
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

It's almost finished, but I am still missing out on the right kill card.

Posted 29 August 2016 at 07:09 in reply to #588887 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


For the bazillionth time: IT STILL SAYS "TIER 1" IN THE TITLE!!!

It also still says in the description:
"Goal, purpose of deck, is to Level playing field, compete vs, send EXPENSIVE cards to graveyard, of EXPENSIVE $1350 Modern, Pro, tier 1 decks." You want to beat PRO TIER 1 !!!

And now hush hush edit that out and claim it was never there.

Posted 27 August 2016 at 10:56 in reply to #588778 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


Its a theme deck (sort of) and certainly not meant to be played in tournaments.

Posted 27 August 2016 at 10:33 in reply to #588533 on Decisions ... Decisions


Nothing we say will ever change his mind, actually playing this is the only way to proove anything, and he has to do that himself. KJSJ3, if you have that time, why don't you and your friends not playtest it directly against Asturonethorius?

Posted 26 August 2016 at 09:43 in reply to #588654 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


Main problem being that most of your critters cost 4 but none cost 2 or 3. The logical conclusion to fix that would be to add mana artifacts that cost 2. In this case probably Rakdos Signet or Mind Stone. That way, you can do something productive on turn 2 and play some of your 4 mana beasties on turn 3.

Posted 26 August 2016 at 07:12 in reply to #588533 on Decisions ... Decisions


Consuming Vapors is close enough, thanks! I have one and am trying to fit it in. However, this is yet another card that doesn't work properly against an opponent that has a continous token production going :(

Posted 26 August 2016 at 07:02 in reply to #588691 on Hobson's choice


no because the OP would claim the results are manipulated and that you wanted his deck to lose and that you played it wrongly.
(or, if, by miracle, you have positive results for the deck, the others would assume you tested it against stupid decks/players)
ALSO if you did that, you would reward all the attention whoring!

Posted 25 August 2016 at 18:06 in reply to #588654 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


He doesn't have to go to a GP. It would be enough to participate in a QUALIFIER.
The thing is, in all of his longwinded posts is rattling down the choices he has and how many fecthlands etc. but this is all theory. When you actually play =>against high caliber decks and players<= you'll figure out that a lot of your theories don't add up. He might have 7 or so creature kill spells, but the thing is, they all cost 4+ mana and trade 1-for-1. You can get away with this in your local card shop, read, a casual environment and yes, then a deck like this will wreak havoc, but that's not how it will work out in the real worlds of serious tournaments! By the time he can cast a Wrecking Ball there will be more than one creature out and if he wastes his turn killing the biggest one, then the opponent will have increased his landcount and can easily replace the killed creature, all while the LD-deck eats more damage! That'll snowball into a loss at no time. Which has always been the problem of LD decks.

I said from the getgo in my initial post that kicked off this shitstorm: The deck is fine for casual.
More importantly, and I repeated this in the end of my post: It's ALL about presentation. I wrote because of all the bragging, false advertisement and unrealistic claims! See, in his defensive posts, Asturonethorius now claims he only wants to beat tier 1.5 but the title of the deck STILL says "tyr 1", "best" and "turn1". Yes, there is a question mark, but that's at least 3 offenses in the book of clickbaity titles. Also, the description still reads:
"Goal, purpose of deck, is to Level playing field, compete vs, send EXPENSIVE cards to graveyard, of EXPENSIVE $1350 Modern, Pro, tier 1 decks." Tier 1! It's still in the description you tool!

Then his introduction:
"Turn 1, drop a land, tap land for mana, remove 2 spirit guides from hand, for 2 red mana, play either [[Molten Rain]], or [[Boom/Bust]], or Stone Rain on turn 1.
The goal is to start destroying, removing opponents land on turns 1,2,3. Continue do that until Charmbreaker hits field, swing 1,2 times for game, while dealing with the extremely rare creature, planeswalker threats."
So, the gameplan is to use 2 or even 3 cards to kill a single land on turn 1/2 and "continue to do so" until he draws the single Charmbreaker he has in the deck ... aha. How are you supposed to keep up that pressure when you are ar card disadvantage from the start? How do you deal with the small threats any deck will still be able to squeeze in? Something as simple as a Cursecatcher from a random Fish deck will tear this apart.

