
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

As I said, read the card again, it says OR! You'll get exactly ONE land!

Think about it, if it was able to fetch four lands (duallands, no less!), it would be played in about every second Modern, EDH and Legacy deck and would be worth 10 dollars, not 10 cents.

Posted 08 October 2016 at 13:39 in reply to #591000 on Oozing With Fun


And ... we are designing our own cards? And then build a deck around it? And you expect that to be balanced!?

I think the first step should be to create those cards, then evulate them and cross-check that all participants have the same understanding of powerlevels and THEN build decks - preferably around the cards the OTHERS made.

Posted 08 October 2016 at 13:37 in reply to #590930 on A 1 Off Idea, Please Read


Deck has been decommissioned for two reasons:
1) I needed some of the cards for other decks.
2) It never worked as intended. I wanted to have an Enduring Renewal deck that doesn't focus on endless combo loop, instead it should play like a normal deck that can play the Renewal right away when I draw it because most of my creatures have little combos with it. But alas, I either ran out of creatures with no Renewal in sight or the opponents had removal ready when needed or the game has progressed so much that endless-combo-win was the only chance.

Posted 07 October 2016 at 16:44 as a comment on Enduring the Renewal


* I played Varchild's Warriders with Dingus Staff. Hits yourself, too, but is harder to kill than that Jaguar.

* What's Battle Hymn for? Your creature count is very low. Yes, at some point you MIGHT get a lot of tokens via Brand, but if that happens and your opponent can't kill them, you might have won already. Same is somewhat true for all those creature pumping spells you have ... they only work if you managed to pull your main trick. But in the case of the Hymn - what do you plan to do with that mana!? The only card I see is Moonveil Dragon. That ... requires a lot of things to go exactly your way. You can't count on that.

* So, I would get rid of those Hymns and add some more creatures instead. Hunted Dragon and Hunted Lammasu would fit the theme.

* Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs would also be a great addition to keep the tokens in check without killing them so you can steal as many as possible. At the same time it provides more creatures for your pumpers (and that Hymns if you insist on keeping them)

* Electrickery costs 3 mana with overload to kill all 1/1s. Savage Alliance does the same for the same mana, but has other options as well as escalate.

* I know they are expensive, moneywise, but in this deck, Auriok Champion would be SOOO much better than Soul Warden :)

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Posted 07 October 2016 at 14:12 as a comment on War Riders brand


"Simic" is just a colour combination. You didn't even specify a format. Can't you be a tad bit more specific?

What about a deck that focusses on the top card of player's libraries? Something along the line of Temporal Spring, Elven Warhounds, Helm of Obedience etc.

Posted 07 October 2016 at 13:28 as a comment on New Ideas


* No Acidic Slime!? It's an Ooze and would give you some actual fighting chance vs many decks. It should replace the Gobbling Ooze which is quite bad and/or some copies of Gelatinous Genesis

* I would replace that Death's Presence with Gutter Grime - it's cheaper, it fits the theme better and I think producing more creatures is better than pumping existing ones, especially against mass removal.

* Any reason you run duallands in a mono-green deck!? Because of Farseek? Please read that card again, it says "Plains, Island, Swamp OR Mountain", not "AND" ...

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Posted 07 October 2016 at 12:57 as a comment on Oozing With Fun


* I'd like to see Squee in this somewhere, maybe instead of that Fiery Temper. He would provide cards to discard, generate card advantage (I know you want to discard some of those spells, but not all of them an I guess you hand will be empty pretty fast).

* Talking of empty hands, what about Cackling Flames? Keldon Megaliths?

* IF you are okay with going Vintage you could add a Wheel of Fortune.

* Have you considered Avacyn's Judgment? It's hard to calculate if this will be better than the burners you already have. But Avacyn's Judgment would help getting the maximum out of those Rituals!

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Posted 07 October 2016 at 10:23 as a comment on Harnessing Vengeance


Hey, Cameronoshag, you are using the VaultHelp deck tag (which is why you got replies of two of our members), however, you didn't sign up for our project AND you didn't help others first either!
That's more than impolite. So, please, either sign up and help others as well or remove the "VaultHelp" deck tag!

Posted 07 October 2016 at 07:09 as a comment on Modern Black White Aggro


I figured that they were supposed to die instantly, but the question is: Why!? If you have something like Blasting Station or Spawning Pit instead, then the tokens stay around and can attack or block, but you can still get rid of them at any time you want!

Posted 06 October 2016 at 12:12 in reply to #590725 on Kill Me Now


- Touch of Darkness
- Whipsering Madness
- Karona, False God
- Temple of the False God
- Restless Dreams
- Horn of Deafening
- Echoing Truth
- Inverter of Truth
- Seizan, Perverter of Truths
- Flash

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Posted 06 October 2016 at 12:09 as a comment on Tenement Halls



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Posted 06 October 2016 at 11:14 in reply to #590932 on girlfriend deck


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Posted 06 October 2016 at 11:13 in reply to #590933 on How to be a sadist


* Why Slagstorm if you could run Earthquake instead!? I mean, in this deck you don't benefit much from the options of Slagstorm. Okay, it doesn't hit flyers, on the other hand it can kill off creatures bigger than 3.

