
198 Decks, 1,626 Comments, 299 Reputation

I have been trying to brew a more control version of your deck, I will begin testing later.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 13:50 as a comment on Burning Caress


^I had like 6 goyfs and sold them when it was around 100$, Wish I held onto them. it's just hard to believe a card that is still getting printed could be that expensive. That was unheard of back then.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 13:19 in reply to #481723 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


When it was first released, everyone thought it was a terrible card. It shot up to 50$ a few weeks later.
(to be fair it wasn't nearly as good as it is now)
It basically had the pack rat effect on "its" standard where everyone was like "theres no way in hell this card will see play" and then it morphs the format.

Posted 15 July 2014 at 12:48 in reply to #481723 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


Yeah, thats more what I was getting at with saying its meta dependant.
Fine card, just can be awkward in a lot of game ones.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 20:35 in reply to #481694 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


What about replacing read the bones with gnarl scarhide?

Posted 14 July 2014 at 20:21 as a comment on The horns of WAR!


I know, but you already have 9 cards maindeck that can deal with those as you shouldnt really be tapping out turn 5 as a control deck.
I still feel its a better SB card.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 20:17 in reply to #481694 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


Flames of the firebrand. should probably be Domri Rade, besides that I feel its a pretty awesome deck.

Generator servant is a F**king powerhouse, and it will have a great place in standard(maybe modern) I mean ramping from 2 to 5 seems pretty good.

the other best part of this deck is you only lose:
4x rampager
4x burning tree
4x stomping ground

Thats not a lot to replace post rotation

Posted 14 July 2014 at 20:06 as a comment on Gruul Smash


M14 doesn't rotate for another 3 months.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 19:51 in reply to #482894 on Artifacts ($100)


I remember buying a playset of gofys for 80$...
mutavault will always hold a value, until a better card is printed(This probably won't happen as the changling ability is super relevant)

Posted 14 July 2014 at 19:43 in reply to #481723 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


Flare is only good enough to maindeck if you have a lot of hexproof aggro decks in your meta, besides they there are wayyyy better options.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 19:36 in reply to #481694 on Standard: Azorius Control M15


Anytime, we all miss cards when the format has 8 legal sets haha.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 19:26 in reply to #482877 on Keep Calm And Soldier On


I like "brave the elements" more than "gods willing" you lose the scry, but you can alpha strike or protect multiple creatures for the same cost.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 19:19 as a comment on Keep Calm And Soldier On


Jest+electrickery is like turn//burn 2.0 lol
I honestly love jest, and I feel it fits in most decks as a blow out enabler.
I do enjoy this deck idea nad I will forsure be doing more brewing with it in the future.

that dream of drafting circle and jest shouldn't be too hard as jest(will be first pickable as it'll be the best combat trick in limited) but circle has always been a weak card/ok sideboard card so it will get passed around. you just need to hit jest as your rare to live the dream.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 18:57 as a comment on Fresh Fried Frog Legs!


I feel it would be pretty broken at instant speed for that effect. maybe at 4 mana, not 3 though.
It still deals with all the very relevant card, like that pesky pack rat -_-.

I would always bring the other 2 in vs mono black and any creature deck. plus if you cut some of the rare lands this deck becomes pretty budget.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 18:41 in reply to #482837 on Burning sensation.


Think of it as a turn//burn that can morph more than one creature and it still leads to some blow outs in combat.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 18:02 in reply to #482837 on Burning sensation.


That doesnt make it a bad interaction, It still makes it so you can kill any creature you need to.
It deals with protection, hexproof and even indestructible. Thats the reason I only have 1 in the mainboard.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 17:59 in reply to #482837 on Burning sensation.


I like hornets nest because you can have plays like:

t3: nest
t4: flash in static caster to ping nest and chump their beefy 5 drop with your 1/1 dt.

I orignially had 2master biomancers in place of 2 guttersnipes, found it too much like a win more card.
I like green, Simic charm does everything we want/need protection wise, and I'm just a huge fan of kiora.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 17:52 in reply to #482831 on Burning sensation.


This is the deck I'm working on using different cards to ping hornets nest, it seems like it'll be fun and the interaction between polymorpher's jest and izzet static caster is amazing.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 16:52 in reply to #482794 on Bzzzzzzzz....


Mutavault is the 2nd most powerful card in standard atm, only falling short of thoughseize.
I wish I was going to stick around for some dragon tribal in khans block.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 16:47 in reply to #482794 on Bzzzzzzzz....


Yeah, just by the time you're casting Queen you should always have at least 3 green as you would have 4mystic, 16 forests and 1 nyk for green sources, completely understand the not wanting to dish out money for them though.

They just have good interactions with obelisk, you have no idea how many times people forget muta's get buffed by those kind of effects lol.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 16:43 in reply to #482794 on Bzzzzzzzz....


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