
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

Ah, you meant THAT kind of redirection. Yes, I also made a deck like this, but it was red-white and focussed more on damaging everyone and preventing the damage mysef. Back then I had zero Reckoners and only a single Blasphemous Act, so my key creatures were Spitemare, Maniac, Stuffy Doll and Coalhauler Swine (lol!) and spells were regular Earthquake type of cards while I prevented the damage with CoP/RoP:Red.
You might also be interested in this one http://www.mtgvault.com/puschkin/decks/occ-selfawareness-trip/ ...

About your deck:
It's hard for me to make suggestions because you playgroup seems to be very different from mine. I am referring to "Anyone who gets too froggy out the gate faces the multiple player beatdown barrage of kill spells, direct damage, and general face mashing." I may interprete it wrongly, but doesn't that mean you guys gang up on someone that has a slow start or plays defensively? And I conclude from that, that you play free-for-alls?

See, in free-for-alls, it's usually the best to be NOT aggressive. Why should I waste resources on killing someone when that is also progressing the win condition of everybody else? Which is why free-for-all games typically degrade to a game of "who moves first loses" which is why it's the least favourite in our group (especially since we have a fair share of players that play defensively and reactionary regardless of format).

This is why I would build this deck very differently and way less straight-forward. At the very least I would ditch the Blind Fury and Furnace of Rath (are you nuts?). Maniac, Spitemare, Reckoner and Stuffy Doll are a great basis because they are a great deterrant to attack you, so they work both defensively and offensively. That's a good start and Blapshemous Act & Co turn them into great damage dealers and finishers. However, you don't need "win more" cards in this. All that Furnace and Blind Fury do is turning this more into a combo deck. And that means less room for you to adapt and more reasons for the others to kill you before the combo is set up.

Arcbond, however, is a very excellent addition. Didn't know that card before. It comes out of nowhere and can clear the board or outright kill everybody for just three mana, especially considering we are talking about multiplayer free-for-all ... you can play it on any creature, it doesn't even have to involve you, for example if a fatty of another player attacks yet another player you can throw that thing in between and blow the world apart! So, play 4 of them!

What this deck lacks, though, is lifegain or at least damage prevention. Arcbond can easily kill yourself along with all other players (or JUST you - the redirection damage from your creatures are applied after it), Flamebreak and your Phoenix also hurt yourself. Red doesn't have any of these? Right, but artifacts and lands do. Best picks here would be Sun Droplet for lifegiving (triggers in EVERY upkeep, not just yours, so in a 4-player match you'll get back 4 life per turn!) and Glacial Chasm for damage prevention (you don't need to attack anyway).

Other than that there isn't much I could improve. I would replace some Mountains with non-basics like Wasteland/Stripmine, Barbarian Ring or Shivan Gorge, though, but that's mostly a metagame call.
And kudos for adding Vertigo, you sneaky bastard, I like the idea. It's always nice to see older sub-par cards shine in the right deck :)

Posted 29 September 2016 at 08:18 as a comment on Firestorm


You mean for this deck or in general?
This deck was just an exercise/challenge. I physically built some of the more interesting OCC decks I made but this one isn't among them.

But I had a redirection in the past, yes, called "kill yourself". It was more about instants, though, since the opponnent can calculate too much if your redirectors are permanents. I still remember my first lesson about this more than 20 years ago when I traded for a Reflecting Mirror and thought how awesome it would be to deflect Fireballs and Mind Twists. Guess what, I think I never activated the Mirror once, maybe for a Lightning Bolt that was just a lure to tap me out.
So, the deck I once had was more about Mirror Strike, Deflection/Misdirection and the very great Boros Fury-Shield.

Posted 29 September 2016 at 07:07 in reply to #590541 on OCC: Sorry for your blockers


Puka's Mischief - didn't even know that card existed! Which also means I don't own it and I am afraid it's too late to order them ... but yes, they definately belong in this (because it's a may effect)!

