
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

Please give me a quick description of your meta. That's less specific decks and cards they play and more which multiplayer formats you play, how many participants you typcially have, if the card pools are older or more focussed on recent cards, if the group is aggro, controllish or comboriffic, how much diplomacy is a thing etc.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 09:36 in reply to #586690 on Puschkin, please help me!


Gary is just one of the creators of this site.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 09:32 in reply to #586570 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Gary red these.

Posted 30 July 2016 at 18:36 in reply to #586570 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Thanks. This was mainly a test if someone is able to use the "VaultHelp" tag ;)

Posted 29 July 2016 at 16:55 in reply to #586515 on Alpha Strike Males


They do cover this in theory, however, with just 4 tags I have used up the limit before I can actually describe my deck. And if you up the limit to 8 so we can add format etc., then users might (and probably will) start to abuse them, adding as many tags as possible even if they don't fit in order to get hits.

Then again, the truth is, almost nobody uses the deck tag SEARCH in order to find decks - what tags are acually used for is a quick reference once you opened a deck. You glance at it and then decide if it is your cup of tea.

Posted 29 July 2016 at 11:20 in reply to #586459 on Is MTGVault Dead?


Hotpage is one of the big issues of this site. The other one is deck tags:
We only have 4. I know you want to limit them, however, tags is theonly way to indicate things like format. What we need is a seperate way to mark:
A) Format (Modern, Legacy ect)
B) Casual/Competitive
C) 1-on-1/Multiplayer
So we can use deck tags for real tags like "trample", "control" and so on.

Posted 29 July 2016 at 10:49 as a comment on Is MTGVault Dead?


Harmless Offering is the same as Donate (just in red) which has been broken before (Illusions of Grandeur, mostly).

Posted 29 July 2016 at 07:01 in reply to #586412 on Obscure Card Challenge (OCC)


This is multiplayer where we don't use sideboards. Multiplayer also explains why I run Wall of Frost (more bigger tramplers) and so few counterspells.

Pain Seer + Springleaf Drum is a nice combo, however, I would need to run them in higher numbers in order to make it work. And what to cut!?
BTW, I am not really on a budget. In fact, the version I actually play looks a bit different, it runs Baleful Strix for example. The reason I made this budget is solely because otherwise it would get ignored here on Vault. I made this deck on the height of the budget-craze of MTGVault.
Having said that, I recently sold my only Dark Confident, so while I am technically not on a budget, I still can't add Maher :)

Posted 28 July 2016 at 09:44 in reply to #586247 on Think Small (30 $)


Well, if they can handle the first Progenitus, chances are they can also handle the second and you want something else. The Brainstorm fixes the problem of having the second one in hand. Also, problems like "what if I have the second Progenitus in hand after they killed the first one" happen in, say, 5% of all games, I don't know if you need to prepare for that. I think having a broader selection of fatties instead, that can handle more kinds of situations, would be more beneficial.

Posted 28 July 2016 at 07:27 in reply to #586021 on Scornful Egotist deck!?!?


Are you set on Modern? Because this would love to run Deadapult and Strongarm Tactics.

If not, a strong engine with Squees and Amalgams would be Zombie Infestation and Gravecrawlers. With Zombie infestation as a discard outlet you can reduce the number of cards like Ideas Unbound (ESPECIALLY Ideas Unbound, which is troublesome because of the double-blue-requirement. Would maybe turn your deck upside down but it WOULD be stronger, I guess. Still vulnerable to graveyard hate, but hey, you can't have it all.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 20:59 as a comment on Budget Modern Squees Zombies


That's the thing, though, I had green in the initial draft (including Allosaurus) but at some point it became obvious that I had to cut at least one colour entirely. The requirements to run Draco and at the same time as many Scrylands as possible is already challenging enough.
Starting a greener version is a good idea, though! Cut the black and white parts alltogether for the green goodies. Don't forget Durkwood Baloth :)

Posted 27 July 2016 at 15:19 in reply to #586036 on Pyromania


Coming late to the party ... anyway, here are two suggestions that would revolutionize this deck:

* You don't really need Thaumaturge + Blast/Gridlock ... all you need is Unnatural Selection! Or Opposition for that matter ...

