
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

A Pacifism prevents him from blocking/attacking. A Spirit Link gives him the OPTION to block/attack which will give you life. If he attacks other players with the linked creature he will do so because he thinks the benefits outweigh the fact that you gain life and if that is true, a Pacificm would have been better. It only works if your opponents are stupid and can't calculate this.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 18:45 in reply to #585804 on The Children of the Night


Well, why Zulaport Cutthroat when he can have Blood Artist (which is a vampire). Vampiric Link and Spirit Link are probably redundant considering that 11 of his creatures already have lifelink and Vault of the Archangel can give ALL oft them lifelink (and first strike) at once. Yes, you can plant it on an opponent's creature to pacify him, but you wouldn't play Pacifism in multiplayer either even if it would cost 0, would you? Vampiric Link is, of course, very in-theme and I can hardly vouch against it if style/theme is important forGeorge :)

Sun Droplet, however, is a solid suggestion I totally forgot about, it workds wonders in multiplayer. However, as the deck currently is, it doesn't run any artifacts. So, adding Sun Droplet would give his opponents target for their artifact destruction spells which would otherwise sitting in their hand.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 17:57 in reply to #585804 on The Children of the Night


Yes, I thought the same about the tags. Actually I already prepared a text to suggest this as soon as the Forum works again (which was promised would work work "soon" - well, this was months ago ...)

Posted 25 July 2016 at 16:11 in reply to #585795 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Grove of the Guardian? May I suggest one of the following as the titular/thumbnail card of this "deck"? :
- Rebuild
- Knowledge Vault
- Disciple of the Vault
- Revive
- Reconstruct
- Call to Glory

Posted 25 July 2016 at 15:11 as a comment on Rebuilding the Vault Community


I always do that but the only way to get comments is to directly ask others for it. Found that out the hard way. Which is why I always offer advice in advance. You can call me out any time if you need advice on any of your decks as long as there is something to work with (and I am not into standard)

Posted 25 July 2016 at 14:58 in reply to #585772 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Not to gorget the dead forums. I think they were already defunct when I signed up here, which is several years ago.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 14:53 in reply to #585736 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Not true, it spawned a few posts in other deck threads as well. And if this and the other "deck" hog up the Hot Page, Vaulters will be forced to look somewhere else for decks, which isn't bad ;)

Posted 25 July 2016 at 06:28 in reply to #585644 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


It shouldn't be painful - take your time. RL is always more important. Haven't built a new deck in quite some time either.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 19:30 in reply to #585674 on Is MTGVault Dead?


He may have had one new deck every day, but be honest now: Most of them weren't any good. In case you didn't notice: Most of his decks use the same formula and aren't special in any way. Going budget becomes easier each day because Wizards is reprinting so much stuff, devalueing the majority of cards. In a lot of cases, Northy did nothing more than a quick card search for creature type X, scanned them for price, picked the better of the bunch that somehow could be called a mana curve, added the same cheap spot removal spells as always, then some land and called it a day. Anyone could do that, in fact anybody *should* be able to do that, yet every deck Northy made got tons of praise.
In the end, though, if you look closely, most of the comments were of the type "hey, good work there again, love your decks! Could you help me out with my deck? Please have a look" ... they know Northies decks are popular and get much attention, so they try to plug link to their decks on Northies decks in order to get some hits as well. And all those traffic keeps Northies decks on the Hot Page, reinforcing the benefits of this practice. It's like symbiontic click-vampirism.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 12:56 in reply to #585528 on Is MTGVault Dead?


No, the reason it is Vintage is simple: All my decks are because Vintage is the format my group plays. Why? Because we are playing since 1994 straight :) Also, when playing casual, why would you not go Vintage? It's the format that allows the most cards. If we played something like Modern instead, we couldn't make use of half of our collections.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 12:41 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Yes, nicely said.

Also, about the not knowing each other part: I made several friends via Magic forums that I later met in real life, some chaps from the netherlands and finland. They are awesome and we had much fun. I always enjoyed the international aspect of sites like these, it's not just an exchange of ideas that are Magic related if you know what I mean. If more people would do this, we would have less wars in the world :)

Posted 24 July 2016 at 11:51 in reply to #585626 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Better than expected. It is sortof slow, but most spiders are defensive and the deck doesn't look like a threat. It's all a matter of how many board clears you run into, but I found out that most of the time you are okay with it. The Spinner is really great, so if you get one back with a Charm after a board clear, you can pin down whatever the others are playing with Webs and are fine.
I'll need a second Faith Healer, though.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 09:24 in reply to #585617 on Pseudo-Spiders (budget even!)