Paradox Haze on the other hand, no, not in this case. It is actually one of the rare "enchant player" cards, not a global enchantment, so it only ever works on a single player and once it is in play I can't choose a new target. So, sadly, not worth it.

Posted 27 September 2016 at 20:47 in reply to #590492 on Faustus


Gratz! That is great news!
Especially after this discussion with Asturonethorius ...

Posted 19 September 2016 at 08:42 in reply to #587765 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Spoken like a true american that was raised within this system. Germans said pretty much the same back then in the 1930s.

I didn't say modern day america equals 1940 era nazis - nothing can ever be the exact same. But the mechanics that worked back then are still working today, just on different levels and in different flavours. And why, again, wouldn't anybody be able to "take the last step by force" today? The LAST step follows up a lot of other steps where each of them makes it a little bit more unlikely and possible for anyone to stop the process.

1st world countries will continue to exploit everyone else which is the exact reason we'll see lots and lots of those "small scale conflicts". The true war in this century isn't fought on the battlefield anyway, it's fought on economical level. It's free trade agreements, embargos and monopolys that enslave entire nations. But you don't worry because you were born on the "right" side, I see. Nice point of view.

Posted 18 September 2016 at 15:47 in reply to #589161 on America


Ugh, made a mistake:
NIHIL Spellbomb, not Necrogen Spellbomb ...

Posted 15 September 2016 at 10:22 in reply to #589516 on You Want That? Nah.


I haven't even built this deck yet because some of the cards are in use in other decks. So a revamp when the new cards are out is very likely :) Then again our next big gaming weekend will be the the when when Kaladesh is released, so it I probably have to use this version first.

Posted 11 September 2016 at 18:07 in reply to #588311 on The Message


No Harrow!? Fetchlands? 80 cards?
Groundskeeper might be useful.

Posted 10 September 2016 at 18:19 as a comment on Ramble On


Hi there, had similar decks before so I might be able to help a bit.

* Portent is so much better than Eye Spy, why don't you max out the Portents?

* Ghoulcaller's Bell is an odd choice as your mill card. Is this due to budget contraints? I would at least upgrade this to Codex Shredder. The problem with the Bell is that it always works on both you and the opponent, so when you want to mill one but not the other, you are stuck.

* I'd love to see a Conundrum Sphinx in this! It would add a bit of beef to the deck and the effect could be quite handsome in this.

* Since this is Legacy and you splash black already, have a look at:
- Lim-Dûl's Vault
- Sealed Fate (could replace the Cruel Fate)
- Diabolic Vision

* I love Spy Network, however, it's just overkill in this deck. At some point you'll know whats going on and what you really need will be some actual defense for things that slipped. The problem with this card is that it doesn't replace itself like Portent does - if you draw it when you already know what's on top, it's basically a wasted draw.

* Check out Wand of Denial. It's actually your entire deck compressed into a single card^^ Of course you won't be able to spend life forever, so you'd also need some lifegain.

* This may not apply to your metagame but generally, these days, it's very risky to mill opponents without any way to exile their graveyards! There are countless creatures that can come back from the grave on their own, there is flashback, delirium, retrace, dredge etc. and generally you just don't want to give your opponent more options for things like Eternal Witness. I would add Necrogen Spellbomb to solve this. The beauty of the spellbomb: If you use black mana to activate it, you'll draw a card. So, when you draw it but don't need to exile graveyards, you can activate it anyway to draw something else. It's like cycling. If creature animation is the only thing to worry about in your meta, you could use Crypt Incursion instead, which would also solve your life gaining problem.

* Even if you don't add any of the black cards I suggested you need to adjust your mana base and add more black sources or ways to fetch the ones you have. Yes, you have a lot of library manipulation to find it, but I'd run at least 4. Jwar Isle Refuge, more Temples, Dismal Backwater, there are many alternatives that don't cost much.

