
27 Decks, 4,586 Comments, 786 Reputation

I even have a gameplan for selling pearled Unicorn for a bunch of dollars.
Go to a my little pony convention, get one of the better cartoonists to either draw or autograph a bunch of them.

Step two is getting a few of the "my little pony" from "the vault" to have inside a trade binder, and when people laugh at seeing them I would flash the pearled Unicorns and give a sales speech about one day when either magic or my little pony will be very hard to collect, and how you could invest in that future here and now.

A have a friend who once got a parakeet which would gnaw on his magic cards and managed to chew holes in a few valuable cards.

I gave him a long speech about how works of art can be sold even when damaged, because what people often buy is not really the art, but rather the stories surrounding that art.

The thing here is that it happened years before alternate art cards became a market.

If he'd hold on to it and used it in tournaments he could have gotten people to ask about it and start up the legend of the parakeet bitten cards.

Create a story and you create value.

Posted 08 January 2022 at 23:08 in reply to #645760 on Share Binder


Meh, most of the time it's almost pointless to drop lists if it weren't because of a truly hard core of oldies who like this place.

I've considered becoming a youtuber some day as I have so much material to share and so few viewers in here anyways.

Posted 08 January 2022 at 22:50 in reply to #645727 on Gem or jank: Mono green 2021.


Magic has long been known to be an independent economy.
Basically there's no limits as to which way such a thing can move.

Any historical economical move can be re-trialed within magic.

I remember that it even had its own pyramid scheme phase at one time.

Someone started to collect junk rares bought cheap from others.
Then he just started selling big boxes full of them to people, with the idea that they could pick the rares they needed themselves and then sell the rest to someone else. Soon a lot of people were picking through these boxes, all selling the rest to others. At some point the quality of the boxes got so low that they became unsellable.

I was at the end of such a chain myself at some point, but it turned out to be a good story in the end. I ended up with a bunch of valueless rares that many years after turned out to be suddenly usefull again. I earned more than I played for.

Given time almost all magic cards gain value at some point.

Posted 08 January 2022 at 22:30 in reply to #645760 on Share Binder


Some of your upvotes are bound to be from viewer ship of your youtubing :)

Posted 08 January 2022 at 19:20 in reply to #645727 on Gem or jank: Mono green 2021.


For those trusty groups who really want to take a small risk together the idea can be expanded upon by buying more of the same cards than the group needs and start out renting cards for a small fee to people who the group knows well enough to track down if needed.
Just before tournaments people could show up and pay more than the borrowed cards worth and upon returning the cards they get their money back - the small fee. The fee helps the group to grow an ever larger collection.

Some placeholder cards could then be designed to hold the names of frequently borrowing costumers to keep track of where the cards are.

I learned about such groups in the past, and at least 1 group gained enough money and cards to take the full step and become an actual game store with space enough to hold tournaments.

Posted 08 January 2022 at 19:01 in reply to #645760 on Share Binder


Shared collections are a rare thing today.
It takes trust to get involved with it, and I have a friend who experienced that the keeper of the shared collection suddenly moved to another country with a super expensive shared collection. I guess I should put this one in my collection of theft tricks :D

That said, it's possible that lifelong friends or couples can make such a thing work.

I'd love to hear how your group of sharers keep it up.

How do you start sharing ?
What is done if a member loses a deck (maybe it got stolen) ?
How does your group deal with unequal input (some buy more cards)
Have you planned out ahead how to split the collection if someone leaves the group ?
What if two persons want to use a certain theme but theres only cards for one build with it ?

Details matters :)

Posted 08 January 2022 at 10:46 as a comment on Share Binder


Got it.

I'll use it in conjunction with some other players links.

Posted 07 January 2022 at 20:45 in reply to #645725 on first deck i built


I already link to others, but sometimes new players pop up and then I can drop them a link to a team of helpers.

Posted 07 January 2022 at 17:24 in reply to #645725 on first deck i built


They hate it :D
They spammed me seconds after I wrote it.
It's their defense mechanism, screaming and yelling and stomping like children.

I'm definitely posting an article about it and linking to it in my usual projects.

I look forward to seeing your name as a tag, you post regularly, so I think you will receive a lot more likes in the future.

I'm gonna stick to my old tag wdm which has become a serious trademark.

Posted 07 January 2022 at 13:41 in reply to #645727 on Gem or jank: Mono green 2021.


I'm currently exploiting that the thieves spam so much that they don't bother with tags.
That means that the trolls might spam me (and others) away from the top of the "active decks" page, but I'm consistently present at the featured taglines.

So, by now you've established a name for yourself and a viewer base
(I've been watching it grow :D)

If you make your first tag Dninja89 on all your decks you will be just as present at the tags on the "active decks" page.

The cool thing here is that if the thieves change their strategy and start using tags again, they will face a bigger workload and will have less time to spam decks.

