
88 Decks, 411 Comments, 158 Reputation

Ok, breathe... better?

Listen, Aggro decks work because they are aggro, they are a staple general archetype of magic and aren't going anywhere so you may as well get used to them. Besides, Jund is the reigning, overrepresented archetype right now that dominates the game, not any aggro variant.

As for more constructive thoughts: Aggro is designed to have a powerful game one, just like combo decks that's how it wins. It rushes through and takes the first game, then has to battle it out in game two (and usually three) unless their opponent doesn't have adequate sideboard cards. Which is a great segway to my next point: sideboard! that's what it's for! if you are playing a slow control deck you need to have your sideboard full of cards that can help in the aggro matchup. Spot removal like searing spear and hindrances like blind obedience are excellent answers to naya blitz.

As for saying that 'aggro had its time' and 'its time for midrange/control'... did you play standard at all this year? The metagame was almost ALL midrange and control. In fact, post delver standard but before naya blitz was created, there were NO aggro decks.

Also, just as a general note: too much of the magic community is quick to call something broken. Part of this is that I assume you only play standard, but once you become aware of more cards, and broader, general tactics, very little is ACTUALLY broken.
Wizards is really good about banning broken cards, and not even all banned cards are broken, just a little out of place for a given format.

Lastly: we, as the mtgvault community, request that if you want to post something like this, to do it on the forums (link on the top of the screen) and to not take up deck space with this. Thank you.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 15:07 as a comment on Aggro Decks must tone down....


Ok, not a bad start, but it kinda looks like you are a standard player new to modern...

1) cut thunderous wrath, miracles outside of bonfire or legacy miracles are inconsistent and often hinder you.
2) Talrand's invocation just isn't really that good.. it's actually pretty worthless unless you have talrand and/or a couple pyromancers out.
3) Guttersnipe is really slow for modern, try cutting him for Delver of Secrets.
4) replace fleeting distraction and thought scour with either serum visions or sleight of hand (your choice really).
5) syncopate should be mana leak
6) i like the idea behind massive raid, but it really shouldn't be more than a one-of if its included at all, you could probably do better to replace it with something like remand.
7) BIG not here::::: I know it's expensive, especially if you're new to modern, but your land base HAS to include steam vents, scalding tarn, and sulfur falls. You can't win if your lands all come in tapped, this is a tempo deck that needs to play spells fast.

There are a couple other tweaks I'd make but they're more for personal preference rather than necessity. Try out some of my suggestions and see how they work. And welcome to modern :)

Posted 13 August 2013 at 14:57 as a comment on Stop casting things! Modern :)


4 tezzeret is kinda overdoing it. I get that he's great but drawing extra copies really slow down the deck. I also recommend finding room for dispatch and/or galvanic blast. I'm a fan of the mainboard spellskite, that's pretty cool, but I don't really like frogmite (never really like it) try replacing it with either steel overseer or arcbound ravager.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 14:50 as a comment on Affinity


First note: '>' means greater than, i think you meant '<' less than.

Anyway, for the deck: believe it or not I actually played this at my lgs for modern. Gonna be a heartbreaker here, but this deck is just not viable. After 5 rounds I didn't win a single game. The problem with the deck is that you have to have treasure hunt in your starting hand, and you can just mulligan to oblivion trying to get it. Second, pithing needle and phyrexian revoker are very common sideboard cards that make this deck autolose. finally, the deck takes 4-5 turns to actually 'win' (in a perfect world). Most other decks will have either won by then, or will be too far along and will just win anyway.

So in summary, the deck is cute and funny (i really wish it worked) but it just isn't viable, it's barely 'kitchen table casual' viable...

Posted 13 August 2013 at 14:47 as a comment on Treasure Huntn' Zombies $10>


Definitely not bad. Kinda similar to a deck Zac Hill used:

Liliana is very good, I'm just not sure if this is the greatest deck for her, she singlehandedly raises your average cmc a lot, and you have a realistic concern for Bob burning you out. The only reason decks like Deathblade in legacy can run high curves with Bob is because of lifegain from batterskull, jitte, and opposing swords. Grixis really doesn't have access to reliable lifegain (outside of deathrite - no guarantee for creatures to exile) and thus requires you to be more careful with your life. This also means you should try to include Delver, it fits in the build (cut lily for it) and it provides the fast clock you need.

As for sideboard: Spellskite is always a must, it just shuts down infect and boggled enchantments. Also, I like fulminator mage but I think Sowing Salt is more what you're looking for. You already have deathrite for maindeck graveyard hate, but a couple tormod's crypt / relic of progenitus could really help your matchup with Living End.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 14:43 as a comment on Grixis Modern


Definitely a fan of these decks you've been making. They seem well balanced and perfect for learning. I've been trying to teach my girlfriend to play, but all of my competitive decks are too complicated or require to much thought. I may just invest in a couple of these to learn. Keep up the good work, sir!