* You have tons of cards to look at the top pf library and some ways to mill offending cards. But I see zero cards that can handle anything that the opponnet manages to slip through (which will inevitably happen at some point, especially during the first couple of turns). I'd have something like Silumgar's Command as a backup plan.

So, to sum it up, I would do something like this:
- 1 Cruel Fate
+ 1 Sealed Fate
- 2 Spy Network
+2 Wand of Denial
- 3 Eye Spy
+ 1 Portent
+ 2 Necrogen Spellbomb/Crypt Incursion
- 4 Ghoulcaller's Bell
+ 3 Codex Shredder
+ 1 Silumgar's Command
- 2 Island
+ 2 Jwar Isle Refuge/Dismal Backwater/Temple of Deceit

Which still leaves no room for other suggestions I made like Conundrum Sphinx but meh :)

Posted 08 September 2016 at 10:08 as a comment on You Want That? Nah.


Oh thx! And I love the fact that marking a deck as unloved will actually get some attention :)
Which reminds of two things: 1) I should update the decriptions here and 2) I'll comment on some other unloved decks as well


Meanwhile I have ditched the Null Brooch in favour of a second Junk Troller. I also got my hands on a Singing Tree which fits in nicely (it neutralizes a threat without killing it so it untaps).

Posted 08 September 2016 at 08:28 in reply to #589507 on OCC: Bring it on


Yeah but why Modern in the first place? This is for casual play, right?

Posted 07 September 2016 at 10:09 in reply to #589410 on Decisions ... Decisions


This is a theme deck which is why it has single copies of cards like FOSSIL Find in a DINOSAUR deck!

Also, Jessie retired from MTGVault, sadly.

Posted 05 September 2016 at 09:03 in reply to #589305 on Dinosaur Tribal


I don't think a civilized discussion is something bad :)

Posted 02 September 2016 at 17:07 in reply to #589161 on America


That's the thing, though: If you don't vote for a candidate like Sanders because he has less experience and because his ideas are too advanced ... then you are continuing the vicious cycle! You really prefer to vote for someone that is experienced in bad politics? Furthermore, it's not about winning - it's about signalling everybody envolved that change is needed and offering alternatives. I mean, it's ridiculous you are down to just 2 parties and you'll never have more if you don't give anyone else the chance to thrive. I am not exactly sure how your system works but I am pretty sure that you could have coalitions, right? Well, for that you need more than two parties. Sanders might not win but if people would still vote for him you'd end up with something like
41% Republicans
36% Democrats
23% Sanders with his own party
Republicans might win but Democats and Sanders could do a coalition and win together. This in turn means that both Reps and Democrats would have to take Sanders serious and alter their program to try to get some votes of the Sanders supporters. At least that's how it works here in germany, the Green party for example won't ever be strongest party, however, if you vote for them, you assure that every party involved has to make more concessions to green topics.
But instead, every time a good candidate or third party shows up, he'll run for it but way before elections actually take place they give up and recommend their supporters to vote for X or Y, whatever will be the least horrible choice. And that's how you will be stuck forever with just two parties that can alternate in screwing over everyone.

About similarities between nazi germany and the US today?
- Times of economic disasters prior to taking power
(hyperinflation back then in Weimarer Republic due to ridiculous high reparations germany had to pay due to the treaty of Versailles)

- Keeping the public in fear of things from the outside

- Emergency decrees during the end of Weimar Republic => various acts like the Patriot Act
(acts that give the government extra powers at the cost of freedom and civil rights, allegedly for a short time of need but in fact these Acts do never end, instead you'll get more of them)

- "Reichstag fire (2.27. 1933)" => 9/11
(especially if 9/11 was an inside job or at least something US agencies knew about but let it happen anyway)

- Jews => muslims/terrorists; as in having a common enemy and scapegoat
(the convenient thing about terrorists is that you can label anybody "terrorist")

- Guantanamo => concentration camps
(yes, you are not gassing millions of people *yet* but you DO incarcerate people without properaccusations, stripping them of all rights without giving them any fair trial or due process)

The list of similiarities is endless, actually.