See, it's THIS kind of bragging:
"Maybe 1 of the best, if not Maybe 1 of the best, if not Maybe the best, PURE, 100%, DEDICATED, FOCUSED, TIER 1.5 TURN 1, 1.5, 2, MODERN FORMAT, LAND DESTRUCTION DECK."
just BEGS to get negative responses, *especially* since Asturonethorius said:
"As a Modern Format Tournament deck, it's a awesome deck, as you can build it for $63 to $127 in 3 to 5 months on a budget, and destroy all those Modern Format PRO, $2000 Grand Prix, PTQ decks. Unfortunately in Magic the gathering, the only way normal players have to combat all those PRO $1500 decks, equal the playing field, is with ROGUE, dick decks, like Land destruction, Mill, discard, Control, Infect, Werewolf, etc
In a casual, kitchen table game I would never play this deck, unless somebody was being a dick, playing a dick deck, playtesting it with a friend who didn't mind, etc."
So, he is on a mission to fight people that behave like dicks. My original post was mainly made to point out that you, sir, also behave like a dick. It might not have occured to you as of yet, this is why I pointed that out. It's one of the reasons why people like Dedwards stopped commenting and others didn't even bother to join the discussion. I was trying to help, actually.

Posted 25 August 2016 at 16:03 in reply to #588511 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??



Posted 25 August 2016 at 15:59 as a comment on Eure Entscheidung


but next time just one one card person/comment, then you have to wait for the next comment and then you can add the next card, just one at a time! That way you get both more people involved and more traffic, so everybody wins :)

Posted 22 August 2016 at 18:52 in reply to #588350 on Community EDH - 1



Posted 22 August 2016 at 18:50 in reply to #587765 on The Deckhelp Alliance


What the heck are you talking!? Discard is NOT milling! And it did NOT have lots of discard either, just Mind Twist and Hypnotic Specter - the only black "mill" card of the day was Chains of Mephistopheles which nobody used because nobody understood it (and there was no card to go with it) and even Chains is outdated by Feldon's Cane because, as I said, Feldon's Cane is from Antiquities! How can the printing of Feldon's Cane ruin MILL if mill wasn't a thing until much, much later around Alliances when decks like Counterpost showed up?

What you are *probably* talking of was Feldon's Cane being reprinted in Chronicles and therefor availble to the unwashed masses, but why would it ruin anything? That card is horribly bad and has never been used in or against any serious deck. CounterPost used Soldevi Digger to have an endless deck and Keeper/The Franchise used Timetwister/Regrowth respectively 2 Gaea's Blessings to have an infinite deck. An neither of them worried about opponents running Canes ... all they do is prolonging the inevitable and deluting their deck.

"It was the only way for someone on a budget, with cheap cards to Level the playing field, compete against the EXPENSIVE as hell $3000 Big, Power 9, win on turns 1,2,3 semi consistently decks."
DISCARD is a way to fight powered decks, yes, Hymn to Tourach and later Duress, but not MILL and Feldon's Cane isn't part of this story at all! Furthermore you seem to be one of those that are blinded by the cost of some cards, especially since you are always naming P9. As someone that claims to be playing since 95 you should have learned some lessons more than a decade ago that money does not necessarily equal power. Morover you should know by now that there are many, many cards out there similarily powerful as the P9 that just happen to have a higher printrun and therefore are cheaper. From Balance to Sol Ring, Yawgmoth's Will to Tolarian Academy, Strip Mine to mentioned Hymn to Tourach there are TONS of cards equalling the power of the P9 while some of the P9 like Timetwister haven't been included in Vintage decks in ages. In fact, metioned cards can be obtained for prices similar or below that of Standard staples.

