to #579303 on Modern Affinity


I'd say, cut 1 drum, 1 thoughtcast and try out 2 ensnaring bridges.

Posted 01 July 2016 at 03:59 in reply to #579303 on Modern Affinity


And most of affinity's creatures slip through the bridge.

Posted 28 June 2016 at 11:37 in reply to #579303 on Modern Affinity


There have been a few. Very few, but modern seems to be allways changing these days, so who knows :D

Posted 25 June 2016 at 10:54 in reply to #579303 on Modern Affinity


I'd still say you need more lands :P

In my groupplay haydays I was allways the target because I owned most cards and allways had some nasty brews that would try to cut down everyone. The only combo-player could never be stopped by anyone else than me, because I allways had something to stop him, and half of the games usually went: stop the combo deck from winning, die, see the combo-deck die, see the rest fight it out.

In my group-experiences, the most quiet player almost allways wins, which has nothing to do with politics really, despite the fact that we did allow threatening and dealmaking :D

Posted 21 June 2016 at 11:58 in reply to #584117 on table top black and blue mill


Either you are very new to magic, or this is an elaborate joke... (I have never seen so many high castingcosts with so little land in a deck)

For some reason there are groups that tell new players that they recommend that 1 third of your deck must be lands.
This is an extremely narrow assumption, and I can tell you that decks need lands based on the very content of the cards in your deck.
You need to break out of the 20 lands for a 60 cards deck mantra, as it is an extreme lie.

With 19 cards costing 4 or more, you will draw cards that are dead in your hand for more than 4 turns, and this will happen 1 third of your draws, which is a pretty longterm strategy. Imagine that you got to draw an opening hand of 9 cards, then it would statistically hold 3 lands, 3 cards costing 4-5 mana and 3 cards that you would be able to cast faster. Just think about that hand a bit, then remember that you actually can't draw 9 cards, so you have to cut 2 away. Let's say the rules allows you to do this, and that you get to pick which 2 cards to remove. What will you remove? You can't lose any lands, because that would cripple you, and the stuff costing less than 4 mana is probably what you need the most to stop your opponent fast.

The logical consequences of this is that you pick one of 2 strategies.

1 You seriously need 24-25 lands to support playing with such a high castingcost.
2 you cut down on cards with a high castingcost to get more cards with a lower castingcost.

Posted 20 June 2016 at 11:47 as a comment on table top black and blue mill


It's a bit outdated already :D A lot has happened to the meta after the eldrazi lost their eye.

With emrakul only being played in nahiri control, it is actually time for mill to take back the meta for a while :D
Nahiri control is basically the old URW-MID with -2 cryptic command, -2 sphinx's revelation and +4 nahiri.
I ate URW for lunch with my own milldesigns back then.

The meta is wide open for mill to resurface.
I'd actually try out the decks of the past before building anything new.

Newest mill is by michael coleman, and I frankly find it to be lacking in design, but he won, and I can't take that from him.

Try building a hybrid between the three :D

Posted 04 June 2016 at 09:55 in reply to #583360 on Oh wait, you wanted that out?


Oh. Where do I start???

Normally I'd advice you to play less than 3 taplands, but skyline cascade may actually be of use.
I'd also try playing with 25 lands, since you have a lot of cards costing 5+.

I also guess that you and your friends are new to the game (Based on your cardpool) so I'll stay within the general outlook.

I love talent of the telepath myself, and have written an extensive guide on it for modern use somewhere.
Try to get 4 of it.

Jace may be good if he can survive. What you want to ask yourself is how many dead cards do you want in your hand?
If you are unlucky and draw 1-2 more jace's they will be dead cards while in your hand. I'd cut 1.

If you can get 4 noxious revival, you will be able to use them with talent of the telepath (Controlling what effects you get out of the talent) reuse startled awake and boost the thing in the ice (play 4 things as well)

Posted 02 June 2016 at 10:50 as a comment on Oh wait, you wanted that out?


I've been working on a rogue grixis build for about 2 years now.
Perhaps there's something there that may inspire you?

I've used seal of fire long before jund started using 1.

Posted 31 May 2016 at 04:05 as a comment on Ancestral Grixis


I've recently used zealous conscripts against kiki, but if you want to aim at a pure red version (Faithless looting, red rituals), zealous may be your pick.

It has the advantage that when it comes into play you may kidnap their spellskite with it, then copy zealous with kiki (Remember that zealous untaps kiki while taking control of it) then you go infinite :D

Posted 31 May 2016 at 03:56 in reply to #583193 on Kiki traverse


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