* And to be truly sadistic you might as well complete the combo and add Citadel of Pain/ Power Surge :)

* Glacial Chasm is the perfect backup for Personal Sanctuary.

* Despite the Vortex I would run Lightning Helix in this instead of regular Lightning Bolts.

Posted 06 October 2016 at 10:17 as a comment on How to be a sadist


It's hard to give advice on a generic deck like this without knowing the meta or even formats you are playing in! For example is this for multiplayer or 1-on-1? There is a vast difference!

The only clue I have is that she likes mortivore, doom blade, deadly recluse, vampire nighthawke and vraska. Basing on that I would suggest:

- Deathcap Cultivator
- Reaper of the Wilds
- Sluiceway Scorpion
- Revenant
- Splinterfright
- Acidic Slime
- No Mercy
- Ambush Viper

All of them should be budget-ish. To make room, throw out the weaker creatures like Accursed Spirit and Rootwalla.

Posted 06 October 2016 at 10:02 as a comment on girlfriend deck


It's a one-trick-pony, though. I especially question the Ob Nixilis, he is way beyond the mana curve and doesn't really add anything the deck - if you didn't kill the opponent with your token shenanigans by the time you got 6 lands, then Ob Nixilis will most likely not succeed either.
I also think that Illness in the Ranks doesn't belong here. There must be more productive ways to kill your tokens. The bad thing about Illness is that the tokens die right away and can't even be used as blockers! Here a rundown of cards that would make way better use of those tokens:

- Contamination
- Spirit Bonds
- Attrition
- Mind Slash
- Phyrexian Soulgorger
- Martyr's Cause
- Fallen Ideal
- Blasting Station
- Spawning Pit
- Recurring Nightmare
- Demonic Appetite
- Porphyry Nodes

Also, I humbly suggest Sacred Mesa or, even worse, Tombstone Stairwell :)

Dang, Modern! Fucking formats ... well, I guess that narrows it down a lot, yet, something like Blasting Station or Spawning Pit is still WAY better than Illness in the Ranks!

Posted 06 October 2016 at 09:35 in reply to #590725 on Kill Me Now


I don't understand what you are trying to do. Please explain a bit more thoroughly.

Posted 06 October 2016 at 09:15 as a comment on A 1 Off Idea, Please Read


No, he gets all three options if that's possible - sometimes he has to kill something without a spell being on the stack. This usually means he'll wait for an important spell so he gets the max out of it. But waiting too long is also dangerous in the variant where the Emperor doesn't know who the Traitor ist ;) I've seen Traitors using it just to signal "hey, I am with you, attack someone else" :)
Usually he'll "flip" during the sixth turn when the others can finally attack the Emperor, but some games run very differently.

Posted 30 September 2016 at 05:32 in reply to #590577 on Firestorm


French Emperor:
Also exactly 5 players. Prepare 5 cards to determine roles, one for the Emperor, one for the Traitor and 3 for the Peasants. Then distribute the cards at random. The Emperor reveals his card, the others keep it secret.

It's a free-for-all, you can attack whoever you want (and split attacks if needed). If the Emperor dies, ALL Peasants win, including the dead ones! If all Peasants die, the Emperor and the Traitor win (even if the Traitor is dead).

The Emperor has the following advantages:
* Play starts with him. He draws a card in his first turn despite going first.
* He starts with 30 life.
* He cannot be attacked or targetted during the first 5 turns.
* His permanents cannot be destroyed by effects of other players during the first 5 turns. Exception: Attacking creatures can die via combat damage and effects.
* He can look at the other player's identity cards (so he knows who the traitor is)

The Traitor will start out as a Peasant but he can reveal his identity at any time. If he does, he can do the following three things:
* Counter a spell that is on the stack
* Give the Emperor 5 life
* Bury one permanent of his choice
Nothing can stop this, consider this action to have split second.

So, basically it's 3 vs 2 with a twist. The version above is what we prefer. There is another version where the emperor does NOT know who the traitor is. Instead he draws an extra card in each draw phase as long as the Traitor is not revealed yet. While also interesting, this creates more lopsided games. Since the emperor doesn't know who the traitor is but also doesn't want to waste attacks, he will attack anyway, most likely trying to take one player out early, odds are in his favour that he kills a peasant.

Oh and I strongly recommend that players select their decks BEFORE roles are determined! Otherwise the Emperor might pick a combodeck of sorts.

Posted 29 September 2016 at 19:38 in reply to #590577 on Firestorm


Did your group ever try other multiplayer formats like Pentagram? Or French Emperor, wouldn't that be to your group's liking?

Posted 29 September 2016 at 19:03 in reply to #590577 on Firestorm


Furnace of Rath is a suicide card. No player can allow that to be around for even a single turn. So, if you don't kill everyone right away, they'll kill you asap.
Well, I really can't offer any more help then. Your meta is too unique and the exact opposite of everything I now about multiplayer :) You savages :)

Posted 29 September 2016 at 18:32 in reply to #590577 on Firestorm


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