
110 Decks, 2,320 Comments, 1,024 Reputation

Well, my groups tries to have their decks legal in at least one format (usually Vintage) but each to his own :)

Okay, so it's a deck made for the love of a specific card, I understand that pretty well. Sometimes you just HAVE to make some card shine^^ My groups still thinks I am nuts for playing with Floral Spuzzem. What's not to love about a card that is selfaware and can make decisions of his own?

Posted 31 October 2016 at 19:55 in reply to #591471 on Waiting in the WeedsTurn 4 win


Well, yes, the thing is I play mostly multiplayer, but various formats depending on how many players show up. So this could be used in 2 vs 2 teamgame or 2HG as well es Pentagram, French Emperor or 2v2v2 etc. That's why I have those more expensive token generators. I realize they are too slow for 1-on-1 games but that just isn't my focus.

The other thing is that I actually don't like infinite-anything-combos and expect my buddies to brake the combo. So I have backup-plans - and if those secondary combos aren't infinite, that's okay, because it makes me less of a target. See, if I focus more on the combo-kill and this make the deck more all-or-nothing, then I'll get picked on early in Pentagram and other modes where diplomacy is more of an issue.

Blossoming Defense, though, is something I'd like to add. It just wasn't available when I made this.

Your feedback is appreciated!

Posted 31 October 2016 at 19:50 in reply to #591566 on Endless waves


Yeah, thanx, I'll have a look at it :)

Posted 31 October 2016 at 19:37 in reply to #591967 on Endless waves


Confound instead of Remand?

Why Anger of Gods, it kills your guys, too?

I expected blue to be in a more competitive Modern version (and Mass Hyteria) but I also expected Invisible Stalker. The inblockable part helps getting the cycle started. Especially considering you have so few creatures.

And now that Kaladesh is out I would consider Blossming Defense, it helps protecting the Spawnwrithes AND pumps that at the same time which helps triggering his effect in the crucial turn the first time.

Posted 31 October 2016 at 19:37 as a comment on Breath of Spawnwrithe Combo


Maybe give some advice yourself first before asking for help?

Posted 27 October 2016 at 14:22 in reply to #591837 on You died? I didn't even attack


Hm, this is kindof a one-trick-pony, though, it stops regular creatures dead but that's about it. Any deck basing on something else would brush this aside, right? I mean, there is zero enchantment/artifact removal. You'll have a hard time against planeswalkers as well (note that you can only redirect *damage* to planeswalkers, not loss of life!). And your 16 Pacifism-type enchantments don't prevent come-into-play or leave-play effects, continous effects, statebased effects, tiggered effects or even activated effects for that matter.

So, I would certainly diversify that assortment of enchantments. There is a reason why Oblivion Ring (or Banishing Light), for example, is so popular. And you should consider upgrading some of those enchantments to:
- One Thousand Lashes
- Arrest/Faith Fetters
- Prison Term
and maybe replace a few with regular removal. Utter End for example is affordable for everyone.

Posted 24 October 2016 at 12:49 as a comment on You died? I didn't even attack


Hm, you probably changed the list meanwhile, I swear I have seen an Abyss but no Nethervoid ...

Coffin Queen is not just faster, it can be used again and again without any other further card AND it can target your own creatures! It has its drawbacks, but I'd rather have something affordable than a chunky 7-mana-guy in a deck that regularily chews into it's own resources :)

About the Sol Ring, this just astonishes me, especially here where you run Worb and such. I may understand it for other EDH decks but here? Original Stax lists were chock-full of fast artifact mana, of course, that was in regular 60-card-decks where your goal was to drop a Smokestack as early as turn 1.

Plunge into Darkness?

Posted 23 October 2016 at 20:13 in reply to #591635 on Smokestack Lightning


I know what Stax is from the good old time when I still played Vintage but it could afford at least two colours. What, exactly, would be harder to recover if you had more options? It's not that you are running Back to Basics, Blood Moon or anything like that. The only thing that shines with just one colour is Contamination and THAT one is absent, so ... white would give you Limited Resources (shudder), blue would give you Land Equilibrium (double shudder) and so on.

BTW, you also run no Sol Ring, what's the reasoning behind that? Dust Bowl is also missing, as is Bojuka Bog and Wasteland. Nether Void and Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale are probably missing because they are too expensive? Then again, you do have The Abyss, so I thought at least Nether Void would be within your budget, too.

Coffin Queen instead of Sepulchral Primoridal?

