
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

I am always around since I my main use for Vault is to build and archive my decks and to track down cards I have to trade for etc. Just didn't have much time lately to comment - it's finally summer, festival season and all :)

Posted 23 July 2016 at 08:26 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Many pauper decks are considerably more expensive than the average budget deck since there are some very expensive commons out there.

Posted 22 July 2016 at 14:29 in reply to #585469 on Is MTGVault Dead?


As i said many times before, the algorhythm for the hot page is just BAD, but also, the way people use this site is BAD (main problem being that they focus on that damn hot page too much ...). I tried my best to help with that and voluntarily removed my decks from Hot Page to make room for others but it just wasn't enough.

The thing is, most people just want to reap and very few are willing to also sow. Read, everybody want's advice, likes and comments but only few will ever give advice themselves, they also never check out decks by themselves, all they do, if at all, is flocking to Northy and/or whatever other deck is active. Guys, a deck that already made hot page does not NEED any more attention! It is also, by no means, any sign of quality if a deck makes hot page! The true gems are buried somewhere here, but you need to actively search for them!

On the other side of the spectrum, what Sorinmarkov said is true, too: Most people don't give their decks proper descriptions, tags or even names. If I don't know what your goals, limitations and restraints are, then I can't really help you, it's as simple as that. THEN again, I also made the sad experience that decks with lots of explanations tend to be ignored as well, probably because of the "7-line-syndrom" aka tl;dr. With such an attitude, a project like this is doomed for sure!

The best way to fight this: GET NETWORKED!
Step 1:
Instead of the hot page, check out the NEW, ACTIVE and UNLOVED sections, pick one that interests you, and comment on it. Alternatively, use the search panel and search for deck tags or specific cards.

Step 2:
Keep the deck you commented on subscribed. When the deck author answers, keep a conversation going and if the author thanks you, ask him to return the favor with a comment on one of your decks.

Repeat this process and encourage others to do the same (which is what I am doing right now)!

Personally I go some steps beyond that. For example I do have a "deck" here that is specifically made so you can request help on your decks:

I am also still running this little thing called "Obscure card challange" where you can challenge me to build a deck around a card that you think is unplayable or that you just want to see in action because nobody ever used it but can't figure out yourself how.

To sum it up: Yes, the site WILL die unless YOU will contribute. I am asking all of you that replied to this "deck"/thread: Did YOU comment on any deck that isn't your own lately? And if the answer is "no", are you really egliable to complain about the site kicking the bucket?

Posted 22 July 2016 at 13:54 as a comment on Is MTGVault Dead?


The new tree is bonkers in EDH, though. Or 2HG for that matter. My EDH buddies are cursing Tree of Perdition because it'll be yet another card that drains the fun out of that format.

Posted 06 July 2016 at 09:39 in reply to #584796 on Triskadekafuckyeah


Triskaidewhatever and Tree of Perdition just the next set - is this how Wizards now prints cards? I mean, they've been building the decks for us for many years now but this is the height of lazyness. Yeah, okay, it's at least two cards (unlike Gitrog Monster which just combos with itself) but damn, can't they make it a BIT less obvious which cards should be played together?

Sorry, just a rant, I can't really contribute to Standard decks anyway. Triskaithingymabob looks like it wants to be played in a multiplayer deck with Pox, though, which isn't Standard legal.

Posted 05 July 2016 at 18:44 as a comment on Triskadekafuckyeah


A lone Blood Artist? Still think this deck could need more.

Ah, Diamond Valley! I didn't even check the lands because that's a card you'll see once a decade. Maybe also run Mirenthe Moaning Well?

Posted 18 June 2016 at 10:44 in reply to #584064 on What is dead may never die


Spike Feeder then instead of Finks. Can be sacced at instant speed and profits from various other cards like Mazirek.

Posted 16 June 2016 at 13:16 in reply to #584006 on What is dead may never die


BTW, I just realized that Wurmcoil Engine is this deck's only source of lifegain! One more reason to run Pelakka Wurm but you might als consider Kitchen Finks, Momentous Fall and Grim Feast.

Oh and what about "upgrading" Spore Frog to Spike Weaver?

