
198 Decks, 1,626 Comments, 299 Reputation

Well to be fair, if i ported this into modern I would probably add some pacts of negation etc to help push through on turn 2-3 when you want to all in.
burn is the bane of the deck... that and spellskite lol

Posted 02 July 2014 at 23:03 in reply to #478604 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


I think storm can still do it, but they have to be on the draw and have the perfect hand.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 22:19 in reply to #478604 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


That's not true, I had turn 2 win's when this was legal in standard. In modern all you need is a combination of groundswell's, might of old krosa and mutagenics. hope they dont have removal lol. Which is why its nice to have probes.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 22:02 in reply to #478604 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


Honestly I have never came across a single version of hatebears that runs green. I know they exist, just everyone i face is mono-white using all the white hate bears normally winning by blinking blade splicers or resto beats.

I have only seen smiter in naya zoo and baloth in mono green nyx., never came across a wilt-leaf.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:50 in reply to #478614 on 8-rack


Sure why not, I'm just not used to keeping it under a certain budget, so i get sketched out when i can have fetches lol

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:37 in reply to #478604 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


It is super rare that anyone would have loxodon smite or baloth in their maindeck(besides naya big zoo sometimes)
Every deck has bad matchups.
This deck excels at picking apart combo, blue tron, twin, tempo decks, UWR.
50/50's are burn, pod, hatebears, deadmans ale, and acouple other random decks.
Bad match-ups are zoo, affinity, boggles(most aggro decks really)

boggle and infect get a ton easier game two if you land a spellskite or verdict a beefy creature.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:34 in reply to #478614 on 8-rack


It's basically pay 2 life for +4+4 as infect only takes half the damage to kill as normal damage. Probe is just there so you know if you should go off turn two(i normally would save it until turn two so you see an extra card)

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:20 in reply to #478406 on Static Ability Challenge


It would be if i was trying to port this to modern, but because I'm not I am keeping my forest count up so I can free cast invigorate.
It is a sweet land though.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:18 in reply to #478604 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


I Try to run 0 creatures as It makes a lot more and targeted removal dead cards, I have enough damage from mutavaults/bitterblossom and the racks to justify not running creatures.

Quest is just too slow most of the time as sometimes you can only lilly or raven's lock them out at 1 card in hand.
Sure in some games it may be fast, but in most of the more grindier match-ups I prefer Affliction.

Geth's grimoire is too slow and including it would cause me to have to add another land. Megrim is also just late to the party, by the time its turn 3 I would much rather be playing bridge, lilly, attacking with mutas or playing multiple cards to clean their hand.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 21:14 in reply to #478598 on 8-rack


Ty and I liked this page.

But yeah, exactly the gain/use all the life you want when facing infect. it isn't going to matter if you dont deal with the creatures or have a spellskite out.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 17:16 in reply to #478406 on Static Ability Challenge


Type your deck name...I played basically this exact deck back when it was ZEN-Scars standard.

just replacing the invigorates for the green pump spell with rebound, was a super fast glass cannon deck, glad you like it!

Posted 02 July 2014 at 16:57 in reply to #478450 on Infect, Static deck Challenge.


If I end up adding the 4th mystic we may be able to drop down to 23 lands and a 4th rakdos return.

4x mystic
4x carytid
4x courser (maybe 3x?)

would be more than enough with 23 lands.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 16:10 as a comment on Waste Not


Good ole infect, I could have run more non-basics but needed forests for invigorate.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 15:32 as a comment on Static Ability Challenge


yeah the GGG most of the time will be cast by lands, but the creatures still tap for X just fine. I just don't want to assume too much before testing.

Np, ty for bringing this idea to my attention lol. I hope they cater to her post rotation.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 22:46 in reply to #477640 on Jalira's Wurm


yeah but you can use rootborn to negate verdict, it was more so to deal with spot removal, planeswalkers and everything else you stated. Azorius charm is card draw, is mainly in there for its lifelink for the burn matchup , or aggro decks. I haven't done much testing yet so I just put random cards for the most part, besides the control and mono blue hate.
I have never been a fan of mizzium skin, like don't get me wrong its fine, and its with cards like silence the believers and etc it has gotten better, just most of the time its still a 1 for 1.
Personal preference really.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 22:44 in reply to #477614 on Jalira's Wurm


I just felt vs control it would be nice to have access to cards like negate and what not lol.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 22:03 in reply to #477614 on Jalira's Wurm


Yeah I put a few copies of selesnya charm in my list and put azorius in the sideboard. I had a lot more blue sources in my list as I wanted to bring in blue sideboard options, 3 copies of prism fixes very well. The reason I took prism over ley of the land is because i wanted more card draw over fixing.

Yeah like growing ranks has some sweet interactions and synergy with the deck, but once we have our wurm loop going it becomes more of a "win-more" card. and its bad if we are behind, again just my 2 cents.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 21:44 in reply to #477614 on Jalira's Wurm


Alarm works better with chord of calling, I dropped call of the conclave for it. Without chord call is still a fine card, just Alarm Chord works better in my opinion.

I might stick with 4 copies of her and 3 of chord, after some testing I may drop the numbers to like 3-3 or even 2-3 depending on how it feels.

I find font too slow as its not a true 2CMC ramp spell, giant growth/farseek, or even explore would be great.

The main reason I'm a huge fan of this is that I used to play a Bant polymorph deck back in like ZEN standard, nothing like turn 3-4ing an spagetti monster lol. I didn't even think to try and build a deck like this, so all the props to you good sir.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 20:57 in reply to #477640 on Jalira's Wurm


vapor snag in place of unsummon?

Posted 30 June 2014 at 18:21 in reply to #477519 on Mystical Ninja


This would be my version, it plays chord and raise the alarm allowing us to have more EoT interactions.
You can chord on turn 4-5 at EoT and morph turn 5-6.
I feel this would give us better chances at comboing out.

I wish we had like a 2cmc ramp spell though, farseek would be perfect.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 17:50 as a comment on Jalira's Wurm


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