* Add some paragraphs to your ten foot Wall of Text that is your "How to Play" section :)

Posted 27 July 2016 at 13:59 as a comment on Jedi Mind Tricks


And how am I supposed to cast Allosaurus Rider when I don't have any other green cards!?

The new Emrakul might fit in technically but the casting cost reduction would never be big enough. I don't run fecthlands, have zero planeswalkers and a combined total of 5 artifacts and enchantments. In most situations he would still cost me about 10 mana.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 12:00 in reply to #586036 on Pyromania


All my überexpensive spells already have an alternative casting cost build in!

Posted 27 July 2016 at 11:52 in reply to #586036 on Pyromania


It never was a shit card to begin with. It was always meant to abuse the fact it costs 8 but can actually be cast for 3. Remember, it was in Scourge, the set that focussed on exactly that, big converted mana costs. There are many cards that look for high casting costs, even from the time before Scourge. Here is a deck I made 2 years agot around that concept: http://www.mtgvault.com/puschkin/decks/pyromania/

But of course, the latest set greatly helps Scournful Egotist, especially the EMERGE mechanic. I am just saying, Scounrful Egotist had his uses before.

About the deck:
* Have a look at Skyshroud Cutter as an alternative/supplement to Egotist. It may be only 4 mana, however, you don't need any mana to deploy him.

* Also have a look at Metamorphosis which is a cheaper albeit one-shot Food Chain.

* Since you will "tutor" into your big creatures, you don't need them at 2 copies each.

* Consider cards like Scroll Rack or Brainstorm. They not only help you setting up, they can also put any fatty back to your library in the case you drew them but want them in the lib for Evolution.

* Whats the purpose of Den Protector in this? You only really need the Regrowth part of it and if that's the case, you'd be better off using Eternal Witness instead.

* Your manabase is ... suboptimal. You need almost exclusively green mana plus some blue and red. White and blue mana are never used since you'll cast your Iona, Progenitus and so on via your various tricks. Even in the rare case you are forced to hard-cast them, you'd be better off with a mana-base that supports your main colours, read: Every dualland should have green in it and all your fetchies should be able to fetch forests. That way you can always fetch/BoP 3 white mana or whatever you need. So, no place here for something like Tundra, Plateu or the like - it should be 4 Tropical Island, 4 Taiga, 1 Savannah, 1 Bayou, some rainbowlands like City of Brass and an assortment of fetchies that are able to fetch forests.

* Displacement Wave is probably way too slow to achieve anything. Note that you cannot use Food Chain mana to power it. Consider Wash Out insead (if bounce is what you want for defense).

Posted 27 July 2016 at 11:18 in reply to #586021 on Scornful Egotist deck!?!?


I started a little something:

If you want to revive the site, take action and join!

Posted 27 July 2016 at 10:14 as a comment on Rebuilding the Vault Community


I started a little something:

If you want to revive the site, take action and join!

Posted 27 July 2016 at 10:13 as a comment on Is MTGVault Dead?


It would be better to have a "deck" for each format and then, instead of decks, it lists PLAYERS that are active in this format. I did that already on a private level here and it worked (for a while at least).

Posted 26 July 2016 at 09:21 in reply to #585902 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Too many decks. Those lists would be confusing and cluttered in no time.

Posted 26 July 2016 at 09:11 in reply to #585902 on Rebuilding the Vault Community


Yes, Spirit Link and Vampiric link to "stack" with regular lifelink.

About Sun Droplet: It is kind of tricky. It actually discourages opponents to damage you for small amounts so you won't get bothered at all with little things. However, it also encourages them to continue pummeling you once it has lots of counters so that their work was not on vain ;) Much like playing an Ivory Tower first turn will guarantee that the first creatures out will attack you. This depends on format of course (FFA vs MP formats with a better win con).

But, Sun Droplet is, as you said, very anti-vampire, flavourwise, didn't think about it^^ Vampiric Link has still the stongest flavour of all mentioned cards.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 20:22 in reply to #585804 on The Children of the Night


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