Your focus on P9 and your obsession about wanting to beat expensive decks is just another red flag for me that you are either talking aout things you have never experienced yourself OR that you haven't understood some fundamental things about this game. Please, for the sake of you own reputation, don't make any more statements and assumptions about the early years of Magic. Focus on what you are versed in: talking big about your Modern deck and then go out there and prove yourself - for yourself, not me! I don't mind how long it takes, do what you want, it's your deck. You won't take my advice anyway.

Posted 22 August 2016 at 18:08 in reply to #588424 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


And I would understand that and hadn't said a thing if it wasn't for his endless bragging. In our privacy here, what do you think of his deck? As I said, I am not an expert in modern, but when I saw yours, I knew I saw something that does everything right and IF it loses, then to metagame calls. But his deck looks really inconsistent and trying to do too many things at once. For example not having at least one of each basic land of his colours despite running fetchies ... is a red flag for me.

Posted 22 August 2016 at 17:33 in reply to #587765 on The Deckhelp Alliance


So, IF that is true you should know better than running such a manabase is all I am saying.
If you think otherwise, go out and play that deck as it is then instead of wasting time answering me! It's actually that easy!

BTW, Gaea's Blessing ruined mill, not Feldon's Cane. Feldon's Cane is from Antiquities aka the second expansion ever and nobody played mill decks back then. Milling with what, Millstone? Aka the card that coined the term "milling"? Do you know what else was in Antiquities? MILLSTONE!
From that story alone I take it that you either haven't played Magic back then or were like 10 years old at that time or sleepwalked through it. Your assessment of the Power Nine "A power 9 combo deck, had a certain 9 cards, where if you had those 9 cards, in your deck, you usually won on, by turns 1,2,3." also doesn't sound like someone that actually played back then, it sounds like someone picking up rumours and retelling urban legends. There isn't such a thing like a "power 9 combo deck" - the P9 were just in a lot of Type I decks, regardless of type, you could find them in Zoo for example. I OWN P9 cards, played with them myself, and let me assure you, they don't automatically win games.

Heck, you don't even get the abbreviations right when you say "until MTG, made Feldon's Cane" - MTG means "Magic: The gathering", hence, the name of the lovely game we play. The company is called Wizards of the Coast, abbreviated "WotC". This is of course only a technicality but it shows how much you care for details, how vague your memory is and much of what you say is most likely just hearsay.

Posted 22 August 2016 at 16:03 in reply to #588409 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


BTW, seems like I triggered someone's rage-button really hard in that other LD deck you also posted on ...

Posted 22 August 2016 at 15:16 in reply to #587765 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Dude, calm down. And try to read what I said.

You have creature removal, yes, but, as I said, it costs 4 or more and if you use it that late you can't destroy a land that turn. Trading 4 mana and a card against a single creature is like a Time Walk for the opponent. You should be busy destroying his lands in that turn.

And your mana base IS weak if you insist on both 3 colours with double-black as a splash AND Darksteel Citadel (which you are required to have on turn 2). You can yell all day that you have BoPs and such, it's a matter of experience that tells me this won't work under tournament conditions against real opponents that also do things like killing Birds, playing with Blood Moon etc. Drawing sample hands on Vault does NOT equal "playtesting".

And just because you have answers for everything doesn't mean you'll have them when you need them and especially that you'll have the time and mana to actually play them. I have played Land Destruction decks back then when you were most likely not even born yet, I know it's weaknesses inside out.

By the time I wrote this, your deck description WAS outdated and included lots of cards of your first version. The tags still don't match - "ramp"? Four BoPs is ramp now? Ramping means getting extra permanent mana sources like artifact mana or Myonwuli Acidmoss (like Dedward's deck has) but not one-shot boosters like Simian Spirit and 4 mana dorks that die if you look at them funny. Another tag is "green-black" while you also have the tag "Jund-red" - dude, "Jund" already means red-centered with green and black.

But meh, I know your type of persona, nothing I say will ever get through to you, so why even try? Take your BEST Tyr 1 Turn 1 Kil Lan Dek to the next GP qualifier or any other high caliber event and see for yourself how far this will get. My money is on Dedwards.

