
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

I don't run them because, well, most of them suck. In most cases I'll just get the counters and end up with a creature that is slightly stronger (p/t wise) than it should be for that mana. Not particularily exciting in multiplayer. Oracle of Bones is about the best of tribute creatures in black/red. Opponents will just pay tribute and it'll be a 5/3 haster for 4 mana. I could run Skizzik instead or, for just one more mana, Warchief Giant (budget) or Thundermaw Hellkite (non-budget).

Posted 19 August 2016 at 05:28 in reply to #577969 on Hobson's choice


Here is my multiplayer take on this theme I made earlier this year:

It may contain some ideas for more cards that fit the theme - depending on your meta.

Posted 18 August 2016 at 08:02 as a comment on Decisions ... Decisions


Dismantling Blow is a staple in your multiplayer games - removal that isn't trading 1-for-1 is crucial and, as you said, it could always be used on your own stuff in a pinch (pick Darksteel Ingot and you don't even lose a permanent).
This is the perk when you continously play since 1994 - you know all those cards that everyone else has forgotten about :)

Posted 18 August 2016 at 06:43 in reply to #587994 on gunge bug metal album


Astrolabe. Mystic Remora. Rhystic Study. Disturbed Burial. Recoil. Probe. Intol the Roil. Dismantling Blow.

Posted 17 August 2016 at 20:06 in reply to #587994 on gunge bug metal album


Pauper EDH? Care to explain? Your commander doesn't need to be a legend I suppose? And he can be uncommon?

You run two copies of Fieldmist Borderpost, Executioner's Capsule and Dispeller's Capsule.

No Disciple of the Vault!?

No Pilgrim's Eye?

No Cranial Plating!?

Those are my first picks to fill the open slots you will have when you ditch the duplicates. Don't have more time now, maybe looking at it later.

Posted 17 August 2016 at 16:26 as a comment on gunge bug metal album


And Avalanche Riders? Too slow I guess?
That thing about Commander-only-cards is a bummer, though. I thought the definition was "all cards with the new cardface are legal".

Posted 15 August 2016 at 15:08 in reply to #587768 on Ominous Moon


I am no expert on Modern, so don't take what I say too serious (I reply anyway because I know from experience that, even when you don't make any changed according to someone's suggestions, just by replying to them and explaining why something wouldn't work you are making progress since you are forced to analyze and evaluate):

Is LD even viable? To my knowledge that never really worked in serious tournaments except for the very early days, one of tha many reasons being that WotC has no interest in making a resource denial deck like that tier 1. I mean, it means something when something as vanilla as Stone Rain is your second and only pick for LD spells. Anyway, assuming it is viable or that you don't care:

* Molten Rain instead of Stone Rain - or is that double-red too bothersome?

* I am surprised to see no Avalanche Riders in this. They were "timeshifted" und are thus legal in Modern!

* Centaur Vinecrasher might be good midgame drop and a recurring good finisher. To make room - I question that planeswalker.

* Again, I don't know the Modern metagame, so this might be off, but isn't 3 Blood Moons AND 2 Magus a bit too much to run MAIN? The Magus, at least, can swing/block but the Blood Moon is potentially dead. But from your description I take it that Blood Moon is crucial in Modern?

* What about artifact mana, isn't that a thing in Modern? Because maindeck, the only thing I can see that is able to take out artifact mana would be Beast Within. Granted, it seems like all Modern legal spells that allow to hit both cost 4 mana. Of those I like Icefall the best because it has potential for card advantage (which is the main problem of LD decks that typically trade 1-for-1).

Posted 15 August 2016 at 13:28 as a comment on Ominous Moon



Posted 12 August 2016 at 15:02 in reply to #587568 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Cockatrice has been taken down by WotC.

Posted 12 August 2016 at 14:23 in reply to #587568 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Near Death Experience:
I already made this one:
It was build around Personal Incarnation but also runs 4 Near Death Experiences (and a combo with Soulgorger Orgg).

