
86 Decks, 101 Comments, 8 Reputation

im pretty sure the ruling states that Demigod, if reanimated, pulls out his friends. ill have to check again just to make completely certain. i have yet to do any tourneys with this deck, just casual play for now, i should probably know for sure that its legal :)

Posted 13 July 2011 at 05:42 in reply to #180277 on Gravebound Demigod


yeah i was looking around at a few of my swamp cards, found Blackmail, its super cheap and can serve dual purposes, i don't normally need to rid myself of any cards in my starting hand, but it should take care of any time when i actually do. I also found Brain Pry, which could also be used on myself to either draw a card or discard a card, I cant figure out which would be better in the deck, right now i dont have much drawing capabilities, most of my critical cards are pulled out of the deck via spells so im not sure if the extra draw would be more useful than the ability to get rid of one of my opponents cards. any suggestions?

Posted 13 July 2011 at 05:40 in reply to #180287 on Gravebound Demigod


all good, i never though of stacking tons of emrikuls, and although the thought if doing such a thing just to make your opponent shit their pants is endearing, it really isnt all that necessary, seeing as (as long as they dont have infinite flying tokens out) every card that they could possibly have out on the field would be completely and utterly demolished and then gifted to me (thanks). also, might want to read up on the legendary rule, im not sure its exact wording, but i think the second emrikul would destroy itself and the first one instantly, before the extra turn effect would take place.

Posted 13 July 2011 at 03:58 in reply to #179949 on Pinnacle Pump


like it was previously stated, it does start rather slowly, i have no doubt that after turn 4 this deck majorly screws a lot of decks over, and i personally dont play standard (legacy is so much more fun and theres much more chaos and diversity of decks) so i dont know how fast other standard decks take to start out, but against some quick decks like kuldotha red, elf, and my personal creation (graveyard demigod) -link below
i dont think it would get to bask in its superior glory very often, but i give you thumbs up for finding new combos with special effect cards :)


Posted 13 July 2011 at 03:47 as a comment on Stonehorn Lockdown


yeah aside from gaeas cradle its proabaly one of the fastest mana ramp cards i know of :)

Posted 12 July 2011 at 05:26 in reply to #179352 on Pinnacle Pump


thanks :)

Posted 10 July 2011 at 21:15 in reply to #179107 on Obliterator


check out my mana ramp eldrazi deck, originally it was to pump Vortex Pinnacle, but i found that it works just as well for Eldrazis, and its pretty quick too, ive had an annihilator 30 on turn 3 with it


Posted 10 July 2011 at 21:08 as a comment on Eldrazi's Elves


wow totally missed that... oh well, still has its strengths

Posted 08 July 2011 at 04:08 as a comment on Infinite Persistence


Theres no reason not to fill your sideboard chock full of Eldrazi when you can get them all out for the same amount of mana. There's always a chance that you get boned by some spell the other player has, and even if they nullify all your damage, they will still have to burn all their permanents from annihilator, which is basically a win in any situation. I know my sideboard is to big, its just to show all the options.

Posted 03 July 2011 at 15:29 in reply to #176227 on Pinnacle Pump


I dont understand why you would say that dryad arbor is a slow land, it states that it doesnt suffer from summoning sickness, essentially its a llanowar elves for 0 mana with haste. I added the primus because I play my friends quite often with my mill deck, and they have learned to sideboard in a legendary eldrazi to avoid mill, this shuts down Altar of Dementia completely, personally, i carry around a bunch of random cards in my sideboards to put in just to nullify certain decks: an eldrazi against mill, Melira against infect, leyline of lifeforce vs counter... you will most likely win the first game with a fast infinite, but if the other player is prepared, you need to have various alternate win conditions to finish the job :)

Posted 03 July 2011 at 15:23 in reply to #177083 on Infinite Persistence


I made a modified version of this deck, check it out:
basically, i just added in a bit more mana ramp, Woodfall Primus to demolish everything your opponent has, and a couple enchantments to speed the game up ridiculously.

Posted 03 July 2011 at 14:56 as a comment on Avatar of Perseverance [OWNED]



Posted 01 July 2011 at 23:06 as a comment on Top 100 Cards


Shrine isn't so good in a non-mono deck, seems like your kinda trying to combine too many different deck styles into 1 deck, which makes it difficult.
check out my defense decks below, the first is a treefolk deck which uses defense as attack, and the second is a defender deck utilizing Vent Sentinel to burn enemies:

Posted 29 June 2011 at 23:37 as a comment on HUH HUH D-FENSE!


deck seems fun to play, your creatures will get pumped fast, but most of your auras are detrimental to your creatures if you put them on, i would focus on trying to find some cheap auras with small effects to pump your creatures faster

Posted 29 June 2011 at 22:54 as a comment on Spiritdancer


you could put in some Serum Powders in to get over the mulligan problems, but its gunna take out a lot of cards in your deck. good fun with atog though :) always loved that card

Posted 26 June 2011 at 03:03 as a comment on 1st Turn Kill Atog


I would replace mana leak for counterspell, straight up better spell especially for Sanity Grinding, and replace the Memory Erosion with Hedron Crab or Cathartic Adept, they are a bit faster and can serve as chump blockers, while retaining the mill ability. I like Traumatize, but if you think about it, its not much better than Archive Trap, unless you can play it as soon as you have the mana, it shouldnt mill more than 10 cards (at least in my experience) +1 sanity grinding ftw!

Posted 24 June 2011 at 23:09 as a comment on Crazy Sanity Pain


just fyi theres 60! ways for your main hand to open, you have 3 possible 1turn win situations, 4 copies of each card... i think it comes out to something like 1/10219032 chance to get what you need... and as much as i love 1st turn decks, they kinda gotta work the way you want them to ><
ive seen a turn0 hulk flash deck with a 1/10 chance but nothing better. keep at it!

Posted 24 June 2011 at 04:29 as a comment on Standard Turn 1 WIN


i made a pretty fun squirrel deck, actually i made 2, but the other is just to utilize the inifinite squirrel combo quickly. heres the links to both haha, never thought id see a lobster deck though.

Posted 22 June 2011 at 04:31 as a comment on Lobster Plague Invasion !!!


im sure theres a way to build a deck solid out of lands which can win a game, there are so many special lands now that can become creatures that you could have some fun with it.

Posted 14 June 2011 at 04:54 as a comment on BEST DECK EVA!!!!!!!


Book Burning. easy win

Posted 14 June 2011 at 03:59 as a comment on Flaming destruction


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