
86 Decks, 101 Comments, 8 Reputation

I've never had a problem with health before, in the first games against good burn and flyer decks i will sometimes lose if I don't get the defensive cards I need, but its a pretty fast deck. 100 mana might seem like a lot, but I get Omnath out on turn 3 or 4 quite often, and that results in exponential mana growth to the point where after 3 turns i can channel 100+ mana into the Helix. I do sometimes have a problem getting the Helix out of the deck, i dont know of any cards that let me search my deck for an enchantment. If you know of any please let me know! Thanks for the input!

Posted 30 May 2011 at 02:18 in reply to #166942 on Pinnacle Pump


wow i didn't even realize those existed, thanks. I'll go change some of those out. Dark rituals are probably a good idea as well, thanks for the feedback!

I've been getting some good feedback about my green mana pump deck, if you would like to check it out its a pretty fun deck to play, low on weaknesses, high win rate:

Posted 30 May 2011 at 02:06 in reply to #166932 on Obliterator


pyroclasm might be a concern in the first few turns of the game, but once the deck reaches turn 3, 9/10 times I have enough mana to play Dense Foliage or Asceticism to nullify it, and usually by the time another player can play black sun's zenith against the deck, the elves are strong enough for it not to be as detrimental to me as to the other player. In tournaments i play with Dense Foliage in the deck for the first game because it has the widest array of usage against other decks, but after seeing what type of deck my opponent is using, I can trade certain cards in or out for a higher win chance. Its a pretty versatile deck. I can even drop a few of the creatures and spells, put in an Eye of Ugin and a Spawnsire and turn it into a raging Eldrazi deck to bulldoze a life gain deck if needed, although i've never come up against a worthy one in tournament yet.

Posted 30 May 2011 at 01:59 in reply to #166931 on Pinnacle Pump


Seems like it would take a pretty god hand to get this set up, even with Serum Powder, but then, it is a first turn win, you do need a god hand regardless. Exactly how does it work? is it that you play 4 spells for 0 on turn 1 and somehow get Erayo flipped? I've never seen a deck build like this before. One other thing, City of Brass is restricted in most formats, would this be a tourney deck or one for fun? If you were going for a super fast deck like this i would trade out a couple lands for Gemstone Cavern, they can make the whole difference, especially if you aren't going first.

Check out my deck, let me know what you think:

Posted 30 May 2011 at 01:06 as a comment on I win !!!!


what do you think i should take out to make room for the lackeys? i like the Ringleaders but i have enough goblins in hand usually that i don't need them. Im not really sure about Chandra, I put her in to up the burn damage because i've never been very successful in just the burns from the goblins alone.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 23:09 in reply to #166887 on Moar Goblins!


Wall of Caltrops. Priceless

Posted 29 May 2011 at 18:09 as a comment on !!**Card Flavor**!!


If you wanted to make your deck even more annoying and more versatile you can replace 4 forests with Dryad Arbors (can't hurt having lands that are 1/1 creatures with no drawbacks) i would also take out Giant Growth and replace them with 2 more Groundswells, with a forest deck and mana capabilities like this Groundswell is far superior. I would also take out a Greenweaver Druid and replace it with Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary, his mana producing effect is far more powerful, and can easily pump your Omnath exponentially. Lastly, mana reflection is great as a pump spell in this deck, but it costs so much that i dont think it would see much action before the other player loses. I would replace it with Rancor for the trample ability, and perhaps drop a card or 2 in to give me the ability to search my library for a creature. I love the deck though!