Witch Hunt:
That's too easy ... just give yourself Shroud/Hexproof with something like Orbs of Warding. Witch Hunt can't target you anymore and will be passed around your opponents :)

Okay, Lich it is!

Posted 09 August 2016 at 08:01 in reply to #587356 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


LLChurch: I pretty much prefer Child of Alara if I am to run all colours but don't care for Commander synergies.

Posted 08 August 2016 at 14:43 in reply to #587240 on EDH staples?


That's the problem, though, the list will be endless and you'll have a hard time seperating the true staples from the "just good" pile. For example I don't agree with many of your planeswalkers and definately not with things like Ball Lightning ... Ball Litgjning? In an environment where players have 30 life? In Multiplayer!?
Also you have to come up with a solution for cards like Maze of Ith which would surely be in every EDH deck if they weren't so expensive.

Here some surefire additions:
- Reins of Power
- Bojuka Bog
- Magister Sphinx
- Nevinyrral's Disk
- Spell Crumple
- Puppeteer Clique
- Mother of Runes
- Swords to Plowshares
- Path to Exile
- Rite of Replication
- Exsanguinate
- Kokusho the Evening Star
- Sun Droplet
- Sylvan Library
- Luminarch Ascension
- Cryptic Command
- Aura of Silence
- Volrath's Stronghold
- Yavimaya Hollow
- Strip Mine
- Wasteland
- Darksteel Ingot
- Thran Dynamo
- Stonecloaker
- Congregate
- Mystic Snake
- Eternal Witness
- Sakura-Tribe Elder
- Auriok Champion
- Crucible of the Worlds
- Mimic Vat
- Mind Twist
- Damnation
- Living Death
- Beacon of Unrest
- Hallowed Burial
- Harrow
- Evolving Wilds
- Terramorphic Expanse
- Command Tower
- Kor Haven
- Academy Ruins
- Clever Impersonator
- Slave of Bolas
- Karn Liberated
- Tormod's Crypt

Those are just surefire ones and from top of my head, there are dozens more. Which you might recognize as a problem for EDH: There are enough staples (aka "must-haves") to build your entire deck just with them. You do not really need to add any cards that focus on your commander, in fact, if you do, you will weaken your deck in a lot of cases.

Here are a few cards that you added that I think do NOT belong to this list:
- Angelic Skirmisher: lots of similar cards out there that are less fragile
- Azusa: Same, I would add cards like Exploration way before this. Think about it, for just one blue mana more you could get Kiora, the Crashing Wave
- Ball Lightning: Card disadvantage, not suitable for multiplayer formats and opponents that start with 30 life
- Armageddon: Ugh? Only very few EDH decks are okay with nuking all their own lands ...
- Atarka's Command: If you add this, you would have to add a few dozen other similar spells like most of the Charms.
- Ajanis: Same here, you would end up listing almost every planeswalker ever printed. Especially Vengent and Caller don't belong here. You will see them sometimes in EDH, sure, but staples? Many (the better) EDH decks do NOT rely on big armies and therefore don't need global creature boosters.
- Control Magic: Should be Treachery
- Flickering Ward: Ugh? Try Whispersilk Cloak.

Posted 08 August 2016 at 07:43 in reply to #587240 on EDH staples?


This might again be a metagame call. If creatures live that long in your meta, then maybe Soul Foundry could be better - however, it requires you to imprint a creature from your own hand. That's card disadvantage and you are limited to what you have in the deck (and half of them are walls). Mimic Vat gives you access to a broader range of things including things your deck might missing like artefact removal. Also, Mimic Vat costs just 3 to activate, no matter what you imprint, while Foundry requires you to pay the full converted mana cost. Mimic Vat might end up with something like Akroma imprinted and you can still get it for 3. ALSO, for what it's worth, if Vat imprints something, it is exiled - sometimes it good to stash away a Blood Ghast, Genesis or similar there to prevent it from coming back.
You decide how much of that is relevant for your group.

