
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

A lot of effects can be good but each card above 60 will weaken all other cards. We have to cut *something*. Putting something back on the library can be worthwhile but it can also be a wasted draw. If your opponent has more than one threat out, drawing and playing that charm will only reduce the amount of damage you take next turn but then you will be in the same position as before. Reflector Mage on the other hand gives you two turns and provides a warm body. Also, you have quite a lot of those effects ... Turnabout, that Deep-Fiend, Reflector Mage, Skyknight, Hands of Binding, Sleep ... at some point enough is enough.

Posted 13 October 2016 at 10:59 in reply to #591219 on Undying Tempo


Well, considering that we have to cut 10 cards I wouldn't consider adding yet another to the mix ... and Eerie Interlude doesn't work well with Cipher.

What to cut? Azorious Charm is quite weak in this, albeit the only source of life right now. But we have to get rid of something.

Posted 13 October 2016 at 09:12 in reply to #591219 on Undying Tempo


Seems like you didn't get it ... in march, I will be a father ;)

Posted 13 October 2016 at 07:46 in reply to #591231 on The Deckhelp Alliance


I started an evolution project myself. It will see the light of day early march 2017 :)

Posted 12 October 2016 at 16:02 in reply to #591231 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Oh, maybe we can forget about that Ancestral Mask issue ... it's not Modern legal! I thought it was because it has been reprinted in Eternal Masters and therefore has the new card face but it has to be reprinted in a regular set.

Posted 12 October 2016 at 14:09 in reply to #591222 on The laate Bogles( heavy WIP)


About the wall: That's hard to say and probably dependant on the meta. My meta has lots of spot removal and les weenies, so the Wall of Denial would still be better, but in yours Wall of Frost might have the upper hand.

If you had something like Shadowmage Infiltrator, then you could keep 4 of those Cipher thingies :) The good thing about the Infiltrator is that it has become dirt cheap. Used to be 10+ bucks and now you can get it for under 1.

Maybe go with 2 Undying Evil and 2 Cauldron Haze and then see what works better when you play it :)

Posted 12 October 2016 at 14:07 in reply to #591219 on Undying Tempo


Well, Ancestral Mask gives twice the bonus, also counts opponent's enchantments and is an enchantment itself. The Helm is reusable, though, on the other hand it's the only artifact in your deck, so if the opponent has any artifact removal, it'll hit this before you can use it a second time.

About Cloudform, I actually overlooked that it has hexproof as well (I only remembered flying), so that's a nice fit!

Posted 12 October 2016 at 14:02 in reply to #591222 on The laate Bogles( heavy WIP)


I am about to abuse the fact that you get a notification when I write here to report a bug ... if you had any recent decks here I would have given you deck advice first :)

You recently upped the number of tags I can add to a deck from 4 to 8. GREAT!

* If my deck has more than 4, only the first 4 are shown on Hot, New, Active and Unloved lists as well as in the "My Decks" list!

* The "Breakdown by deck tags" is also ignoring all tags beyond the 4th!

* Deck SEARCH IS able to *find* the hidden tags but it also lists the results without them!

Posted 12 October 2016 at 08:53 as a comment on 23/3/13 - Draft - Izzetish


While building this I thought about a version that inlcudes blue for Invisible Stalker and Distortion Strike.

Posted 12 October 2016 at 07:36 in reply to #591248 on Endless waves


Emblem of the Warmind is actually an aura. So, it's way easier to kill (dies to creature removal) AND you give the opponent the opportunity to trade 1-for-2. Fervor or Hammer of Purphoros seem to be the better alternative. However, it's one mana cheaper.
We also forgot about Mass Hysteria, it's just one mana but works for the opponent as well ... also risky, albeit in a different way.

Posted 12 October 2016 at 07:34 as a comment on Endless waves


Haha, beat you about 40 seconds :)

Yeah, it would lose horribly on a GP, I wouldn't even qualify with this, but FNM? Who knows. In fact this is exactly the type of deck you'd expect to see in a FNM.

Posted 11 October 2016 at 21:30 in reply to #591237 on Endless waves


Well, the Wolf is tertiary at best, the Spotlight is what makes the deck viable.

Posted 11 October 2016 at 21:28 in reply to #591227 on Endless waves


Aside from Sol Ring we would have to replace:

A) Taiga
That's not such a big problem since there are so many other duallands out there. Losing Taiga is bad for Orcish Lumberjack, but alas:

B) Orcish Lumberjack
I think there is no replacement for this (only other one that comes to my mind would be Tinder Wall and that isn't Modern legal either). Otoh the deck only runs two anyway, playing it turn means I can't play a BoP/Llanowar and so on ... I just have to abandon the idea to activate a Spotlight the same turn I bust out my bad breath.
Nevertheles this slot would most likely be filled with mana acceleration of sorts, I just don't know what. Seething Song banned in Modern and all other options (Pyrretic Ritual, Spirit Guides etc.) give only one mana.