Posted 29 May 2011 at 17:59 as a comment on Mana Trampler


If you pair Daru Spiritualist with some En-Kor Clerics of any type (because of their effect) you can then pump the En-Kor +0/+infinity, then sacrifice them to Starlit Sanctum for infinite health. Just putting that out there, its a pretty easy combo to slip into this deck without losing much of anything, not to mention the En-Kor all have extremely annoying survivability in early game, and once Daru Spiritualist comes out, later in the game as well.
Check out my Weenie/Life Gain deck let me know what you think. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=190668

Posted 29 May 2011 at 17:34 as a comment on Old School Clerics


Put in 4 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth in place of a few swamps, that way you can use Dark Depths as a swamp in order to help play Vampire Hexmage, I like that you added Grim Discovery to recover from card losses. I would also have 4 tutors in the deck, the faster you can get your 20/20 flyer out the better. Last, drop a couple of the Lightning Greaves for Whispersilk Cloak, with a 20/20 indestructible, unblockable flyer the game will end fast enough that there wont be much chance to deal with it.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 17:27 as a comment on Hex Depths


if you are running a single color deck you dont need misty rainforest, in a deck with so much mana gain you would maybe need a cultivate or 2. also, if you want to speed up the deck a bit past turn 3 you could replace a llanowar elves with Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary. I have a feeling this deck would be a pretty fast way to dish out heavy trample damage, have you thought about adding a Vigor in as a last ditch effort?

Check out my stompy deck, nowhere near as fast as yours starting off, but after turn 3 it starts piledriving: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=190487

Posted 29 May 2011 at 15:41 as a comment on stomp da forest(surewhynot approved this deck) ;)


I looked up rulings on the wurm, you do in fact need to pay the mana cost, which is why i took them out.
Dryad arbor doesn't specifically say it has haste, but the card says "isn't affected by summoning sickness" i know this is just so that you can tap it for mana on turn 1, but i cant find any ruling that says you cant attack with it on turn one either.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 15:25 as a comment on Faceroll


i peed myself just now... i'm going to take those out.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 04:20 in reply to #166677 on Faceroll


hmm, thanks, i thought taking the lowest cost counters i could find would give me the edge, but i might have to rethink this a bit. the deck itself isnt centered solely on the eldrazi, any of the creatures in the deck if i could get them out fast enough with mass polymorph could wreck major havoc on almost any deck. if needed i could have fewer creatures and replace them with counterspell or something like that.
I like your golem deck, i would add in a whispersilk cloak if possible for the precursor golem, one cloak covers all of them, and that will start adding up to some massive damage. seems like a solid deck though, cheap creatures, life gain, regeneration up the wazoo!

Posted 29 May 2011 at 04:19 in reply to #166672 on Mass Polymorph


its all yours. good luck with it! I originally had a Lux Cannon in it, but sinking charge counters into a 3rd choice seemed like it might be detrimental, i would def. put one on sideboard. As for proliferate, I hadn't thought of that, contagion engine would speed this deck up ridiculously. thanks for the input!

Posted 29 May 2011 at 04:13 in reply to #166665 on Chargin Mah Lazah


Chub Toad. i remember it was my favorite flavor text. i used to put it in all my decks just so i could read it while my friend took his turn. explains why all the decks i made the first 3 years i played were monogreen :)

Posted 29 May 2011 at 03:09 as a comment on !!**Card Flavor**!!


by far my favorite deck I have made so far, hard to cope with, nearly impossible to beat with a slow builder, and the creatures in it should all be able to mow down anything almost any other deck can dish out in the first 6 turns, not to mention you get an extra turn to play once you show up with Emrikul.
counters decks are the only problem i have.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 02:47 as a comment on Mass Polymorph


till someone sideboards in Haunting Echos...

Posted 29 May 2011 at 02:44 in reply to #166651 on Rats


Thanks! i think

Posted 29 May 2011 at 02:39 in reply to #166648 on Chargin Mah Lazah


Why have the legendary eldrazi in deck, you can pull them out and put in 4 Spawnsires of Ulamog, for 20 mana (which it looks like is pretty quickly obtainable) you can just pull everything from outside of your deck into play, use the space you have open in the deck for whispersilk cloaks for the spawnsire so it cant be killed, spells that add to the mana pool, or spells that let you search your deck for certain cards.

Posted 29 May 2011 at 00:33 as a comment on Speed Eldrazi


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