Maybe try 2 Cryptos and 2 Doppelgänger and see which one works better :)

Posted 07 August 2016 at 08:07 in reply to #586945 on Blue Deja Vu


Longshot Squad would be a fit as about 2 copies. You add a lot of flak without losing a creature slot and without threatening others in their build-up like Predator does.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 07:33 in reply to #586944 on Stampede of Doom


Explain to me, please, why I would like to run Standstill in this? All it does is milling some cards. Standstill is great when you are ahead - opponents need to cast something but if they do, their opponents draw cards. But in this case nobody draws cards, so nobody will care about the Standstill and just play their spells.

I already commented why Bloodghast isn't in. Prized Amalgam (which wasn't printed yet when I made this deck) is an option, yes, but I don't think it's beneficial enough to splash another colour.

Teferi's Puzzlebox? With Chains in play the Box will mind twist everybody and from then on it's a dead card. And at 4 mana it'll hit play too late. Same with Wheel and Deal - I get the feeling you think this is a mill deck, but it isn't. My route of attack is creatures, I only use the mill to get some of them in the grave. Mill is a sideeffect here - the main goal of the Chains/Anvil combo is to keep my opponent's hands empty at all times, the only thing they can play is instants. Too much milling actually HELPS my opponents to get out of the soft-lock with stuff like flashback, retrace, unearth, dredge and whatnot.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 14:53 in reply to #586949 on Chained to the Anvil


As I said in the blue deck, I can't decide which you should keep/buy. Personally I prefer this one because it has non-standard theme, however, most of the cards like central Heartmender will rarely be used outside this deck.

* Did you know that +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters cancel each other out? This means that any creature that comes into play with +1/+1 counters would trade one for the -1/-1 counter from persist. So, there are hundreds ouf creatures out there that you could add that don't even need Heartmender, for example those with Graft, the phantoms, Modular etc. Now, if they also have an in-built sacrifice outlet ... here some nice choices:
- Spike Feeder
- Spike Weaver
(note that the Spikes can transfer their counters to other creatures and therefore negate their persist counter)
- Fertilid
- Triskelion, Tetravus, Triskelavus
- Mikaeus, the Lunarch (saves all your other creatures at once)
- Gyre Sage instead of Silhana Starfletcher

* In this deck I would consider one of the following instad of Oracle of Nectars:
- Arctic Nishoba
- Radiant's Dragoons
- Ravenous Baloth

* Austere Command gives you more flexibility than Wrath. It's 2 more mana, but you run 4 Wrath effects, you can probably afford to repalce at least one.

* If you can afford it: Yavimaya Hollow is a great addition to any creature deck that runs green.

* Since the Cauldron is reuseable, I'd run 4 of them and 3 Haze instead of 3/4.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 14:35 as a comment on That Thing....AGAIN!


I can't decide between this and "thatthingagain". This one is good suited for all sorts of multiplayer, but more importantly: You said you will buy the cards of the "winning" deck and, well, many of the cards here are cards you can reuse in a lot of decks in the future (Ivory Tower, Rite of Replication, Fog Bank and so on).

Unlike your green fatty deck this deck can actually create value, has some suprises and gamewinners without having to flood the board with onedimensional fatties. However, it does not really have a theme other than bouncing things, so it's hard for me to make suggestions.

* Cryptoplasm isn't really good since he needs to survive a full turn as a vanilla 2/2 until he can copy something else. You could use good old Vesuvan Doppelganger instead. You should have the time for 5 mana in MP FFA and you should be able to get them for cheap these days.

* 3 AEtherize + 3 Disspiation Field (along other selected bounce) seems a bit excessive to me, especially since you don't have anything to prevent things from coming back. You also will get in trouble if opponents run things with come-into-play-effects (which almost everybody does) ... so I would either cut down a bit here and add cards instead that can steal things OR add cards that help you get rid of bounced things:
- Treachery is great but probably too expensive (money wise)
- Confiscate
- Spelljack
- Teferi's Puzzlebox
- Windfall (this also acts as carddraw - you get attacked, cast AEtherize, or Evacuation EOT, their hands are full, then in your turn you Windfall, getting rid if their creatures and you draw a full hand, too!)