Facism, BTW, begins way earlier and will often be more subtle. Lets take something seemingly harmless like wrestling. I mean that wrestling that the WWF/WWE is broadcasting. So they have a fake sport and in order to make it more entertaining they give their athletes silly personas and costumes and write even more silly storylines. But still to this day they write foreigners as "heals" (villains) and all-american dudes as "faces" (crowd favourites). It's not wrestling if you don't have a heal pretending to be an iraqi or whoever the current political enemy is. This is NOT harmless fun, especially since there will always be children taking all this for real. Also, this kind of propaganda (and you'd have a hard time arguing it's something else!) is omnipresent in american media and popculture. Have a sleazy character in a movie? Give him a french accent. You maybe shrug that off or don't even notice it, but that's the dangerous part of it. I once read the following dialog in a form or blog:
russian: "I admire the americans for their really clever and subtle propaganda!"
american: "What are you talking about!? There is no propaganda in the US!"
russian: "See? That's what I mean. Our propaganda is so obvious that it's easy to ignore it. But you don't even realze it's there!"

As for the various cards and their level of accuracy:
I agree that something like "Dumb Ass" should not be there. But the others?
- Bribery. Why not Bribery? Your entire political system is based on bribery! The industry, lobbyists and whoever can afford it will fund political campaigns in exchange for "gratuitous services", read, laws and regulations in their favour. The fact that this kind of bribery is legal is adding even MORE insult to injury!
- Mercenaries. While you DO have the biggest military in the world you STILL have lots of mercenaries on your paycheck, if not officially. Your various agencies like the CIA is constantly funding all kinds of shady organisations that fight your proxy wars for you. You probably know that the Taliban for example where once trained by US agencies, right?
- It that betrays: Sorry, but that's EXACTLY what we feel like about the US right now. They always claim to be the heroes but time and again don't live up to it, quite to the contrary, more often than not they turn out to be the villains. Ask the people of iceland what it is like if american banks take over your local banks, fucke everything up and then leave. Heck, the financial crisis of 2007 which was caused by greedy american bankers and insurances caused regular people like me and my wife to lose most of our savings even though we live on the other side of the pond and hadn't invested a single € in the US real estate market.
- Blind Obedience. I don't know why this hurts - it's actually a kind of excuse why all of this can happen. Obedience isn't a bad thing as long as you follow a good leader. The problem is you don't have good leaders and you KNOW that!

And yes, I am aware that not all americans are like that, it's just very cumbersome to phrase it otherwise. I know from experience that most americans are fine people, but the system they live in isn't and most of them are too blind to see that. They point at china and pity chinese citizens for being brainwashed and obeying a crooked government without realiazing that their own country isn't any better - just way better in hiding that fact. My country isn't perfect either and heading into the wrong direction, too, but incidently, the US is involved in that, too. Did you know that to this day the US has stationed lots of troops and nuclear warheads here in germany? And that, technically, germany is still occupied by the US because they never officially gave us back sovereignty? Which probably is why the US is still able to bully us around, spy on us without anyone batting an eye. You heard of TTIP an CETA? They will be in effect soon and make us slaves of the american economy. They are passing those behind closed doors and voters have no say in it, why? Because governments worldwide are taken over by the industry and wealthy persons and the US is the frontrunner in this.
Of course we also have our own bad things going on without foreign help, but at least we are (mostly) aware of this and wouldn't mind anyone making fun of it. Merkel is a muppet. Many of the weapons that are used in current wars were sold by germany. There is a right wing surge right now and populists are getting track because of the high number of refugees. We are also privatizing too many things and about to kill the middle class.

Anyway, half of the world is heading towards a grim future and lots of conflicts, but it's less about nation vs nation and more about rich vs poor.

Posted 02 September 2016 at 15:39 in reply to #589161 on America


That's not true. You can still vote for Sanders, right? He is the best candidate you ever had. He might not win but always voting for someone you don't really like because you think the one you really want won't get enough votes is what you got you into the situation where you think you only have two choices in the first place.

