
28 Decks, 72 Comments, 23 Reputation

I like playing Predator Ooze a lot, one of my fav green creatures. Here are some cards to consider -

- Try adding Forced Adaptation and Hardened Scales into your deck, they are cheap and very effective with what your going for. This way you'll beef up your Ooze a lot quicker and give your undying creatures and extra counter when they come back
- Maybe a Seek the Wilds too for some card cycling for land/creatures
- Bioshift for some counter shifting
- Fleecemain Lion is just ridiculous, not indestructible straight away but once monstrous...very good
- Nylea God of the Hunt, you'll get the devotion and the creature buffing should help quicken things up

Only other thing I can think of is your temples and sanctuaries. They should probably go, you have too many lands that enter tapped n slow your play down even more, with little gain.

Posted 09 February 2016 at 02:43 as a comment on Green White indie burn?


Decent hydra counter deck but your running a bit low on land...with 18 land you're going to get mana screwed for sure. Despite the low costing creatures you will still want to beef them up with more counters ergo more mana needed, I'd suggest at least 20-22 land. Other than that Forced Adaptation is a nice addition, works really well with Predator Ooze, Primordial Hydra or Gyre Sage (for that added mana maybe?).

Posted 08 January 2016 at 06:51 as a comment on Hydra +1/+1 Counter Deck


That was kind of the idea behind Transgress The Mind. A lot of the pesky low CC cards that would be used against me in say a red or blue focused deck should dealt with by using this card.

Posted 04 December 2015 at 09:59 in reply to #569218 on Eldrazi: Bane of Zendikar


Cheers for the input I agree with your thoughts on Eyeless Watcher it is pretty bad for a 4 drop, mainly just in there for the scions really. I'll take Endless One into consideration, however there are a lot of additions that would work alongside this deck too.

In regards to the addition of blue I completely agree with you, this deck would benefit hugely from it but I centered my concept around just green/black for the moment. I included relevant additions for some control within the parameters of the colours chosen namely some sacrifice/destroy and discard. I may make an alternative deck with green/black/blue thou.

Posted 30 October 2015 at 05:22 in reply to #566338 on Eldrazi: Bane of Zendikar


Ahhh too true I didnt see the Tallowisp trigger, how silly of me. I was going to suggest Heliod's Pilgrim or Idyllic Tutor as an alternative but figured with the lower mana cost Tallowisp would do. Thanks for the pick up

Posted 03 September 2015 at 10:53 in reply to #560901 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


This deck is essentially the Midnight Guard and Presence of Gond combo but instead of waiting until next turn to win you have the haste to do it right there and then, I dont understand why know one saw the combo earlier lol. Stop hating its just a deck idea.

From my perspective its unlikely you'd even get the combo out before you burn your opponent or lose. The deck has no search or draw so your hoping to draw at least 2 of 8 cards to hit the combo at a minimum of turn 4 or 5 for the win conditions. Not the best odds. In Modern format you're pushing your luck.

(From a quick search)
Some additions to consider may be:
Tallowisp - Enchant search
Magamatic Insight or Tormenting Voice - Draw
Wall of Omens or Pressure Point - Draw and stalling purposes

Good Luck with the deck.

Posted 03 September 2015 at 08:34 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


I like to play mill a lot as well and yes I have tried decks similar to this in many duels and come out on top. The chancellor is just in the deck for the combo, its a gimmick, why everyone gets worked up about it is kinda silly. My deck is slightly similar to this one and the win rate is very good

Here is my deck if your interested -

And wickeddarkman that tourney deck is pretty good in itself too, very fast paced but I feel it needs some draw to accelerate drawing those low mana mill cards for a more fluid win. Nice deck thou.

Posted 12 May 2015 at 08:36 in reply to #548553 on First turn Mill...oh yeah.


This deck even without the combo coming about turn 1 is really effective...Jace's phantasm turns into a 5/5 very early, Surgical Extraction to get rid of annoying cards, Mana Leak for counters and everything else combos for a very quick/cheap mill.

Posted 08 May 2015 at 04:49 in reply to #548553 on First turn Mill...oh yeah.