* Mystical Tutor is banned in Legacy and restricted in Vintage, which is why your deck is currently not legal in any format, so replace one of them with Merchant Scroll.

* I think Mimic Vat is much better than Soul Foundry.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 11:43 as a comment on Blue Deja Vu


Of your three decks, I would definately NOT go with THIS. It's a bland green creature deck with fatties - probably the worst you could play in FFA multiplayer games! Cards like Leatherback Baloth don't give you options - in fact, their only advantage is the good p/t-to-mana, but this forces you to play him early and to be aggressive. Which means you will draw all tne early creature removal, make enemies and at best kill one opponent. Then you run out of cards and the others reap the rewards.
Even your countermeasures to flyers are offensive (Power Matrix and Predator). I like those cards, however, they represent a threat to everyone at the same time. You'd probably be better of with something like Spidersilk Armour, Tower Defense or the good old Hurricane (Tropical Storm if you worry about the damage to players).

Evolutionary Leap might help you staying in the game since you can respond to creatures getting killed.

I would also change the creature mix to something better suited to multiplayer FFA, stuff like
- Thragtusk
- Rhox
- Pelakka Wurm
- Thrun, the Last Troll

What definately has to go is vanilla creatures ... Kalonian Tusker!? Avatar of the Resolute!

And you don't need 4 Overrun. In fact I think you'd be better off with something reuseable and resource generating like Rancor or Loxodon Warhammer.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 11:09 as a comment on Stampede of Doom


Dang, it's legendary ... so my friend was cheating on us the entire time!
Okay, without the possibility of multiple Thumbs I wouldn't run Impulsive Maneuvers either ... probably ... however, realize that Chance Encounter doesn't do anything until you win (and again, with just one Thumb this is slower). Even Ral Zarek doesn't do much until he starts his ultimate but I fear you'll be forced to use his second ability alot to kill creatures (you didn't add the Rigs). I have to re-evaualte myself now.

Looking at the current deck: I'd rather keep the Mox Diamonds than the Lotus Petals. You are Timewalking a lot, so one-shot mana isn't of much use, while youalso draw lots of cards now and might draw into more lands than you can play per turn - so I would have kept the Moxes and ditched the Petals.
I understand you don't like Arcane Denials, I just thought a deck as risky and janky as a coinflip deck might not mind giving your opponent extra cards. It's also possible to counter your own spells with Arcane Denial in which case you will draw THREE cards and your opponent none - looks like a desperate move but think again, this deck is laden with situational cards. Arcane Denialing your own Mana Clash in a situation where your hand is empty, no Thumb in play and your opponent not low on life - well that's a deal I would always make!
Anyway, the point of my suggestions was to give you more carddraw and if you don't like the idea, it would be better to switch back to the Counterspells you had there originally (your mana base should be able to support them). Or Mana Drains for that matter if their monetary price isn't an issue.

Posted 04 August 2016 at 08:16 in reply to #586895 on All up to a little coin flip


* Are you sure you want to go creatureless? I would at least run Volatile Rig since it has a good chance to clear the board when it dies.

* Krark's Thumb needs to be 4x in any coin deck since they stack - you can reflip a coin for every Thumb in play!

* And where is the win con? This really needs Chance Encounter.

* Impulsive Maneuvers is a risky card but with Thumbs out it's a pretty good defense against creatures!

* I don't think this deck can cope with that many card disadvantegous spells like Lotus Petal and Mox Diamond, especially since there are only 2 carddrawers! You could:
- Replace Vapour Snag with Into the Roil
- Replace Counterspell with Arcane Denial
- Add some Ancestral Visions (maybe cut a Mana Clash or two to make room)

Posted 03 August 2016 at 19:14 as a comment on All up to a little coin flip


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