The other thing you could do is using all your damn weapons. I mean, what's the No.1 argument for guns in the debate about gun control? The 2nd ammendment which was made to allow it citizens to bear arms in order to keep the government in check should they try anything funny. Well, I'd say, it's about damn time to use that!

See, I am german, and whenever that is mentioned, americans are fast cracking nazi jokes. Which is more than annoying. Not only because these events happened 70 years in the past, 30 years before I was born. Germany truly learned it's lesson, the holocaust, facism and everything that caused it is taught in schools and debated to death. And when I say "taught in schools" I mean almost an entirey YEAR in history lesson plus many segments in other classes as well (in english class you read "Animal Farm" and so on), up to the point where students are sick of it. Do american schools teach about the atrocities agains the american natives? Or agent orange?
But at least we now know why it happened and how Hitler got his power. We ALSO learned that he wasn't a special snowflake and that it can and will happen again at any time. All you need is a bunch of gullible people that scare enough. The following quote is from GÖRING, one of the highest ranking nazis back then:

“Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship…
Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

The US are slowly turning to facism and they are doing this for many years. It's a bit better disguised this time but the inner workings and methods are the same and coupled with predative turbo-capitalism we might have gotten an even meaner beast. And yet, when you point out the similarities to americans you'll get answers like "we didn't kill millions of jews, right?". Dudes, once that happens it is way too late! Whenever the talk is about the holocaust and WWII movies where germans are demonized and americans the heroes and every german soldier is called a nazi I'd like to point out that the majority od soldiers were drafted and in no way nazis, they were regular guys like you and me. They'll answer "well, they are all guilty, too, because they elected HItler and didn't stop him later when they still could". Well, yeah, that's tough talk from the comfort of your chair. And RIGHT NOW YOU should be out there and stopping what is happenening.
But you won't do, because you are delusional about what's happening and because you still have hope it'll get better without your involvement. You are still doing quite well compared to others. And later on you won't do anything because you are too afraid or because you think it's too late and can't possibly get worse. And after that it's impossible to do anything without risking your life and the life of your family and everything you still own. And THATS why nobody stopped Hitler/fascism back than in time.

And yet americans still have the audacity to crack nazi jokes and to point fingers at others like they always do. Please understand that that is a wee bit irritating and annoying.

Now it's time for a tl;dr ;)

Posted 02 September 2016 at 08:40 in reply to #589161 on America


Since my post wasn't that long, let us just assume he was sarcastic which I would appreciated :)

Posted 01 September 2016 at 20:25 in reply to #589107 on America


1) What's going on in the US isn't exactly funny, it's very serious. About 20 years ago jokes about the US involved cowboy hats and fat people that are not able to point out other countries on a map. These days it's about corruption, warmongering and imperialism.

2) Humour is often used to make light of difficult or stressful situations and to brighten up a social atmosphere in general. Believe or not many people including me feel threatened by the US and fear the future. Jokes help alleviating that a bit.

3) For decades the US were making fun of other nations in their movies, pop culture and media. Now that the tide turns a bit and the US has to take their own medicine making fun of others isn't so funny anymore?

Posted 01 September 2016 at 09:47 in reply to #589107 on America


Sadly, Murder and Prey Upon don't fit the colors.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 14:23 in reply to #589045 on America


Illusions of Grandeur
Unruly Mob
False Orders
Faithless Looting
Puppet Master
Fanatical Devotion
Spy Network
Malevolent Whispers
Plea for Power
Arms Dealer
Callous Oppressor

Posted 31 August 2016 at 11:19 as a comment on America


Ok, here is the link, but I also don't have descriptions as of yet and the number of copies of some cards isn't right yet, manabase isn't final and ... well, it's supposed to be a challenge, you know :)

So, here is the link, but don't suggest anything yet until I officially surrender ;)

Posted 29 August 2016 at 17:57 in reply to #588887 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


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