This deck is pretty good/well rounded. Just a guess but I'm assuming you already had Pathrazor of Ulamog seeing as the deck is budget but if you are willing you can swap out him for It that Betrays, its such as crazy card/game ender or maybe Artisan of Kozilek for creature to battlefield plays.

Other than that I'm quite fond of scavenge decks. Varolz is a must if you are looking for scavenge options that are cheap, for example pair Varolz with Death's Shadow and thats a 13 counter swing onto one of your creatures for 1 CMC. Here are my decks if your interested -

I'd also swap out 2 Chancellor of Tangle for 2 Veilborn Ghoul for discard/counter cycle on Lotleth, that would be a nice touch. TBH that would be the only changes that would solidify this deck. I like it as is.

Posted 22 April 2015 at 15:20 as a comment on My Decks: Graveyard Tactics


Evolution or Sultai Charm? and yeh Lotleth is a beast in scavenge decks makes for great synergy and choice variation

Posted 15 April 2015 at 09:07 in reply to #545173 on Sultai Ascendants


You need alot more draw, you're gonna use all your cards within a couple turns and then be left with nothing. Maybe Dragon Mantle or Epiphany Storm, which fits in with your theme and is still Standard. I would take out a couple of Mortal's Ador or Titan's Strength.

Posted 29 January 2015 at 09:02 as a comment on Best Standard 1 CMC


Oppressing Rays would do well with Propaganda

Posted 15 January 2015 at 18:07 as a comment on Budget Decks: Pillowfort


Old idea revived...not much changed. Still a fun concept thou.

Posted 28 December 2014 at 15:17 as a comment on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


All good. Your english is fine and yeh those two cards are rather expensive but maybe in the future you can add them if possible. Good Luck

Posted 28 December 2014 at 15:15 in reply to #525035 on Mono Green Insect deck


Replace your Naturalize and Giant Growth with either Overrun, Exploration or Courser of Kruphix. Also look into 'landfall' cards they would work well in this deck and if you want also Parallel Lives. Nice deck thou.

Posted 27 December 2014 at 16:07 as a comment on Mono Green Insect deck


Nice deck, the synergy between these cards is great! All I can think of as for substitutions is maybe:
4 of either Oppressive Rays or Banishing Light to replace Suspension Fields
2 Brave the Sands to replace 2 Plains

Simple, fun deck

Posted 26 December 2014 at 14:17 as a comment on Budget Outlast Mono White Deck


This deck has been altered once more and is nothing like it was when it started. If you want to find the original scavenging deck idea it is at this link -

I have changed this deck to just be focused around Golgari graveyard cycling now.

Posted 26 December 2014 at 11:42 as a comment on Golgari Scavenge Deck


I agree also duress and depise work well together if you would want to add that into the deck too

Posted 26 December 2014 at 06:37 in reply to #524790 on Blood Frenzy


I love elf decks but this one is all over the place. I hope what I have to say helps out.
1st - You need more lands, every deck you make should have between 21-24 lands (I usually go with 23)
2nd - Creature distribution is all over the place. Simplify what your goals are and what you want from each creature. I would advice creatures such as
Elvish Mystic or Elvish Archdruid
Imperious Perfect
Bramblewood Paragon
Heedless One
Rhys the Redeemed
Ezuri, Renegade Leader
Ambush Commander
3rd - Your sorcery and instant spells dont make much sense. Get rid off Triumph of the Horde and maybe add Overrun. Get some Sundering Growth (removal) and some Rancors (trample).

Basically when your making your decks figure out a couple of themes (such as in this one +1/+1 counter, trample and creature aggro) you want to follow then capitilise your card distribution to maximise the percentage you have for drawing those cards and therefore achieivng your desired outcomes. Good Luck

Here is my deck if your interested -

Posted 26 December 2014 at 06:31 as a comment on br 2 ELF


That a pretty damn nice deck idea but I feel it needs some control in it. You have draw, unblockable and +1/+1 counter options in the deck but not much in relation to control cards like bounce or counters. Maybe add some bounce cards like Echoing Truth or Dissolve for a counter card with scry. Also you should have 4 Spreading Seas seeing as you rely on islandwalk half the time. If you do make some changes swap out cards like Inkfathom or Coralhelm.

My gf wants this deck now lol, nicework.

Posted 26 December 2014 at 06:18 as a comment on Merfolk Sovereignty


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