Stuffy Doll and Isochron Scepter are staple cards!
* Stuffy Doll doesn't need 4-7 cards, all it needs is a Guilty Conscience slapped on it and it will deal an infinite amount of damage. I think you can build a deck yourself now.

* Isochron Scepter is really broken.
- Try Abeyance and/or Orim's Chant for a nasty lock deck (yes, you can pay Orim's Chance Kicker cost every time!).
- Imprint Final Fortune and then have infinite extra turns (also needs a Sundial of the Infinite in play so that you don't lose to Final Fortune)
- Combos aside, even ordinary things can be pretty nasty, for example Arcane Denial. The extra cards the opponent gets are negliable since you can counter one of them every turn, but you also draw. Even something ordinary like a Lightning Helix will produce lots of value every turn!

* Leylines.
- Well, many of them can just be played for their effect. They are all a bit more expensive than the normal versions (each of them has an effect that is already on another card) but with the added bonus that you can play them before the game even starts. Actually you just begin the game with them, which means even if the opponent has Force of Will, he can't counter them.
- There is a combodeck, however. In short, it runs tons of Leylines and uses Opalessence to overrun you with them as early as turn 1 if it also draws Serra's Sanctum.

* Lashwrithe
Okay then, let me try this, but don't expect 1-on-1 goodness, this series is meant for casual

Posted 24 July 2016 at 08:03 in reply to #585592 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


I could try for 2HG though!

Posted 24 July 2016 at 07:32 in reply to #585553 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


Well, may advice comes from my group which is ooold. The longer you play and the more sophisticated decks get, the more controllish and resource generating they become, and this means lots of (mass)removal. This is why a card like Bloodline Keeper won't stay around long enough to do his trick while Blood Ghast is something to rebuild after each mass removal. This is of course meta-dependant. If non-basics are not an issue in your meta, then that's a sign that your group probably doesn't run much mass removal either.

Posted 24 July 2016 at 07:30 in reply to #585564 on The Children of the Night


How did this develop? Have you made your revisions and played since? I'd like to hear about the results.

Posted 23 July 2016 at 17:50 in reply to #574735 on Norin the Scary


Hi Willisson,
that's the spirit!

I don't think Demonic Pact is obscure, I actually made a deck around it already :) :

Posted 23 July 2016 at 17:31 in reply to #585500 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Hm, I think that's impossible. I can build a Sky Swallower deck, however, probably not for multiplayer, since he gives all my permanents to ONE target opponent. If I could distribute my permanents, fine. But as it is I can only take out one opponent and then I am stuck with nothing but a single flyer (remember, if someone dies while controlling permanents owned by another player, then those permanents are SACRIFICED - I will NOT get them back!).

At least not for FFA, Pentagram and such, but maybe for team orientied multiplayer like 2HG. Or French Emperor (and then pray that you won't be the emperor^^)

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:12 in reply to #585553 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


Happy to gift you a deck review for your 222nd post :)

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:03 in reply to #585533 on Puschkin, please help me!


Looks already quite good. Some suggestions:

* The deck is missing two of the best vampires out there for multiplayer, both of which are a perfect match for Sanguine Bond, first one being SANGROMANCER! To make room I would reduce the number of Bloodline Keepers which have the same mana cost and are among the weakest links of your deck.

* Second one you missed is BLOOD ARTIST! Boy does he hurt in multiplayer ... to make room, maybe cut 1-2 Aristocrats and/or one Dark Imposter (he needs so much mana to use and your mana curve isn't exactly slim)

* Austere Command is a fine card but I don't think you can support the double-white mana consistently. I guess you mainly run it for the mass enchantment and artifact removal, right? Try Serenity instead (or just get a second Merciless eviction)

* Vault of the Archangel should be a must-have for this deck!

* Seems like you want a well rounded deck that can handle anything. There are two things it lacks:
- you can't kill (non-basic) lands. Wastelands would fix this. If they are too pricy for you and if going Vintage is okay for you, Strip Mine would do. Otherwise, there are plenty alternatives, albeit weaker ones, like Ghost Quarter.
- you can't kill graveyards (virtually every multiplayer deck does use his graveyard as a resource, your deck is a big exception!). Since you don't play from the grave yourself, you can simply use Relic of Progenitus. This hits everyone and you even draw a card, so if your opponents aren't using their graveyard either this card isn't dead since you can just "cycle" it.

* Now that I talked of not using the graveyard - did you know that Blood Ghast is a vampire?

* Some good and cheap (manawise) vampires that might be good in this:
- Drana, Liberator of Malakir
- Captivating Vampire
- Drana's Emissary (this one doesn't need to attack in order to drain which comes in handy against many controllish decks)
I just don't know anymore what to cut, what you have is equally good.

Posted 23 July 2016 at 09:02 as a comment on The Children of the Night


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