C) Fires of Yavimaya
Two options for replacements:
- Fervor
- Hammer of Purphoros
Which are both a-okay I guess.

Still needs lots of tweaking I guess. If you really took this to a tournament, even if it was FNM, you would probably have to ditch those Nacatls and Cagebreakers in favor of something faster (or some removal - right now this deck is all offense and no defense).

Posted 11 October 2016 at 21:24 in reply to #591237 on Endless waves


It doesn't actually get menace, I just said it gets menace because that's a quicker way to say what it does :P
The second link I provided IS about Pyreheart Wolf and it's errata specifically says:

"1/22/2011: Pyreheart Wolf's first triggered ability also affects creatures that weren't on the battlefield when it resolved but enter the battlefield later that turn. While this normally will have little impact, it could matter if those creatures enter the battlefield attacking or if there are multiple combat phases that turn."

You didn't open the links, do you :)

Posted 11 October 2016 at 21:09 in reply to #591227 on Endless waves


Here is my newest creation:

I don't really need help on it, but I thought I'd rather post something here to prevent everybody from going to hibernation ;)

Posted 11 October 2016 at 18:20 as a comment on The Deckhelp Alliance


As I said, it's official errata that it works like I said:

The reason probably being that both cards don't grant specific abilities to specific creatures, their effects are of general affects "your creatures ar ublockable this turn" instead of "each creature you control gets [This cannot be blocked until end of turn]".

Posted 11 October 2016 at 18:15 in reply to #591227 on Endless waves


Oh and Ohran Viper is probably also to her liking!

Posted 11 October 2016 at 17:51 in reply to #590932 on girlfriend deck


* If this is a "Bogle" deck, where the heck ARE those Bogles? I am espcially baffled that you run Gladecover Scout instead of Slippery Bogle which is straight worse.

* Next, 10 creatures is too few! If you don't have a creature, then you can't cast anything since all your pumpers have no targets! And yes, they have hexproof, but that doesn't mean they can't be dealt with - cards like Wrath of God, Earthquake and so on don't target, your creatures might get blocked dead and so on.

* Retreat to Kazandu doesn't do enough and it does it not fast enough (your deck has zero cards that support this - no fetch lands or Courser of Kruphix for example). Should be something more productive.

* Helm of the Gods => Ancestral Mask!

* Herald of the Pantheon and Cloudform are just 2/2s and the only creatures you have that the opponent can target ... they won't suvive long enough to do anything! All they do is providing targets for the opponent's creature removal that would otherwise be dead! Possible replacements without reducing the overall number of creatures and enchantments:
- Nylea, God of the Hunt
- Thassa, God of the Sea
- Eidolon of Blossoms (can get killes easily as well, but you draw at least one card as a replacement)

Posted 11 October 2016 at 16:55 as a comment on The laate Bogles( heavy WIP)


I don't understand - description says it uses the undying mechanic but I don't see a single creature with undying.

* And I disagree with the Tainted lands as long as the mana distribution stays like this (mostly blue while black being the tertiary colour) since the tainted lands need Swamps in order to work! Arcane Sanctum should cover all your needs. Also, those Tainted lands are currently the only reason this is Legacy instead of Modern.

* I do like Wall of Frost, however, since you have access to white, Wall of Denial is the superior choice.

* The Cipher part of Hands of Binding require you to deal combat damage and I just don't see enough worthwhile targets here. You might sneak in after a Sleep, but as the deck is I wouldn't run 4 copies of Hands of Binding. You'd need something like Invisible Stalker, Shadowmage Infiltrator or Azorious Herald to make that work.

* I *think* Turnabout is better than Reality Spasm in about 90% of all cases.

* This deck is currently Legacy, if stays Legacy and as blue-cenetred as it is now, then there is no reason to run Negate when you have access to the regular, original "Counterspell".

* Ah, Undying Evil, there is the Undying mechanic! Well, I don't think it's worth adding since it's single use and only for a single creature ... Cauldron Haze is probably better suited (although persist gives -1/-1 counters) since it works on more than one creature. Same is true for Cauldron of Souls, which may cost 5 mana, however, it's reusable and therefore exactly what this deck needs!

Posted 11 October 2016 at 16:29 as a comment on Undying Tempo


Cabal Archon :)

Posted 09 October 2016 at 20:18 as a comment on Shadow Born EDH


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