It's a win/win setup for active users, and I'll advice the active community pillars to also use a personalized tag.

If a troll adopts that strategy, you will sort of learn fast that the content of their personal tag is hot air and you simply look at other personal tags.

It's so simple I can't believe I haven't thought of it a long time ago...

Posted 07 January 2022 at 12:40 as a comment on Gem or jank: Mono green 2021.


The conversation above was from august.
Odds are he will miss the notifications.

If you create a post with the tips you just gave, I'll copy paste a link to it within my own network of stuff.
Just make it public and give me a heads up. I can't copy links on my phone if they aren't public.

Someone liked it, probably one of the trolls because they are running out of comment to downvote.

Since I'm at just -120 reputation I can soon start down voting, and I've kept a list of exactly who I'm going to retaliate at. And with their low reputation score trolls are easy to block from their many fake accounts...

Posted 07 January 2022 at 11:06 in reply to #645725 on first deck i built


Thanx :)
I do like to think "out of the game"
Everything that happens at games are part of an already established pattern of human behaviour, and I like to go behind the deeper mechanics of all of that.

Once you understand the context that surrounds the game you can dive really deep into why the metagame is like it is.

One thing I love to study in particular is how older context gets replaced by new.
The meta changes because new cards are introduced to the game, but also because there is a limit to the attentionspan of the average player. In order to memorize new context, players have to forget the old context, and a tremendous amount of magic knowledge gets lost.

The old cards loses their power, not because they are bad compared to the new, but because people focus more on the new context so they remember more new tricks than old tricks.

This is why I'm running my own time capsule experiment.
I keep old playpatterns alive in my mind to be able to one day attack the new meta with "teachings of the archaic" :)

Posted 06 January 2022 at 22:55 in reply to #643272 on first deck i built


Alpine moon is cool, I consider it one of the better "naming" cards in recent time.
I'd love to make a "name" lockdown deck some day.

Posted 05 January 2022 at 21:07 in reply to #645714 on Boros Burn


A few does, which is why it makes sense as a metacall.
Theres always a few who goes against the mainstream.
Preying on other burn players is an easy win but will collapse the whole thing with infighting, which might be why burn is currently without a bloodmoon.
It's not as if burn couldn't need the moon in a meta full of Urza's saga.

At least give credit to the sideboard.

Posted 05 January 2022 at 13:46 in reply to #645714 on Boros Burn


I recognize this as an efficient return to an older brew style, with some well considered changes to the list.
This is very likely pro quality.

One interesting aspect is the way this deck gambles against bloodmoon.

It only loses its carddraw and 6 cards if encountering bloodmoon.

Since bloodmoon is cut from the deck, this is relying on a gameplan where it doesn't meet bloodmoon.

The gamble is that this deck will lose when facing other burn with blood moon.

So I guess this is a meta call.

Posted 05 January 2022 at 12:26 in reply to #645714 on Boros Burn


Also the blank front is a bulk import bug.
Add one more card to the sideboard and that card will be the front picture.
You can then remove the card again and the picture stays

Posted 04 January 2022 at 21:06 in reply to #645705 on The Spellbinder


Commander is a format where consistency is hard to come by.
I think cipher + unblockables might be a way to create some sort of consistency.

I could also imagine it would be hard to keep track of all the effects, maybe someone somewhere has produced cipher tokens :)

Posted 04 January 2022 at 21:01 in reply to #645697 on Orvar Project Deck


Ah, a victim of the attention economy :)
Forget something and they will make you pay.
Forget to pay your Bills and you get more bills.
I hate it, in Denmark we've got our old transport system exchanged into an attention economy version.
Forget to stamp in and you get a heavy fine, forget to stamp out and get a small fine.

Man is not a machine, so he will forget occasionally.

Oh To be a zombie, an engine of destruction, who stomps and bite and never stamps.

Posted 04 January 2022 at 14:26 in reply to #645700 on Dimir Zombies (Commander)


Fetchlands will grow the fledgling.

Posted 04 January 2022 at 04:10 as a comment on The Spellbinder


Nah, I meant all the cloning, there's not a lot of counterspells in here.
I must admit cipher is a very neat strategy to try out in commander format.
I think it would be better on cheap unblockable creatures.

But if you are gonna spam them with spells, why not add [[paranoid delusions]] ?
Sure the mana will need a little work, but it might be doable.

Also, [[whispering madness]]

The two cipher colors are black and blue, and both colors have creatures that like to sneak around unseen

You may also have made a typo when writing "josh lee kwai's deck"
Perhaps you meant "josh Lee's kwain deck"

Feel free to delete this comment if it was a typo :)

I also liked the beautiful zombie tribal engine.

Posted 04 January 2022 at 03:57 in reply to #645697 on Orvar Project Deck


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