Posted 16 June 2016 at 13:02 in reply to #584006 on What is dead may never die


Look at this picture and tell me it shouldn't be in here:

Of course, it's less funny if you weren't around when Ice Age came out and Jester's Cap was the most expensive card of the set. But again, look:

Yeah, it's not legal in normal play, but who cares, isn't this a un-serious deck that answeres an un-serious deck?

Posted 16 June 2016 at 08:09 in reply to #583960 on Mexican Tribal


I wish I had a herald that proclaimed everything I say here on Vault :)

Posted 16 June 2016 at 08:01 in reply to #584006 on What is dead may never die


Intsant sped sacrifice outlet that produces (coloured) mana instead of needing mana to activate. So you can sac tokens you got through other cards and create even more with Dread Summons of example. Could be Ashnod's Altar instead, I don't know how important the coloured mana aspect is, hard to estimate without playing this first.

Posted 15 June 2016 at 14:45 in reply to #583974 on What is dead may never die


As I wrote: Mind Slash.

Posted 15 June 2016 at 14:42 in reply to #583963 on What is dead may never die


Protection from Black isn't the only thing that works, shroud does, too!
And there are cards similar to Takklemaggot that you could also make use of to make this more consistent, especially Death Match!

Here, I made this 3 years ago:

Posted 15 June 2016 at 10:32 as a comment on Budget Decks: Deez Maggots Tho


Still no Jester's Sombrero in the deck, though, which is a pity.

Posted 15 June 2016 at 10:15 in reply to #583960 on Mexican Tribal


Commented on it, doesn't need much help, though.

Posted 15 June 2016 at 09:56 in reply to #583946 on The Deckhelp Alliance


There isn't much to improve because it's already very good. Some suggestions nonetheless:

* You are heavily dependant on your graveyard. Graveyard hate is common in EDH. I would add Bind - it stops Tormod's Crypt, Relic of Progenitus and Nihil Spellbomb, the three worst offenders besides Bojuka Bog. It can also be used on thousands of other things and it cantrips, too, so you can't do anything wrong here.

* No room for Palakka Wurm? Thragtusk? Vulturous Zombie!?

* For some reason Survival of the Fittest is still legal in EDH. It will probably best card in your deck.

* Vigor is much, much better than Pathbreaker Ibex

* I would replace Primal Growth with something else, for example Sprouting Vines. It will easily get you two lands, too, sometimes more, and doesn't cost you a creature. Sure, you want to sacrifice creatures, but a) you have tons of other sacrifice outlets (in fact I think some too many even) and b) you probably won't have much to sacrifice in the early game, which is when you need to fetch lands the most.

* Consider Tombstone Stairwell ... only *consider*, though, it might be overkill or outright backfire on you ;)

* Cards to cut:
- Skirsdag High Priest (too fragile and unreliable)
- Sadistic Hypnotist (too fragile and resource eating, should be Mind Slash to begin with)
- Fauna Shaman (for Survival of the Fittest)

Posted 15 June 2016 at 09:52 as a comment on What is dead may never die


Which is why they want to go to the US, there is more room.

Posted 15 June 2016 at 09:08 in reply to #583960 on Mexican Tribal


Your decklink leads into nowhere.
Also, Pauper means commons only, right? I don't know how that is supposed to work since Tarmogoyf, Force of Will are very integral to the deck and there are no replacements for those. Even Nimble Mongoose is hard to replace. And cutting red isn't a great I idea either, if you can't pave the way for your guys ... yes, you have to cut a colour because you can't support three colors but I think it would be green that should be cut.

Anyway, I need something to work with, so please post a rough draft of what you want to play or name at least the key cards your deck should be built around.

Posted 05 June 2016 at 13:00 in reply to #583456 on Puschkin, please help me!


Yeah, but this is a theme deck and the gates represent the border crossings that his mexicans want to get past:)

Posted 01 June 2016 at 18:48 in reply to #583337 on Mexican Tribal


Fine, weather has finally caught up here, grilling and festival season begins and I was booked for many interesting events as a DJ (doing that as a hobby). Just the job is looking grim, might be time to search for something new.

Posted 01 June 2016 at 16:53 in reply to #583049 on Deck of Solitude


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