
280 Decks, 520 Comments, 166 Reputation

Probably. But I would by known it off then top of my head XD

Posted 14 October 2013 at 00:01 in reply to #403864 on mazes end revisited


Its evil :3

Posted 13 October 2013 at 23:13 in reply to #403864 on mazes end revisited


Been looking for a deck like this for a while. Just found this one. Been thinking of making one that wins by playing bug colors and runs a car to mill my opponent to one land. Without land in their deck it wouldbe pretty awesome to see the effect if it.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 16:24 as a comment on Liquimetal Splinter


Perhaps some ready // willing or root born defenses to help against the high threat of supreme verdict. Haven't myself gone to a fnm and not had atleast three of them come roaring acroos the table at me.

Posted 10 October 2013 at 20:19 as a comment on Bant - Big Beefy Buggers.


Thanks muchly. It was a little challenge to prove to my friend that you can combo anything. Also my friends have been learning combo decks from me and wanted yo see the process involved.

Posted 10 October 2013 at 00:29 in reply to #402537 on 5 combos in thirty minutes 3/5


Rude and uncalled for on so many levels.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 12:48 in reply to #400551 on Battalion of Heros


I like the idea. However I would leave the horse and the hero and add a few token producing cards to add to your numbers or maybe a few more cards to trigger heroic.

Seems a tad slow but if its a deck made for fun in battles with friends then its perfect. Honestly the game is more fun when people aren't all playing tournament decks meant to kill by turn four and nothing else.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 12:48 as a comment on Battalion of Heros


Only problem. I need a critter wit that magic number toughness of four or higher. The new red board wipe can kill my entire team.

Posted 30 September 2013 at 15:35 in reply to #399982 on new bant hexproof


So many possibilities for combos. simply add rings of bright hearth

Posted 30 September 2013 at 14:10 as a comment on Artifact Rampalot


I'm thinking I should lose the giant for ascended lawmage.

Posted 29 September 2013 at 22:59 in reply to #399982 on new bant hexproof


Another side note. I'm without a sideboard.

Posted 29 September 2013 at 03:19 as a comment on new bant hexproof


Correct. And that might be a better option.

Posted 27 September 2013 at 11:17 in reply to #399356 on A Fools Field Day


because after testing with them I've found that although they work well the two cost doesn't work out as well as i thought it would. i thought it would be better but for some reason unknown to me the 0 drop seems to work better. however i have found that i have no way to interact with cards in the hand. i was killed by a blaze held in hand for the whole game until the last moment. i think i might add castigate main board but i am looking at what to swap out. also the artifact interaction problem seems to be a major issue as well but this deck seems to do what i want it to do rather consistently.

Posted 27 September 2013 at 01:20 in reply to #399356 on A Fools Field Day


Made changes. Went with twenty land. So far I have only played one game and it works rather well.

Posted 26 September 2013 at 18:41 as a comment on A Fools Field Day


What land.count would you reccomend in a sixty card version?

Posted 26 September 2013 at 00:47 in reply to #399021 on A Fools Field Day


The junk diver has a cost three and has to die to return something which is about as effective as a myr retriever. Its a good idea and the thopter does probably need to be dropped.

The welder seems like a good idea. A bit fragile but what of any power for low manager doesn't have a draw back.

And the artifact thing has me worried a bit too. I was hoping to use something like killing wave from black to keep affinity decks from getting too out of hand and reducing my creature count so it doesn't bomb me out to use it. As for non creature artifacts I haven't many answers in black so I may end up splashing red to use one cost artifact removal spells in the side board. Possible using some of the answers in white to get my worst nightmares such as high power artifacts and stone silence which stops the whole deck.

The furnace seems good but I'm not huge on the spell bomb. I might move toward more targeted discard if I want to go that route. And the argivian find seems good since its instant speed and is more flexible.

The crypt is definitely a good idea. Graveyards are one of the few places I don't have much control over with this deck.

Thanks for the ideas. I'm gonna swap stuff out when I get to a computer and can type more accurately.

Posted 26 September 2013 at 00:45 in reply to #399021 on A Fools Field Day


Primeval bounty. Just a thought but I forgot the high mana cost. Probably not worth it

Posted 08 September 2013 at 22:47 in reply to #394861 on instant win land deck


Added faithless looting to help get the big buggers out of your hand.

Posted 06 September 2013 at 16:51 as a comment on fun with ooze


the new enchantment (primeval bounty i think) says you gain two life (maybe three i cant remember anything today) for each land played. that would combine nicely with the fast bond.

Posted 06 September 2013 at 01:39 as a comment on instant win land deck


made this thing into a more solid form. added the retrieval incase of destruction of my enchantments. also managed to tune the curve up a good deal.

Posted 06 September 2013 at 01:29 as a comment on mono white enchantments


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