Posted 13 August 2013 at 14:28 as a comment on Budget Decks: "My first White"


Look into groundswell, vines of the vastwood, and mutagenic growth. They are essential in making infect fast and powerful. I also suggest Might of old Krosa and Inkmoth nexus, but they be a little expensive if you are budget (i still really recommend them, those two cards have won me a lot of games in my infect deck).
Here's a list for reference, it doesnt have to look just like this (especially since noble heirarch costs a bunch) but try and look at the pump spells particularly.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 15:34 as a comment on [Budget] Unblockable Infect


Let me respond with a deck of 60 Chancellor of the Dross

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:06 as a comment on turn one win. 100% of the time


You know that this guy is just a weaker and more vulnerable version of isochron scepter, right? Nothing is going to be broken by him.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 19:31 as a comment on broken arcanist engine


Not a huge fan of Burst Lightning. Maybe try dropping those for a few Izzet Charms?

Posted 09 August 2013 at 13:30 as a comment on Young Pyromancer - Modern


Actually, I was suggesting apostle's blessing since you DONT need to splash white, it's phyrexian.
Based on the way you combo, I'd say that path would be better for you over swords. I was just saying that if you give your wall protection with blessing in response to abrupt decay or swords, then the removal spell will fizzle because the target will be invalid.

Posted 09 August 2013 at 03:10 in reply to #387024 on Legacy: Blood Fling B/R


Looks good, you should proxy it up and playtest with gibby. Distortion strike is really solid for getting through blockers without blighted agent. I like the inclusion of several different kinds of infect creatures, in playtesting you may decide to cut some and increase numbers on others, but im interested to see how you like blight mamba (being immune to kill spells is good) and plague myr (sort of replace noble hierarch for mana, except remember that its only colorless).

Just a note from someone who lives their life as a compulsive spender, make sure youre 100% happy with the list before buying it. but i look forward to playing with you more, and gibby and I can help you learn more about tournament etiquette too.

Posted 09 August 2013 at 02:31 as a comment on Fast Infect


Like other mass polymorph decks, you're getting a little too excited about having a bunch of fatties out at once. It really is overkill. You should cut your like of guys down to something like 4-6ish. 90% of the time when you cast polymorph or mass polymorph your opponent will immediately concede, so all those extra creatures are doing is taking up valuable slots in the deck.

I recommend trying to make it look a little more like this:

With too much focus on polymorph/mass polymorph, you'll spend too much time durdling and end up losing. This kind of deck, to work, needs to be able to put a lot of pressure on the board, and only need polymorph as a finisher.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 20:58 as a comment on Forever Changing


Kozilek and Ulamog are both good, but you'd be better off just running full playsets of Emrakul and Griselbrand.
I'd also say cut one Preordain for a 4th Brainstorm. Instant speed draw is always good, and it can help you get rid of extra lands in your hand and protect key cards from thoughtseize.
Also, if you could find room a couple spell pierces or dispels could be pretty good for protecting your combo.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 20:52 as a comment on Omnishowish


Here is an example of a Polymorph deck I've had some tournament success with:

Now, this ^ is polymorph, not mass polymorph. But the principle is pretty much the same. You need to focus way more on token generation than you currently have, and you need to cut a lot of those creatures. If you really want mass, over normal polymorph, I'd say cut down to about 6-8 creatures, cause right now 16 is just so much overkill. Your opponent is likely to just scoop once you cast it anyway, you don't need to waste all those slots with unnecessary extra creatures.

Just think about which couple creatures you want that can just win you the game once you get them, and use those.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 16:55 as a comment on Alliance of Polymorphs


Alright, let me know how the testing goes, like I said I love this archetype and it'd be cool to see it do well.

As for the shops, POP! Caffeine and Gaming is a good small card shop in downtown Utica, but they really focus more on standard. The shop that I test modern at is near the crossroads of Hall and Romeo Plank, here's their facebook page:

Good luck testing! And maybe I'll get the chance to sit across from this deck sometime :D

Posted 08 August 2013 at 14:54 in reply to #387023 on Dredgeless Dredgevine


Again, i don't want to be rude, but I have a bit of experience with modern, and while this may pick up the occasional win at your lgs, it really isn't very good... The deck can't focus on control because it lacks major control cards, and there's no getting around the fact that you will be topdecking from turn 3 on. There's no efficient way to refill your hand in this deck and that is a huge detriment.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 14:50 in reply to #386988 on Turn One 3/3


also, remember kavu predator (good sideboard for soul sisters and melira pod).

Posted 07 August 2013 at 18:19 in reply to #387095 on Modern Naya Aggro


If you're still looking for replacements for talara's battalion/ boros elite: elvish visionary is pretty good.

Posted 07 August 2013 at 18:17 as a comment on Modern Naya Aggro


Daze can be good. I have a friend who plays reanimator and he swears by them. I personally prefer the lotus petal build of reanimator.
And I'd say no for pact, this kind of deck doesn't just win when it goes off, and you probably wont have the 2UU to pay for it.

Posted 07 August 2013 at 17:31 in reply to #387027 on Groin


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