
79 Decks, 430 Comments, 87 Reputation

just posted!

Posted 15 February 2015 at 20:43 in reply to #536028 on Bam...Dragons!


Hahaha yeah this is what I imagined mono red dragons should look like, glad you like it! Updates are coming in the next week or so, I'll keep you posted.

Posted 15 February 2015 at 20:42 in reply to #536027 on Bam...Dragons!


Shit I keep meaning to get on to this but I always try while at work and then other things distract me...
My main suggestion was going to be similar to ManiacalManiac...I definitely think that the deathdealers are going to slow you down being that without the mana activated abilities they're just 2/2's...although hornet queen is awesome shes horrifically expensive...and with that said if you keep this deck with the biggest cmc of 4 you really don't need 23 lands..

If this were my deck I'd rid myself of the temple lands..they slow you down and for not too much in return.
Keep utter end in if your max cmc remains at 4.
Drop rakshasa deathdealers and put in gurmag swiftwing. Flying first strike haste for 2. Unless you have Sorin out to pump out the flying vampires you have no flying protection.
In place of the three lands you should drop I recommend 2 Spear of Heliod if not just for the field wide +1/+1 but for the threat of being able to kill attacking creatures.
The last spot opened by the dropped lands should probably be filled by one more Sylvan Caryatid.

Posted 15 February 2015 at 20:34 as a comment on Abzan Aggro


Love it when you do the duel decks. I know you must have considered odric master tactician, I don't know if he'd be the perfect fit for this deck but he's ridiculously awesome. Definite +1!

Posted 15 February 2015 at 03:17 as a comment on Budget Duel: Soldier - Goblin


Lol that's exactly the one. First planeswalker to get ban hammered. Ugin's probably not too far behind...although everyone said that karn was gonna get banned but he never did...

Posted 13 February 2015 at 17:47 in reply to #533444 on I Am Sorin. Beware My Wrath


Haha don't worry bout it, glad you're back!

Posted 13 February 2015 at 01:54 in reply to #527610 on Venser, The Living Flicker


I'll admit that next to jace mind sculpter and karn he is up there with the most overpowered planeswalkers lol

Posted 13 February 2015 at 00:32 in reply to #533444 on I Am Sorin. Beware My Wrath


Haha nice! This is my favorite combo for black, to me it defines the color, very hard to pull off, but when you do there's nothing anyone can do about it. I like midnight charm for the funny factor, oh I gained 1 life? You lose the game. And then laugh manacially lol

Posted 12 February 2015 at 14:53 in reply to #460686 on Infinite Death


Very very true. I had that in my Boros deck when return to rav came out. It's just brutal and unforgiving.
this is a deck I'm working on for my brother and I'm not looking to spend too much money, otherwise I'd definitely put that in here.

Posted 12 February 2015 at 14:50 in reply to #535430 on Not Your Dads' Boros


Fair point lol sometimes though I've lost dash hopes or duress or something of the sort, and for this deck that's the only protection, that's the only reason I'm considering replacing it, but on the other hand like you've said it sets me up for scavenge

Posted 12 February 2015 at 14:48 in reply to #535142 on Death is but a game...


So is it technically because it's not the "same" fiend hunter? If so does that work with banished priest as well?

Posted 12 February 2015 at 14:45 in reply to #535179 on Venser, The Living Flicker


Not to say I don't love Bolas or Ugin, because I do...but we'd have to see if and when they do another version

Posted 12 February 2015 at 14:44 in reply to #533444 on I Am Sorin. Beware My Wrath


If you wanna check out what I consider my most ferocious deck...this is the latest on it..

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:14 in reply to #535142 on Death is but a game...


Yeah all that needs to stay, the only card here in question is grisly salvage, I'm not sure it's exactly what I want, thoughts?

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:10 in reply to #535142 on Death is but a game...


Lol this may need a whole other deck...

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:08 in reply to #535179 on Venser, The Living Flicker


Haha well thanks! Glad I could make so many decks you like. If you ever have a requestfor a deck or like a specific win con you'd like to exploit let me know, I'm always looking for new ideas

This deck still needs a little fine tuning, I'll keep you posted when I make updates, I think this is prety close to the way I want it though.

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:05 in reply to #535142 on Death is but a game...


......woah...mind blown...that's awesome hahaha I'm gonna figure out how to make that work now!

Posted 11 February 2015 at 07:00 in reply to #535179 on Venser, The Living Flicker


Haha thanks...and sorry I get carried away sometimes with my comments lol

Posted 11 February 2015 at 06:59 in reply to #534451 on Abzan Walkers


Yessss! Welcome to Vault! Do you like this one? I did it last night, I was gonna do something black for Stefan buy then I thought nah, something crazy is better haha

Posted 11 February 2015 at 02:53 in reply to #535142 on Death is but a game...


....Well considering the fact that there's only ever been one version of Nicol Bolas planeswalker and Ugin I'd say your question is invalid. There have been multiple versions of Sorin, and while there are several versions of Ajani, Chandra, Jace, Elspeth, Nissa, Gideon, Sarkhan and Tezzeret, they all have a less desirable version. Sorin stands above.

Posted 10 February 2015 at 19:14 in reply to #533444 on I Am Sorin. Beware My Wrath


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