Posted 22 August 2016 at 15:12 in reply to #588404 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


Well, they are solid in 1-on-1 situations but I mostly play multiplayer where they aren't that great.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 19:38 in reply to #588311 on The Message


1 Blood Ghast is all I have. And the Gatekeeper? There is no room for more. I might add more if I decided to ditch the Liches, though.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 18:16 in reply to #588311 on The Message


For someone who enjoys punishing players that behave like dicks you behave a lot like that yourself. All that bragging and self-adulation, courting for likes and hate for anybody players that dare to play expensive cards or "dick decks" =>in a tournament<= makes yourself a kind of dick in my book. I was about to NOT comment and just leave it alone but at some point it was unbearable reading any more comments of yours on your own deck, how great it is and that we all should like it into the sky just because it's LD.

Here are some uncomfortable truths:

* LD isn't tier 1 and hardly tier 2 for a reason and your deck demonstrates perfectly why since it doesn't tackle any of those reasons

* Description, tags and actual content of the deck don't match at all

* Modern is a very FAST format while your current deck is very SLOW! A glimps at the mana curve says it all, but seriously, something like Incendiary Command in a serious modern deck that specifically wants to beat expensive deck's asses? Have you ever played in a bigger, serious tournament?

* The deck runs los of cute synergies and strategies that would be fun in casual, but in a tournament?! Those Mimic Vat shenanigans for example, before you get things like this rolling you have been rolled over yourself. And IF you want to run such a combo with Eternal Witness, you'd better run 4 copies each and focus on it, but as it is you threw random combo pieces into a LD deck, a deck that os notorious for having the least deck space!

* The mana base, oh god the mana base!
- You absolutely need at least one basic land of each land type to fetch for because Modern, much like Legacy and VIntage, is jam-packed with non-basic hate.
- I don't think you can afford a third colour AND Darksteel Citadel in this deck - see, if you fail to destroy the first land on turn 2 you have already lost. Darksteel Citadel and Boom/Bust is a cute combo but if you run with that, don't ruin your mana base any further with a third colour
- Especially not with BEFOUL which costs double-black, what were you thinking!? If you are insist on splashing a third colour it certainly shouldn't cost any double-coloured mana!

* There virtually is no creature removal. Any weenie deck will eat this for breakfast consistently. All you have is Befoul and Wrecking Ball, but at 4 mana each they will not be able to solve your problems in time and you won't be able to do anything else that turn. Moreover, if you waste your 4th turn (3rd if you have a BoP) killing a single creature instead of killing a land then you are on a losing track since the opponent can develop nicely and keep on pummeling you while you are busy trading one for one.

The thing about the mana base alone is a tip-off that you don't have much experience with the format. I am typing all of this especially because I know Dedward's deck he is currently working on which is also a LD deck or more precisely a mana denial deck aimed for Modern tournament play. And while I am not an expert in Modern I can see on first glance that his deck is superior to yours in about every aspect, he has answers to almost everything in a reasonable amount of time, a well rounded mana base, potential to completely shut down half of the meta as early as turn 2 and generally a much better game plan than this. And yet he doesn't advertise it as the format defining super-tech and is realistic about how it would perform.

Again, I wouldn't have said anything if it wasn't for all the boasting, self-praise and attention-whoring.

Posted 21 August 2016 at 10:52 in reply to #588192 on BEST Tyrn 1.5 Kill Land Dek??


Me thinks you should limit the number of suggestions per person and/or be a wee bit more critical. I mean, Urzatron in a 100 card 5 colour highlander deck is one of the worst ideas I have ever seen, it's like someone tried to sabotage this project on purpose. I'll give that Storm Crow a pass, though :P

Personal favourites of mine that I'd like to see in here:
- Boros Fury Shield
- Confound
- Slave of Bolas
- Orim's Thunder
- Reviving Vapours
All of which cover areas this deck hasn't got anything of currently

Cards this deck desperately needs:
- Grand Coliseum
- Darksteel Ingot
- 1 of each basic land
- Armillary Sphere

Posted 19 August 2016 at 07:10 as a comment on Community EDH - 1


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