Did you consider Sengir Autocrat at some point but then ran out of deck space?
BTW, isn't it astounding how fast even 100 card highlander decks that specialize as heavily as this can run out of card slots?

Posted 23 October 2016 at 18:55 in reply to #591635 on Smokestack Lightning


Hm, why did you pick a mono-black commander? I mean, the commander isn't that important in this deck, so you could have picked something that gives you more options, colourwise. In this case, Jeleva is the closest thing to Gonti and she gives you access to blue, red AND black!

But if this stays mono-black, then I think you have forgotten Contamination.

Posted 23 October 2016 at 09:55 as a comment on Smokestack Lightning


Thing in the Ice can kill pretty fast and he can tap blockers.

Posted 21 October 2016 at 14:50 in reply to #591578 on Until Dawn


What about Murderous Compulsion or Death Stoke instead of Royal Assassin? Should fit the gameplay AND theme, albeit being weaker than a reuseable card like the assassin.

Posted 19 October 2016 at 11:56 in reply to #591522 on Until Dawn


Haven't seen the movie ... playwise Royal Assassin would fit but I guess he won't fit the story. And cards I can second-guess might fitt he movie tend to be white or green.
But I can feel there is a theme, so well done! It sounds like an episode of Supernatural :)

Posted 19 October 2016 at 07:49 as a comment on Until Dawn


* Currently this deck isn't legal in ANY format, not even Vintage, because Fastbond happens to be restricted (only one copy allowed)!

* Waiting in the Weeds is pretty much obsolete since Beacon of Creation exists. It costs one mana more but you'll still get more tokens since it counts tapped Forests, too. More importantly, though, it doesn't create tokens for the opponents like Waiting in Weeds does!

* A way better combocard for Treasure Hunt is Land's Edge respectively Seismic Assault:
- You only need 2 cards (which is crucial - as the deck is you need to have so much luck)
- You don't damage yourself
- Can't be stopped by blockers, mass removal, Fog etc.

Posted 17 October 2016 at 14:06 as a comment on Waiting in the WeedsTurn 4 win


How so? Even in casual you can die pretty fast these days if you spend you deal yourself 13 damage early on ... it's also not hard to kill a bunch of 1/1s.

Posted 17 October 2016 at 13:54 in reply to #591152 on Waiting in the WeedsTurn 4 win


And in next issue of "Wicked Darkmans Tips on Education":
* How to hack into infant minds
* Bug or feature? How to turn unfavourable DNA sequences of your unborn into advantages
* 10 things to look for during your child's beta test years

Posted 17 October 2016 at 11:40 in reply to #591231 on The Deckhelp Alliance


Oh and a friend is working on a Modern version for something as a FNM:

Posted 17 October 2016 at 09:51 in reply to #591429 on Endless waves


Anger costs 4 mana, the same as Breath of Fury, which means the turn I "go off" would be delayed one turn in a lot of cases. It also pretty much requires me to run through the full combo and to draw Breath of Fury because that's my only sacrifice outlet. I need to cast a key card every turn. Turn 1 is a mana dork, so I usually have 3 mana in turn 2 and thats where I can play Fires of Yavimaya but not Anger.

Anger is a logical pick that also popped in my mind but I think Fires work better. Could be wrong, though.

Posted 17 October 2016 at 08:56 in reply to #591451 on Endless waves


Read the tags, it's casual and never meant to be taken to a torunament. It's Vintage format because that's what my playgroup prefers. And we prefer Vintage because that has the biggest card pool - I started playing and collecting in 1994, why should I limit myself? There are so many cards in my collection I never used (like the Breath of Fury in this case).
ALSO, I have at any point at least 30 decks active. That means I have to spread key cards. I actually own Moxes and duallands and so on but they are in use, so I can't power this up until I dismantle other decks. I mainly use MTG-Vault for deckbuilding and to keep track of my decks and which cards to trade for etc.

Posted 17 October 2016 at 08:45 in reply to #591429 on Endless waves


"them"? I hope the first one will be the last ...
But of course I'll try to teach Magic. That lucky bastard will inherit my Moxes, after all :) But according to Murphy's law I'll probably have a child that prefers to play football or some shit ...

Posted 14 October 2016 at 15:14 in reply to #591231 on The Deckhelp Alliance


No. But there is Leering Emblem.

Posted 13 October 2016 at 22:12 in reply to #591343 on Creatureless Creaturedeck


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