
105 Decks, 648 Comments, 77 Reputation

I like it, but why not get the mayor in, and maybe hamlet captain (will be nice boost for all them wolves)
And Instigator gang could be nice too?

And since you rely on Blasphemous, having mana creatures isn't really that good, go for land fetch instead with viridian emissary and rampant growth perhaps?

Posted 03 January 2012 at 11:01 in reply to #225850 on wolves run wild


I have a similar deck, but I've gone for more ooze :D

Posted 03 January 2012 at 10:18 as a comment on Ooze Deck


Looks very nice, I think i'd switch the Hamlet captains to Pilgrims instead and maybe drop the 3 honor for the pure and add 2 overrun and one more Pilgimr.. so all in all:

-2 Hamlet captain
-3 Honor of the pure
+3 Avacyns Pilgrim
+2 Overrun.

Overrun is one of my favorite cards for creature decks, and it's really just my flavor so I deffo understand if it's not to your liking :)

Posted 19 December 2011 at 12:58 as a comment on Over generic Humans ftw? [Help Needed!]


What would be your suggestion for replacements?

Posted 19 December 2011 at 09:46 in reply to #222396 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Looks like fun :)

Posted 19 December 2011 at 08:53 as a comment on Artifact Beatdown


Maybe get some deranged assistants in there for some faster mana? Should speed it up a little maybe, other than that, I dunno, but I like it :D

Posted 19 December 2011 at 08:48 as a comment on Innistrad Zombie Mill (Help Needed)


Heya, your deck looks nice but I wonder, why the rampant growths? You don't have anything mana heavy in there and you already have BoP. And why not switch Triumph to Overrun?

If you do insist on having a land fetch, switch rampant to Viridian Emissary :)

Oh and drop one Ancient Grudge for a 4th Full moon perhaps? :)

Posted 16 December 2011 at 08:49 as a comment on Werewolf - Wolf run


Oh and props for the rob zombie deck title ;)

Posted 16 December 2011 at 08:41 in reply to #222099 on More Human than Human


Looks a lot like my own version of the BWumans :D I found how ever that 4 mento's is a bit too much and reduced to 2, I think I switched Doomed traveler to Elite Vanguard as well..

I see you don't have any champions, I can't decide quite what I feel about those my self.. they seem to mostly just hang around for 2-3 turns until they are big enough to attack.. but on the other hand they do grow which is nice..

if you remove 2 mentos maybe add 2 Inquisitor's flail? They'd stack nice with the daggers :)

Posted 16 December 2011 at 08:39 as a comment on More Human than Human


Those would be nice, but this is a standard deck :)

Posted 14 December 2011 at 08:20 in reply to #221439 on W/G Humans [Input please]


My suggestion

-1 Flail
-1 Metamorph
+2 Curiosity

and I know you already changed it, but just as a reminde rto change it here ;)

-4 tormented soul
+4 Ponder

Posted 13 December 2011 at 11:14 as a comment on The Invisibles


You have limited funds, I get that, so show us what you are aiming to build it into? Hard to make suggestions otherwise :)

I mean 4 mayor's 4 Waif, 1 garukk, in there would make a massive impact on the deck, for example. But is that way out of your pricerange?

I'm concidering a WW deck my self but haven't gotten started on it really.

Posted 13 December 2011 at 10:55 as a comment on Werewolves


Parallel lives for just one card? I don't think it's worth it, way to situational. And coat of arms isn't standard is it?

Thanks for your suggestions tho :)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 19:48 in reply to #221094 on W/G Humans [Input please]


Awesome deck, hehe must be veeeery frustrating to play against :D Constant fog, like in a reggae van =P

Posted 12 December 2011 at 13:55 as a comment on Turbo Fog


You asked for a better name for the deck? How about, Brothers of Rock! ;D

Posted 12 December 2011 at 13:51 as a comment on Tin Soldiers


The mana cost seems high because you expect a fast deck. This is not meant to be a fast deck, but a stable deck that can take the game to mid-late game. I played against some fast humie decks during this weekend and I won most of the matches because unlike the fast humie decks, I can take that my early game (champion's mayors etc) takes a beating, thanks to the angels and bladehold + all the growing in the deck.

Overrun has been a great help if the game has been even and I need to break through :)

Posted 12 December 2011 at 08:17 in reply to #220531 on W/G Humans [Input please]


It seems to do the trick and usually on turn 6 it results in a win.. I think few people expect it coming so they leave them selves defenseless. It's not so good vs U/W humans tho, it always gets mana-leaked ><

Posted 10 December 2011 at 12:24 in reply to #220531 on W/G Humans [Input please]


LoL my bad, I read that it becomes in tapped unless 2 lands are already in! Doh! Back in they go ;D

Posted 09 December 2011 at 14:24 in reply to #220342 on W/G Humans [Input please]


I agree with above suggestion, you don't make enough tokens for it to be worth your while :)

Other than that it looks like you took every OP white card availble and put it in one deck (maybe missing angelic destiny and grand abolisher =P )

Posted 09 December 2011 at 11:25 in reply to #220330 on Standard White Weenie


Very nice vamp deck :D I'd drop the bloodhalls tho for basic mana, I can't see how 5 mana for 2 damage will make a difference.

I'd maybe drop a bump in the night for another Adaptive as well.. :D

Posted 09 December 2011 at 11:20 as a comment on The New Bloodline Version 1.0


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